
Insecure Mage

David has always been a person with low self confidence, but he aspires to be one of the makers and breakers of the world or would he stand against them in the end. Follow him as he seeks to remedy his confidence issues and strives to become a somebody from nothing

Mikaimam · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter One

In a certain room that was shabby and small lays a kid on his back on a mat that was tattered, the boy was around the age of 12 years old with black hair his eyes closed although not too handsome he would also not be considered ugly, in the room there was one table and a chair atop the table was a tray which contained a pot of tea and one cup that was turned upside down.

From time to time the kid's eyelid would tremble a little showing that he was trying to sleep but he was unable to do so.

Suddenly there was a rush of footsteps from the outside and a young girl barged into the room of the not so sleeping kid and shouted "Big brother, father is calling you".

The kid then opened his eyes and stood up from the mat and walked out of the room, without even taking a single glance at the girl.

Outside the room was a scene of green farm land that was not too big and there was a house that was  bigger than the house the boy came out from.

The house the kid came out from was close to the farm, after he came out he started rushing towards the other house, when he reached the front door, he knocked thrice on the door and then waited outside untill he was permitted to enter the house.

From inside the house a male voice said "Boy this is also your home, why are you knocking before entering".

Then from inside the house another voice sounded after the man's voice saying "Why are trying to spoil this child let him learn manners, how he is acting now is totally alright and that is good manners, You can come inside."

After hearing this the boy opened the door and walked into the house. After entering, the kid was looking at his nose and his nose was staring in the direction of his feet.

The male voice then sounded again saying "raise your head and take a seat, it is time to eat food".

Then the kid raised his head and glanced at the dinner table before walking to a chair and seating down.

After he sat down, the little girl who came to call him earlier barged into the room after taking a look around the dinner table and seeing that there was only one extra chair at the dining table set her eyes on where the kid was seated and said "that is where I want to seat today, stand up".

Hearing this the man seating at the head of the table said "lass if you don't go over to the other side and sit down I am going to spank you right now".

The middle woman immediately retorted " she is just a little kid, why are you being so hard on her".

The boy immediately stood up and went over to the other chair and sat down quietly, seeing this the little girl ran over happily to the chair and sat down while humming.

After that food was brought in by the maid servants and they all ate in silence.

After they had all taken their fill, the kid stood up and was about to walk out of the room when the man spoke up once again " David I have something I want to talk to you about".

Hearing this the kid that was about to open the door stopped in his tracks and turned around, with his head lowered and his hands behind his back.

He said "Yes sir".

The man stood up and walked to the kid and asked him to follow him.

They started walking outside the house  with the man at the front and the kid in the back.

The man was moving walking towards where the hut that the kid was earlier in, then he turned to look at the kid and said " How is your training going?".

David replied " I am still stuck with no progress still".

The man then said "it's normal to be stuck for some time while training, don't let it discourage you into giving up".

David replied " Yes father".

The man then said " It will soon be time for the school to select new students, and you can go and try whether you will be selected as a student of school".