
Insecure Mage

David has always been a person with low self confidence, but he aspires to be one of the makers and breakers of the world or would he stand against them in the end. Follow him as he seeks to remedy his confidence issues and strives to become a somebody from nothing

Mikaimam · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter Two: The Royal Academy

Early in the morning, David stepped out of his thatched house and breathed in the cool morning breeze.

He then did some stretches to relax his body body before sitting down cross legged and closing his eyes.

He closed his eyes to meditate in order to clear his mind.

He did not have a formal education, he was home schooled together with his junior sister.

Since he had yet to reach the age of magic awakening, all he did was meditation as he had been taught by his father.

he would take in a deep breath and wait some seconds before exhaling.

He did not know the essence of it, all he knows is that his father taught him do that so he did it religiously without fail.

Everyday early in the morning, David would come out and do this for 1 hour before going to the main house and eating his breakfast.

since he longer studies with his father and was waiting for the Royal Academy entrance examination, all he did was meditation.

When he gets tired of meditation he sleeps, that was how he had been living for the past one month.

When he opened his eyes after he was done, he started on his way to the main house, when he reached the door like a machine he knocked on the door thrice and waited outside.

When he heard the permission to enter, he opened the door without making much noice and going in.

Like he always does, he was looking at his feet.

When his father asked him to seat down, he raised his head and observed where everyone was seated and quietly took the empty seat without making even a slight noice.

After he was done with the food, he stood up to head back to his thatched house when his father called to him.

"David, get ready the day after tomorrow will be the day for the Academy's selection".

right then his mother quipped in saying "Make sure you get admitted, okay. Make our family proud".

David replied saying "Yes mother I will, I will get ready before then Father".

After he locked the door after going out, he went back to his thatched house to continue his breathing exercises.

Inside the main house David's father asked the little girl to head to her room and continue her assignment.

He then looked towards his wife and said "Why do you like treating this boy like this?".

The woman heard the question and said "What are you talking about? I have no idea what you are talking about."

David's father said "You do in fact know what I am talking about, if not for the fact that he was going to the academy soon I would never have allowed him to stay in that thatched house".

David's father stated again "In fact you were the one that suggested he stayed in that thatched house in the first place, and because he didn't want to make you angry he said that he wanted to concentrate on his meditation, to make sure that he gets into the academy, so that he could find an excuse to go and stay there".

he quipped again saying "Let me tell you right now that if that kid does not get into the academy and comes back home, he will continue living inside the main house and I do not want to see you in any way treating him different from Zora".