

This story is about a girl, she was always labelled the Villian. Even when she was just trying to help. No one ever considered what she was feeling inside, until one day. She couldn't keep it all inside, and she just burst. It was like time has frozen, and she woke up with an extraordinary gift. With her training in the martial arts and combat fighting, she channel her powers to become one of the greatest heroes ever lived.

Halmas22 · SF
25 Chs

Getting to know Miayana.

"You won't get away from me this time!" The guy that is chasing me thought.

"I am going to corner her at that alley way!" Another one, booming thought invaded my head.

I can hear my own thoughts as I scream in my mind, fear consuming my body. Wondering if tonight is going to be my last night on this planet.

You all must be wondering who I am, well let's just start from the beginning.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

My alarm clock annoyingly beeping, waking me up from another dreamless sleep. My name is Miayana Hesketh and I am a 21year old graphic design student at HCU, in Highland City. I live alone with my dog Pug and my ginger cat Molly, I work two jobs to support myself and also to pay my tuitions. Oh one more thing I forgot to mention about myself, I am considered a nuisance. So I don't have that many friends, and I am not close with my family. I stiffle a yawn, hitting the snooze button of my alarm clock as I get out of bed. As I walk to my adjoining bathroom at a slow pace, I see my little bulldog looking up at me with a thoughtful look on his face. What is he thinking about? Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I could read people's mind. You know, just to know what they are thinking about me.

Inside the bathroom, I did my morning routine. Which consists of using the toilet, brushing my teeth and showering. Now I am standing in front of my bathroom mirror, looking at my reflection. There wasn't anything special about my appearance, I have waist length black hair, which is now in a high ponytail. My eyes are dark blue, with a average nose and I have plump pink lips. I don't spend that much time outdoors because I have this constant fear that people are always talking about me, so my skin is mostly on the pale side. I move away from the mirror and went back to my room, taking up my black satchel, phone and keys off my desk and make my way to the kitchen. I put out food for my pets, then got a bagel and a bottle of water to wash it down. Before locking up my apartment and head out to start my day.

Half an hour later, I am sitting down in my lecture hall waiting for the professor to arrive. When I hear a familiar voice yell my name. I look in the direction of the voice and saw my friend Robyn waving at me. She is sitting a few rows below me, along with the four other girls who consider themselves as my friends. But I know better not to believe them, they are faker then my cheap knock off Gucci bag. At least that's what I think. I smile and wave back to her, then I went back to the picture that I was sketching.

A few seconds later, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I look up and saw Robyn staring down at me.

"Hey, I was waving you down to come and sit with me and the girls." She pointed to the four fakers, who are whispering and then look up and wave at me. I wish I knew what they were whispering about.

"Thanks for the invite, but I am comfortable here." I said to her with a kind smile. But she wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Oh stop being a loner and come on." She took up my satchel and pull me from my seat. I quickly grab my sketch and follow behind her.

"Hey ladies, look who I recused from her solitude of loner." Robyn laugh as she pull me down beside her, giving me a side hug.

"Hey Mia." The other four said in unison. I don't know if my mind is playing tricks on me, but there is a sudden tension centered around the six of us. I guess Robyn felt it too, because she started talking about rondom stuff until Lily decided to make me the center of attention.

"OMG!" She yelled, gaining everyone's attention. "I am so sorry Miayana!"

I got up and brush the ice and the content that was in her smoothie cup off of me, which got the whole lecture hall in a fit of laughter. Everyone is looking at me, and when I followed their eyes and look down. My pants was wet, and it looked like I had peed myself. I thought that it was my shirt that was ruin, I guess I was wrong. Everywhere I turn, everyone was laughing. I look back at the other five and clearly three of them tried to stiffle their laugh, Robyn has a look of sympathy on her face and Lily. Oh sweet Lily, she look apologetic but I could see the spite in her eyes. I started to leave, but at the same time the arts professer walked in and send me back to my seat.

Right throughout the lecture I could feel eyes boring into me, even throughout the rest of the day. People stared at me and whispered, and the worst part is that i didn't know what they were saying.

It's six o'clock and I am currently at my grandma's house for family dinner. Earlier on in the day, I had received a call from my mother telling me that my grandmother wanted me to come over.

Waking throughout the house, I saw my little nephew taking away my older cousin's son toys from him. I went to intervene, telling him not to be mean to his younger cousin. He started crying, running to my older sister, telling her that I yelled at him. She confronted me, and I told her what had happen. This started an argument, and my mother told me that I am mischievous. She said everywhere I go, I always starts an argument and people is always thinking the worst of me. What she said really hurt me, and when I look around the room. Clearly enough everyone was looking at me, just like what happened today. Tears rapidly fall from my eyes, as I stare at their judging eyes.

"You never learn, I always tell you that you don't have to intervene in every little mishap you see. But you don't listen, just like what happened two years ago."

As those words came out of my mother's mouth, I felt a sharp pain in my head. Then it was like everyone else is talking all at once, but no one's lips are moving. It was like time stop for a minute, until I fell into darkness.

I jump up and look around my surround in a panic, then started to calm down when I see my grandmother sitting beside me.

"Thank goodness you are alright." She hug me tight. "My poor child go through so much."

"What did you say?" I pull away from her.

"My dear I didn't say anything." She denied.

"Yes you did. You said my poor child go through so much."

"My grandmother look at me like I have gone mental. 'How did she know what I said'

"See,see." I pointed at her. " You are wondering how I kno... your lips didn't move. How are you doing that?" I cried, backing away from her in fear.

Miayana my child, I am not doing anything." My grandmother said. 'Are you ok darling?' She said again, but this time her lips didn't move.

I jump up off the bed and run from the room, bumping into my cousin Brian, who was coming out of the bathroom.

'Watch it road runner.' He said but his lips didn't move either.

I look at him with terrified eyes, and he had a creeped out look on his face. 'I always knew that she was weird.' I push pass him and continue on my running spree, as he calls my name.

I run down the stair, and my head felt heavy. Everyone started talking at once and I just snap and started screaming.

"Everyone shut up! shut up please!" I started to pull on my hair, as tears fell from my eyes.

"Miayana, sweetheart. No one said anything." My aunt Morva said, placing a hand on my shoulder. 'This girl has finally cracked.' I look up at her, and she look down at me in sympathy. I shake her hand from my shoulder and step back from her. Looking at everybody.

"There is nothing wrong with me, I have not cracked." I look at aunt Morva, who look at me in surprise.

"Nobody said that you are crazy." Amy, my sister, said coming up to me. And I take a couple steps back.

"Yes, she did." I pointed at Aunt Morva

Then it all came back again, it was like a radio was jam in my head. And all the channels are playing at the same time. My heartbeat picked up, and if I stay in that house, with all the things they are saying. I think I might pass out again. I run from the house with my sister calling after me, but when I got outside it got even worse. Everywhere I turn, I could her people talking and no one was on the street. Weird, know. I fumble my phone out of my pocket and call a cab, sitting down on the sidewalk to wait.

'What is happening?' I heard my own voice in my head, the tears came harder. And my head throbs. ' What is happening to me?' I cried to myself.

A few minutes passed, then I saw the cab coming. It stop beside me, and I quickly get in.

"Goodnight." I rasp out to the driver.

"Goodnight to you too." He said back in a thick Indian accent.

He pull away from the crub, and the cab engulf in silence. My head started to came down a bit too until the cab driver started to talk, at least thats what I thought.

'I hate my job, nobody ever talks to the cab driver.'

"Excuse me, what did you say?" I ask him.

"Hmm, me?" He ask.


He look confusingly at me through his rearview mirror, and then back on the road. "I am sorry, I said nothing." 'Weird girl.'

"You-" but I close my mouth and sat back in the back seat, putting my hand over my eyes and wondered.

'What is happening to me, why am I hearing things. More importantly, why does my thoughts sound louder than usual?'

Then it finally hit me, I am going crazy.

Yea that's it, it has to be. I smile in bliss, as the silence feels good and calming in my head. But as soon as I touch in the city, i felt like my head is about to explode. I scream in agony and frustration, scaring the cab driver, who swerve of the road. And on the sidewalk, making people quickly jump out of the way.

"Are you ok." He ask in a panic, turning around in his seat to look at me.

"No." I said, barely in a whisper. But he heard.

"Do you want me to take you to a hospital?"

"I don't think a doctor can help me." I cried.

He open his mouth to say something, but close it back again.

"Thank you for your help, but you can let me out here." I paid him some money, telling him to keep the change. Then open the cab door and run from it. I can him shouting out to me, but I didn't look back. I just run with my hands clutching my head, as it picks up everyone's voices like a satellite. I can hear every little thought, from someone thinking about what they should eat for dinner, to a thought about a man worried about his wife finding out about his affair. I felt weak, but I continue to run. People wondering if I am crazy, but I just ran. Until I bump into someone, I look up and see a man looking down at me. He is dress in a black pants, black boots and a black hoodie. His bald head has a black tam over it.

"Watch where you are going girly." He smile a sinister smile.

I mumble a sorry, and push pass him. But he grab onto my hand. 'Where are you going so fast.' he thought. I see a few other guys in black walking up to us. I look around my surrounding, and saw that I had run into a run down part of the city. No one but the guys were on the street.

Fear start to consume my body, so I skillfully twist my hand from his grip. And run away from him, before his friends caught up to where he is standing. I could hear their footsteps behind me as my heart pounded in my ears. Their thoughts were clear as day, and I will myself to dare not stop. And that is how i ended up in that alley way, cornered by four guys. But I wasn't going to go down without a fight. I have an advantage, so I use it against them. With my training in the martial arts and my combat fighting skills, that I am so thankful that my mother paid for when I was a kid. I fought off four guys that was more than twice my size. I called the police, then I run home. When I was safely locked in my apartment, I slide down the front door and cried. The events of today repaying in my head, and the new ability I just discovered. Pug run up to me, licking at the tears on my cheek.

'Mia, you are home!'

I guess I got my wish, because as of now. I officially can read people's mind, and I have no clue on how to control it.