
Inhuman Sorcerer in The MCU

*EVERYTHING BELONGS TO MARVEL AND DISNEY EXCEPT MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS AND CONCEPTS* A teenager reborn having only live long enough to watch the first avengers movie is thrust into a combo universe of the MCU and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. He awakens to completely unrecognisable circumstances being raised by some wizard and apparently he has powers? Maybe he’s a mutant… and why is a bald sorcerer woman rocking me. *THIS IS MY FIRST ATTEMT AT WRITING* So criticism is welcome as long as it’s constructive, I am currently a uni student so I’m not sure how often I’ll upload as well. The cover art is generated by AI, and I use AI to assist in proofreading my writing. You have been warned, I know people don’t appreciate being smacked in the face with AI writing without being told.

MorTemTK · 映画
25 Chs

Space… Sounds Fun!

June 12th, 1995 - Earth

Louisiana - USA

As Carol turned around, her eyes filled with determination, Talos instinctively raised his hands in surrender. "Hold on!" he pleaded, desperation tainting his voice. "I have information about the crash!" His words hung heavy in the air, an unexpected twist in their quest for answers. Though Carol remained sceptical, Maria's confirmation of the black box's destruction added weight to Talos's claim. With a nod from Maria, they followed her to the backyard shed, the place where Maria kept her computer.

David cast a sideways glance at Monica, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Fancy a flight?" he proposed, gesturing to the vast sky beckoning beyond the backyard. Monica hesitated, torn between curiosity and the lingering tension inside. "Why not?" David persisted, a playful grin dancing across his lips. "Besides, it's getting a bit crowded out here." Referring to the Skrulls he beat up moaning in pain, His lighthearted remark earned a chuckle from Maria, breaking the tension momentarily.

With David's hand clasped firmly in hers, Monica felt a rush of exhilaration as they ascended into the boundless sky. The blue aura enveloped them, shielding them from the harsh winds as they soared higher and higher. Monica's screams of excitement mingled with the rush of air, the familiar surroundings of the house shrinking beneath them.

As they climbed, David's playful banter echoed through the air, his voice laced with mischief. "I thought I heard you say you wanted to be an astronaut," he teased, prompting a giggle from Monica. "No silly, I said an astronaut is one of the many things I could be," she retorted, her voice barely audible over the wind. David chuckled in response, guiding them ever closer to the stars.

"I guess you don't want to see the stars," David quipped, a playful glint in his eye. Monica's response was immediate, filled with awe and determination. "No, I want to!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement.

As they breached the boundary of the atmosphere, the familiar blue sky gave way to a breathtaking vista. The night sky stretched out before them, a canvas adorned with countless stars twinkling in the darkness. The moon hung low, casting its gentle glow over the landscape below. Monica's heart swelled with a mixture of fear and wonder as she gazed upon the vastness of space.

Turning to face the planet, Monica felt a sense of awe wash over her. Though the experience was terrifying, she knew it was one she would treasure for a lifetime.

As their descent began, David felt Monica's grip tighten around his hand, her screams echoing through the air. But instead of fear, there was exhilaration in her voice, her laughter mingling with the rush of wind. David joined in her joy, his laughter carrying through the sky as they plummeted toward the Earth below.

As they neared the ground, David's ionic aura enveloped them once again, gently slowing their descent until they touched down softly by the shed. Monica's eyes sparkled with excitement as she looked up at David, her heart still racing from the thrill of their adventure.

"Keep this a secret from your mum," David said with a mischievous grin, to which Monica nodded eagerly. "Yeah sure, that was amazing!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement.

With their impromptu adventure over, David turned to Monica, a playful glint in his eyes. "So what do you want to do while we wait for them to finish talking?" he asked, prompting Monica to lead him inside to watch TV, their laughter echoing through the house as they watched it.

As dinner approached, David couldn't shake off the feeling of tension in the air. It seemed like something significant was revealed to Carol, but he wasn't too stressed about it, he came here to have fun anyway. He heard Monica, excitedly talking about her mother's space mission, so he guessed he was going to space.

Despite feeling a bit out of the loop, David remained unfazed. The prospect of going to space with Carol and Fury sounded thrilling, but he knew he needed his mother's permission first. 

"Hey Aunt Maria, do you have a landline?" David inquired, breaking the silence that hung over the room. Maria nodded, gesturing towards the back of the house where the phone was located.

Fury, ever the vigilant observer, couldn't resist probing for information. "Who are you calling?" he asked, his tone laced with suspicion.

David flashed a reassuring smile. "I have to ask my mum before I can go to space," he replied casually, knowing full well that Fury was trying to glean insights into his intentions. But David wasn't worried; he trusted his mother to handle anything Fury would try to track her, the call was quick and his mother had given him the go ahead, she told him to be careful too.

June 12th, 1995 - Earth

Kamar-Taj, Kathmandu - Nepal

As the Ancient One placed the phone down, Wong's concern was evident in his voice. "Was that David? How is he?"

A soft smile graced the Ancient One's lips as she replied, "He's having a lot of fun."

Wong furrowed his brow, sensing a deeper meaning behind her words. "Wasn't he supposed to be gaining experience as well?"

The smile faded from the Ancient One's face as she contemplated Wong's question. "Sadly, you're right. He only has a limited amount of fun left before he's going to have to face reality on his mission."

The weight of responsibility hung heavy in the air as the Ancient One spoke. She knew that David's journey was essential for his growth, yet she couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. She wished she could shield him from the hardships that awaited him, to keep him safe within the confines of Kamar-Taj forever. But she also knew that such protection was unsustainable. Eventually, she would have to leave him behind, and that thought weighed heavily on her heart.

Despite her gratitude for the extended lifespan granted by the dark dimension, the Ancient One couldn't shake the feeling of regret. She cherished every moment she had with David, yet she couldn't escape the looming inevitability of their eventual separation.

June 12th, 1995 - Earth

Louisiana - USA

David and Monica sat on the front porch of Maria's house, waiting for the Skrull to finish modifying their ship for space travel. "So, you're really going to space with them?" Monica inquired, her eyes curious.

David nodded eagerly, a bright smile spreading across his face. "Yeah, it's pretty exciting. It'll be my first time," he replied, his voice tinged with excitement.

Monica's eyes widened in awe. "Wow, that sounds incredible! Are you nervous at all?"

David shrugged nonchalantly, though his heart raced with a mix of nerves and anticipation. "A little, but mostly excited. How about you? You seem pretty calm about your mom going to space."

Monica chuckled softly, her demeanour relaxed. "I guess I'm used to it. Mom's always been adventurous. Plus, she's a tough cookie."

David grinned, impressed by Monica's resilience. "Yeah, she definitely seems like she can handle anything."

As they continued chatting, Monica leaned forward, her eyes bright with curiosity. "So, David, what's it like being able to fly anytime you want? It must be so cool!"

David grinned, feeling a surge of pride at her interest. "Flying is amazing! It's like... like being free, you know? Floating above everything, seeing the world from a whole new perspective."

Monica nodded eagerly, hanging onto his every word. "That sounds incredible! I never thought I'd get the chance to fly so high and skydive, but I guess I'll have to aim for space from now on."

David's eyes widened with excitement. "Space travel? That's even cooler! What's it like having a mom who's about to become an astronaut?"

Monica's expression softened, a hint of pride shining through. "It's pretty awesome, I guess. My mom's always been my hero, you know? She's taught me to be brave and never give up, no matter what."

David's grin widened, sensing a kindred spirit in Monica's determination. "Your mom sounds amazing. Just like my mom... She's someone who bears a lot of responsibility, having hundreds of people look up to her."

Monica's eyes sparkled with interest. "Wow, hundreds of people? That's so cool! What's she like?"

David's smile turned wistful as he recounted memories of his life up to this point, his words painting vivid images of the care his mother showed him. "She's a fierce teacher, but also incredibly patient, she's a kind and compassionate woman. She taught me everything I know about fighting... and about being myself no matter the situation."

Monica listened intently, hanging onto his every word. "She sounds incredible, just like my mom. Maybe they could be friends if they ever meet."

David nodded thoughtfully, a bond forming between them as they shared stories and dreams. "Yeah, I bet they could be, though my mum barely leaves the house now that I think about it… but maybe we can be friends, Monica. What do you say?"

Monica's face lit up with a bright smile. "I'd like that, David. Friends it is."