

This story is about a girl, she was always labelled the Villian. Even when she was just trying to help. No one ever considered what she was feeling inside, until one day. She couldn't keep it all inside, and she just burst. It was like time has frozen, and she woke up with an extraordinary gift. With her training in the martial arts and combat fighting, she channel her powers to become one of the greatest heroes ever lived.

Halmas22 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

The new me.

It has been three days since I last saw the outside world. Being able to read people's mind, isn't as fun as it seems. Everywhere I turn in my apartment, I can hear people's thoughts. Some thoughts are pleasant to hear, but there are those that made me wish that I could go back in time and unhear it. I have receive many phone calls, but I am too scared to even take my head from under my blanket and pillows to see who is calling. If they really care enough, they would come and see if I am ok. Right?

Also, being stuck in an apartment with two animals, when you have this ability. It can be stressful too. I can also hear their thoughts, and they are worried about me. And I feel guilty, because I haven't fed them in three days and they are hungry. Which makes me sad and frustrated with myself. I am too scared to even get up and feed my pets, and give them cuddles like I usually would. Poor Pug, he can't even go out to do his business and stretch his legs. I don't know what I am going to do, I just want it to stop and go back to my normal dull life.

I am there lost in my thought, trying to keep everyone else's out. When I hear knocking on my front door. I try stuffing my head deeper under the blankets and pillows, but the knocking still continued. I groan loudly and get up out of my barriers of blankets and pillows, covering my ears with my hands, and left my bedroom. Which I totally regret, as the radioactive of everyone's thoughts came rushing back in.

I grit my teeth, trying hard to block it all out. But it didn't work. I walk up to the door and place my head on it, when my forehead touched the cold surface. Everything just stopped, and I can only hear the person's thought, who is on the other side of the door.

'Come on Miayana, answer the door. I just want to know that you are ok.'

It's Robyn, and she sounds genuinely worried. I never doubt our friendship, like how I have doubted it with the other four.

I open the door as she was about to knock again, and everything just flowed right back in again. I flinch, and I guess Robyn notice. Because she closed the door and pull me in a hug.

"Mia, we have been best friends for three years now. Please tell me what's wrong. Why haven't you been answering anyone's calls?"

I pull away from her, trying to calm my head. "I-its, I have just been busy. That's all." I lied straight through my teeth. What am I going to tell her, that I passed out and suddenly I can read people's minds? She would laugh at me and think of me as a joke.

"You were busy, and yet you are in you pjs. You look like you haven't showered in days."

I look at her, and walk over to the sofa and sat down. Placing my head in my lap, sighing every few seconds.

"Come on Miayana, don't lie to me." Robyn said, sitting beside me. 'I thought that you trusted me.' she thought.

"I do trust you, I trust you more than I have ever trusted anyone!" I yell, startling her.

She turn to look at me in surprise. I guess she is wondering how I know she was thinking that.

"I d-didn't say-"

"That I don't trust you, but you were thinking it."

"Even if I was thinking it, I still thought that you trusted me. Have i ever done anything for you to doubt me?" Her expression turn to a sad one, when I didn't answer.

"No you haven't, I just-"

"Then tell me what's wrong!" She yell out of frustration. "Please." She whispered, probably feeling guilty about yelling at me.

Should I tell her? Should I risk her calling me a freak, or worse. Should I risk my best friend thinking of me as a joke. I have my doubts, but looking at her right now. The way her brows crease in worry, I think she would understand.

"Hey Robyn?"


"Can I tell you something, and you promising not to laugh at me when

you hear?" I Mumbled, thinking that this might be a bad idea. There is no turning back now.

"I promise on our friendship that I won't laugh." I look at her, and saw the sincerity in her eyes. And I knew that she wouldnt go back on her word.

So I take a deep breath, well here I go.

"Three days ago something weird started to happen to me."

"Weird how?"

"I was at my grandma's house for family dinner, when I passed out. And when I regain consciousness, the most bizarre thing started to happened."

"Go on." She urge me to continue.

"When I regain consciousness, my grandmother was there and I could read minds."

The curiosity went away from her face, and annoyance replaced it.

"Really Miayana? Can you be serious right now." She scold me.

"But I am being serious. I woke up and suddenly I can read minds, some guys even tried to hurt me in a alley that same night."

"Really? Are you alright, did you call the cops?" She started to fuss, looking me over for any injuries.

"Yes I called to cops, and no. I am not hurt." I told her, swatting her off my forehead. Her thoughts cramp with worries about me.

"So did the police came right away?"

"I don't know, because after I read their minds and kick their butts. I called the police, and then I ran."

Robyn shake her head, and turn away from me. " Would you stop saying you can read people's mind, stop joking. You could have been hurt and nobody would have known." She angrily said.

Why is she getting angry, I am the one that should be angry. I am the one who is going through a weird change.

"You promise me that you would take me seriously." I said, starting to feel the anger rise.

"No, I promise you that I won't laugh. And look, do you see me laughing?" She turn back to face me, her lips press in a thin line. No trace of humor on her face.

"Well I need you to believe me."

"How can I believe something so preposterous!" Robyn shouted, and I flinch from the tone of her voice.

"Just listen to me, I can read minds and I can prove it."

Robyn scoff. "Fine, tell me what I am thinking then."

"You are thinking that I am crazy." I tell her, but she just roll her eyes not believing me.

"Am I suppose to believe that."

I cheekily smile at her. "But you were thinking it, weren't you?"

She scratch her head and break eye contact with me. "Yes I was, but that doesn't prove anything. Any one would think that about a crazy person." She laugh. "Try again."

My ears perked up when she utter those words, and I plan to venture out of her mind to the wider world.

"Ok, follow me." I instruct her, walking to the front door.

"Why are we at your front door?" She ask, standing beside me.

"In about two minutes, the guy who lives across the hall pizza will arrive."

"So, he probably order pizza everyday around this time."

"Nope, he doesn't. He's planning on giving the pizza guy a stern lecture on how to be on time. While the pizza guy is coming in 3, 2, 1." ding, the elevator door opens. And the pizza delivery guy emerge from inside it.

"Told ya." I smile at her.

"Yea, yea. Let us see how this plays out." We turn back to the door and see the guy across the hall opening his door, and just like that. It all played out.

"I hope you enjoy your pepperoni pizza." I said to the guy as he is about to close his door.

"H-how did you know?" He ask in surprise.

"Lucky guess." I answered, before closing my own front door.

I turn to Robyn and see her with her mouth wide open. "Do you believe me now?" I ask with a cheeky grin.

"Waoh, how did. Where did you learn to do that?"

"I told you, it all started after I passed out at my grandmother's house. Now I can't control it, that's is why I hadn't left my apartment in three days." I explain to her.

"So what are you going to do?"

"I don-" I stop what I was going to say, and run to the window.

"Hey, what is it?" Robyn came up beside me.

"Do you see that guy?" I pointed to a guy standing across the street, dress in all black. He was watching a blond woman walking down the street.

"What about him?"

"He was one of the guys that chased me three nights ago." I told her.

"I thought you said that you call the police?"

"I did, he must have escaped before the police got there. And now he's thinking about mugging that girl, I have to help her." I hurriedly move away from the window, and move quickly to my closet in my bedroom.

"Waoh, waoh. Wait a minute, what do you mean by help her? How are you going to help her? We should call the police." Robyn frantically said.

"And tell them what exactly, my friend can read people's minds. And she read a guy's mind, and find out that he's going to mugg this girl?"

Robyn open and close her mouth, not knowing what to say. "That's what I thought." I said, going back to the clothes i was picking out.

In three minutes time, I am dress in full black. I have on black leather pants, with a black tank top, black leather jacket and black combat boots.

"I don't think you are ready yet." Robyn utter, looking me over.

"What do you mean? I am going to save someone, not going to enter a fashion show."

Robyn roll her eyes annoyingly at me. "You want to be a hero, but do you want your Villian to know who you are?" She went to my closet and pull down a few clothes, then turn to me. "Here you go, instead of the leather jacket. Take this black hoodie, and put this black cap on. Then put the hoodie over it."

I took the clothes from her and did what she said, all this time. Keeping tabs on the guy's mind.

"There, I am ready. Can you please call the police?"

"Yes, and please be careful." I nodded at her and walk to the living room, and over to the window that leads to the fire escape.

"Miayana wait!" I turn to look at Robyn.

"Put the leather jacket over the hoodie."

"I took the jacket and put it on. "Now you look badass, go save that girl." I smile at her, and went down the fire escape.

Ten minutes later, I hear a scream. I followed the scream to an abandon alley, where the guy has the girl pin to a wall. Pulling her bag from her hand.

"Leave her alone!" I yell, keeping my head low. So he doesn't recognize me.

"And what are you going to do about it if I don't." He laugh, before pushing the girl down and advance to me.

"Run!" I yell to the girl, but she still sat where she is, looking terrified.

The guy came closer to me, his hands in fists.

'I am going to make you wish that you hadn't interfered.' He thought, and before he could throw a punch. I added one of my own to his abdomen. Making him double over in pain.

"Get up and run!" I walk pass the guy to the girl.

"Look out!" She shouted, but I already swing my leg around and kick the guy in the chest. He stumbled backwards but kept his balance. He came at me again, and this time he is thinking about kicking my feet from under me, so I do the reverse psychology. And did it to him instead, he fell flat on the ground. I turn to see if the girl is still there, and she was hiding behind a dumpster. I heard angry footsteps running behind me, and I do a backflip in the air. Grabbing the guy's arms, flipping him over with me as well. Me landing on my two feet, but he wasn't so lucky. I look down on his unconscious body, then I look to where the girl is still hiding behind the dumpster. I saw her with her phone videoing. And I walk up to her and snatch the phone from her, deleting the video.

"Hey, why did you do that for?" Her blue eyes lace with anger.

Hmm, after I just save her life. She has the nerves to be angry with me.

"I don't want anyone seeing that video and recognising me." I hand her phone back to her.

"Who is going to recognise you, I can't barely see you in all that black get up. And if that guy had seen your face, I don't think he's going to remember you with all those ninja moves you did."

"I don't care, technology is more advance now a days. You don't know who might recognise me."

"But don't you want the exposure, and the hype." She look at me like I was crazy.

"No, I don't. I didn't help you because I want popularity, I helped you because I saw that you needed help. What happen to you happened to me a few nights ago, and no one was there to help me. I didn't want that to happen to you." I tell her, listening for the police sirens.

'Wow, noble girl. I would have done it for the hype, but I am grateful she came to my rescue.' I hear her thoughts.

"Thank you." She said, smiling up on me.

"You are welcome. I guess the police are here. I said when I hear the sirens approaching our location.

"I did...." but I was running from the alley before she got to finish what she was about to say. But I did hear her thoughts.

'I didn't even catch your name, but thank you to whom ever you are. You are a hero in the making.'

And her thought brought a smile on my face, I guess this ability isn't so bad after all. All I have to do now is learn how to control it. Who knows, I might be the hero protecting Highland City.