
Date with Arisu II

I enjoyed the food that she made for me and finished everything that she made.

"It is always astonishing to see your huge appetite, I don't know how you keep your body in shaped."

"Training and good metabolism, plus a good gene pool probably." I said to her.

"I hope I can get that gene pool in the future." she said with a seductive tone.

"Let's slow down first young lady, you are still a middle schooler, and with your petite body I would be arrested if someone heard that." I said that while sweat started to rolled on my back, I never thought she would say that, is this Aria influence on her and corrupting her mind.

"Arisu where did you learn that word?" I suddenly asked.

"Aria always say some dirty jokes, I picked it up from her, she sometimes always fire some indecent words and sentence in the group chat." she explain.

"You should ban or mute her if she went on a rampage, that's how I deal with her when she sends me indecent chat."

"I want to learn nightly activities from her since she seems to be very proficient about that stuff, I can use it when we are married."

"No, No, No, you won't need her part of knowledge, I am not interested in playing that kind of niche part." it would be a nightmarish image to imagine Arisu holding a whip and wearing leather clothes with hot candle.

"It seems you are also very proficient in this part, should I be happy since I don't need to worry or should I be concern since you maybe have a hands on experience on the subject."

"Let's end this kind of conversation since it will become very dangerous." I then cleaned up our table and took her bag and let her lean on me to continue our date.

Seeing me act like this she smiled and hook her arm on mine, we visit other aquarium on the place, we then finally arrived at the dolphin pond, we saw them jump over the hoops and played the ball and do some amazing tricks, Arisu also took the time to take a photo with the dolphins.

It was afternoon when we went out.

"It was a fun date Arima, I hope we can do this again soon." she then pulled me closer and kiss me on the cheeks.

"A reward for you since you act as a gentleman and accompany me on the date."

"Thank you for the reward Arisu." I showed a gentle smile to her.

I then wait for her car to come and pick her up, She then said to hop in and let her drop me off near the station to head back home.

After she drop me off, I said thank you and said goodbye to her and went inside to catch the train back home, it is almost sunset when I arrived back home, I took out the photo we print out on the date and put it on a frame that was empty.

Tomorrow is the weekends I read the email and do some work before sleeping a little bit late than usual.


Waking up in the morning I feel refresh and decide to went out to do a simple morning jog, after the morning jog I eat the rest of the food that was brought by Tatsu and Raku from their last visit after taking a cold bath.

Finishing the meal I cleaned up the dishes and put it back in the cupboard and made a cup of coffee and eating the cookies made by Raku while doing my work and the homework I didn't do yesterday, I decide to call back home as usual to ask how was their week and report back my condition to let them my well being.

It may look bothersome, but when you are mentally in your twenties you would appreciate the little moment you spent with your family, when you are in your teen age year most people would like to be alone since it is your period of time to search your self plus beginning of your puberty period, your emotion became very unstable and more expressive.

After doing the routine report like usual and talking with Mom on the phone for a while, I can hear that she is quite happy that I am now making friends of the same age and having fun in school, I boot up my PSP and played Patapon while hearing the morning TV show and the morning news.

When I look at the clock on the wall I noticed time flow quite slow.

Feeling bored I decide to just laze around on the sofa while eating some snack and reading a novel I still haven't read.

I should find a nearby gym and make a membership card since I have a huge amount of time on my hand when there's no school.

When I was thinking about that, I hear my phone ringing and saw the caller was Karma.

"Arima are you free today?" Karma immediately said after I picked the call up.

"Yeah I am very free today, what's up."

"Nagisa and I planned to head to the cinema, there's a movie we want to watch, are you interested in tagging along?"

"Sure, where are we going to meet up and did you already book the ticket?"

"Yeah we are at the cafe near the cinema, if you want we can help you reserved a ticket, there's still 2 hours until the screening time."

"Sure help me pay for it first, when I arrived I will pay you back." I said, while picking up a casual shirt to wear.

"Ok then meet you again, I will send you the store name where Nagisa is waiting."

"I'll be there soon."

Hanging up I change my clothes and head out after locking the door to my room, I immediately went to the station and took the train, after a short train ride I head to the cafe and saw Nagisa was sitting alone, it seems Karma hasn't return back from ordering the ticket for me, Nagisa saw me coming in and waved towards me, the way he dress looks more like a girl, as expected of a trap.

"Yo Nagisa."

"Arima, you are really fast."

"I just need to change and took a train here, it won't took a long time, did you guys invite me because you two just remember me."

Hearing my words he showed a guilty smile.

"Should I head back home so I don't disturb your date with Karma 'Nagisa-chan'," I smiled while saying his name.

I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Karma smiling at me.

"You really took the chance to mock me and Nagisa at the same time."

"What would you expect that's a low hanging fruit that I can easily take."

"Ok let's sit down first, here's the ticket." he then took a seat and handed over my ticket, I took the ticket and hand him the fee for the ticker.

"Just buy me popcorn and snack for the movie." he said while pushing it back to me.

"Sure, just order it when we went to the cinema."

"So Arima what were you doing yesterday?" Nagisa asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I saw you were heading to the train station yesterday wearing a more fancy clothes."

I told the both of them that I went on a date with one of my childhood friend, Karma and Nagisa wasn't too surprised that I said it nonchalantly, they asked is she my girlfriend or something, I explain we were just close and her family and mine have some working connections so we become closer because of that.

Karma asked where we date and something, I told him the date in a summary format while focusing more on the interaction and so on.

I then take turn in asking them about their activities yesterday, it seems Karma visit my house yesterday to borrow some game but notice I was not at home, so he decide to play games at home and doing his homework, while Nagisa was spending his time at the tutor place to do some extra learning.

They seems to have a normal weekends, so the both of them decide to relax today.

Karma also told Nagisa that he met with my little brother and telling him that I am very sloppy and irresponsible when I am living with my parents, it seems the neat and tidy one in the family is my little brother.

"It is surprising that you have that unique quirk Arima, I always thought you are a very organize person."

"It is more like I am lazy to do my chores and let Raku do all my chores."

"Are you the type to use your little brother to do some chores?"

"Well you can say that, but it doesn't mean I just throw it at him, I only do it when I am busy or super tired, I clean my own room once in a while."

I then use this chance to asked about their family condition since it was on the topic, we continue talking about each other family and what we are at home, it seems Karma is the opposite of since he is quite organize and like to clean his own room.

We then decide to head to the cinema since it was almost time for the screening, we then head to the counter to order snacks and drinks, I let both of them order first and then order mine for last, after getting my order we then head inside the screening room for our ticket, we then handed our ticket to enter and took our seats.

It was a movie about a father who save his daughter for the second times since it was a series, it is either her father was a guy who have a lot of enemies or the daughter has a fetish for kidnapping.

I can't say I don't like it since I like to watch action movie and since I am the next head I can learn on what not to do so I won't get kidnapped that easily by someone.

After the movie finish, the three of us decide to sit down first and let everyone head out firs since it was quite full.

After seeing most people already head out we stood up and went to the exit and throw away all the thrash we have and head out from the cinema.

"That movie was cool." Nagisa said.

"Is it, I think the daughter is quite an idiot since she got kidnapped twice, once when she is a kid, it should leave an emotional scar and made her more aware of her surrounding."

When I say that both of them look at me with weird eyes.

"You said that like you are experience on dealing with kidnapping?" Nagisa said to me.

"Well think of it because of my family background." I said to him.

Well both of them seems to not want to ask any deeper about it and nodded, We head to a family restaurant to hang out for a while longer.


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