
Infinity Aegis

In the world of Tertara, Arcane Magic is the most powerful type of magic. Everyone is proficient with all forms of abilities, but one man has the strongest form of magic, an Overpowered System with a Complete Arsenal gifted by an entity who built the system called the Infinity Aegis. With this system, Gideon is able to become the strongest Arcane Hero known to man, but he has other plans. What are these plans exactly? Read to fine out.

Hyper_Flash · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Arcane Academy Part I

The woman walked forward and cracked her knuckles. She smirked and stood in front of the woman who saved me. "Arcane Heroes. Now this is what I came here for. You're a Rookie though, so let's see what you can do!"

The woman ran toward the woman and went for a swift kick, but the Arcane Student dodged the kick then put on her mask. Her energy rushed around her body, boosting her attributes.

"Aegis...scan the academy student.." I said.

[Obtaining Status...]

[Status Obtained.]

{Name: Misaki}

{Age: 19}

{Ability: Spiritual Force}

{Rank: F}

{Strength: 395}

{Endurance: 287}

{Dexterity: 290}

{Agility: 290}

{Magic: 280}

{Intelligence: 293}

{Power Level: 306}

'What the hell..? She's weaker than me...but she has more combat experience than I do..." I thought to myself.

Misaki barely dodged the woman's attack and grunted as she blocked an attack and slid backwards. "Tch..! Alright...I'm getting serious now!"

Misaki's Spirit Energy surrounded the blade of her sword and surged powerfully. The woman smirked and her dark energy raged around her body. Misaki fired a crescent wave of spiritual energy at the woman then dashed after her. The woman dodged the wave and noticed Misaki appear in front of her.

"You can copy that..~ Her Spiritual Force is at a basic level.." Altair said.

I watched the two fight and noticed two more people arriving on the scene. One of them was a man with red hair and orange eyes who wore a black split tail coat, pants, and boots. He was equipped with gauntlets and wore a gem on his left gauntlet.

The other person was a woman with slightly pale skin, short black hair, and dark red eyes. She had a slender build with medium breasts and wore the same academy clothes as Misaki.

[Obtaining Status...]

[Status Obtained.]

{Name: Haruka}

{Age: 18}

{Ability: Darkness Manipulation}

{Rank: F}

{Strength: 190}

{Endurance: 200}

{Dexterity: 185}

{Agility: 183}

{Magic: 397}

{Intelligence: 300}

{Power Level: 243}

'You're screwing with me right, Altair..? These are the best women? Attractiveness doesn't equate to being the best!' I thought to myself.

"Don't be such a downer~ I never said they would be the STRONGEST. I just said the best this world has to offer, that means they could have extremely high potential, wicked good looks, they could be extremely sexual? Hey I'm just showing women that matches your desire." Altair shrugged and smiled.

"Misaki! Haruka! Keep Junko busy while I prepare my Aegis Arts!" The man said.

"O-Okay!" Haruka nodded.

"Right!" Misaki nodded.

Junko smirked and looked at the three and spotted me behind them. "This will be fun!"

Junko launched herself toward me, cracking the ground. She tried to grab me, but I moved out of the way. I noticed her spin and going for a kick, but I moved backwards then Misaki rushed forward.

"Why are you still out here?! Find safety!" Misaki yelled and fired a horizontal crescent wave of spiritual energy at Junko.

Junko dodged the wave then noticed an erupt of darkness and dodged the next erupt that Haruka caused. Haruka ran toward Junko and used her Darkness to try and land a devastating blow to Junko, but Junko kept dodging.

I tried to move out of the way, but Junko created a Dark Clone of herself and her clone grabbed me and brought me to her. I grunted as I tried to escape her grasp.

"This Irregular is coming back with me!" Junko said then noticed a red light shine.

"Alright, Junko...you're finished!" The man bellowed as he formed a compressed ball of red energy in his hand. "Red Nova!"

The man fired the sphere of energy at Junko then it erupted into an explosion, blowing Junko away. She groaned and rolled on the ground.

[Invincibility Skill Deactivated.]

I was stunned because if Aegis hadn't activated my Invincibility, I would've been toast. I can tell the man who was like a leader to the two girls was the strongest of the three.

"Hm. You survived the attack. I'm impressed. The name's Rahisu." The man said and walked toward me.

"Wait you were planning to kill me?!" I asked in shock.

"It wasn't my intentions, but as the rules go, Muggles are natural fodders. I wouldn't take it too personally if you had died by my attack." Rahisu said.

I frowned and scoffed. "I'm not just some fodder anymore. I would like if you put respect on my name!"

"Impaired beings get no respect around here. While I agree that you are an Irregular, you are still a Muggle at the end of the day." Rahisu said and walked off. "Grab Junko and send her to the correction center! We're done here!"

I watched Rahisu walk off and glared. "How about I join your stupid academy and I'll prove to you that being an Aegis no longer means anything!"

"Oh?~ I like that confidence~ With a Complete Arsenal and Aegis, you're a force to be reckoned with~" Altair giggled.

Rahisu stopped walking and looked back. He turned around to look at me then smirked. "You want to join the Arcane Academy? You've shown you barely have any combat experience, but I'm sure our Academy Leader would love to see a good show being put on."

"Rahisu, I don't think that's a good idea. He's talking bold because you harmed his ego. Don't fall into his trap." Mikasa said and used her Spiritual Force to warp Junko away.

"What? Oh, I get it now. I'm just an Irregular which is no better than being a Muggle huh? Just a Human with a bit of power?" I asked and chuckled. "Right...alright. Let's make a deal. If I can defeat your entire club or guild, whatever you call it, I join your little group. No questions asked!"

Rahisu bursted out laughing and walked away. "Okay, buddy. We'll see how far you go with that. And if you lose, we'll tell you if we need a fry cook for our Academy."

I watched him walk away and scoffed.


I sat in my car after my shift and sighed. I stared at the roof of my ceiling and looked over at Altair. "I'm in way over my head aren't I?"

"Not really. You have the Infinity Aegis. Even as a Rank F, you can defeat Rahisu who is a Rank C. You have every ability imaginable at a basic level so you have an infinite number of tools in your kit. Let's go home for now and sleep on it. In the morning we shall go to the academy." Altair said and smiled at me.

I nodded and drove home. Once I reached my house, I parked my car and got out. I had what Rahisu said to me on replay in my head. His words clearly angered me, but I was going to use that anger as motivation to wipe the floors with them with my new power, the best power there is.


The next day, I was already prepared to go to Arcane Academy. I pulled up the directions on my phone, got in my car and drove to the academy.

"Arcane Academy...The school where the Arcane Heroes are born and where beginners go to take their first steps into becoming heroes. I have high hopes for you~ You talked a big game, now you've gotta back it up..~" Altair said.

"I will back up my claims, I'll do more than back it up...Aegis and I will completely show off our abilities." I said with a smirk.

"I love confident people..~ I can't wait to see this show play out~" Altair said and giggled softly.

I continued my way down the road and soon made it to the academy. I parked my car in the parking lot and got out. I noticed a few students walking in and out of the academy. A few looked at me and gave me judgemental looks. I ignored them and walked toward the main building. I noticed Haruka with two other girls and she looked at me surprised.

"Who's that guy..?" One of the two other girls asked.

She had white hair, gray eyes, and a slender build with moderately sized breasts. Just like the others, she also wore academy clothing.

"Isn't he the guy Misaki was talking about yesterday? The Irregular? He fits the description she gave." The other girl said.

She had long brown hair, emerald green eyes, with a bit of a graceful build out of the three. She wore glasses and her academy uniform.

"Black hair, pretty cute, heterochromia having one gray eye and one light brown eye. Looks pretty fit...but no combat experience? Yeah he checks out." The white hair girl said.

Misaki walked forward and dragged the blade of her katana along the ground. "I didn't expect you to actually come, but I guess you couldn't take your ego being knocked down a few notches.."

"Hmph. This Irregular comes to prove a point." I said and my eyes shined slightly.

[Combat Mode Activated.]

"You've come to make a fool of yourself!" Misaki said and dashed toward me.

I dodged her first slash and ducked under her second slash. I struck her with a body shot then pressed a compressed fireball against her stomach. The fireball erupted into an explosion, blowing her away. Misaki grunted as she slid backwards. She twirled her katana then grabbed her mask and put it on.

"Who is this guy..? How is he giving the Class F Representative such a hard time..?" One girl gossiped.

"I don't know but even the Headmaster isn't stopping this fight.." A guy said.

Misaki surrounded her blade with her Spiritual Energy then she raised her sword in the air and the energy around the blade grew larger. "Fear the might of my Tsunai Saisei.."

She bellowed and slashed downward, firing a massive white crescent wave of powerful spiritual energy at me. I held my hands out and a barrier protected me from her attack. I grunted as it began to immediately crack my barrier.

"He's not gonna survive that attack!" Haruka called out.

"He shouldn't have brought himself to this academy! Muggles have no place here!" Misaki bellowed.

I glared and turned my barrier into a reflective barrier that bounced Misaki's attack back toward her. She looked surprised and tried to dodge but was caught then an explosion happened. Everyone looked surprised and watched the smoke slowly clear.

I let down my barrier and panted softly. I smirked and looked at Misaki who had fallen to her knees. Her mask fell off her face and she looked down in defeat.

"A Reflective Barrier. It bounces back any attack with double the damage. A Counter Skill. Whoever this guy is...knows his stuff." One of the girls said.

'Holy shit, I didn't think that would've worked. I just thought about reflecting the attack and it happened! Okay so I think I'm figuring out how this power works. She was serious when she said I could basically use my imagination..' I thought to myself and kept a smug smirk on my face.

"He beat her with her own move..." Haruka said in shock. "Wait...by academy rules...we have to fight him now..!"

Rahisu watched then scoffed and walked away. "That Irregular...what is his ability? Does he only have Defensive Abilities with maybe a mix of Fire Manipulation? He is Irregular indeed..."

I walked off and looked at my shaking hands. I still could not believe that my plan had worked.

"I told you. Your imagination is the limit with power like this. You are equally the strongest and the weakest in this academy. You are your own limitation with this power. Just keep experimenting with your power~ You'll truly get the hang of it. For now you'll need to prepare for your next few battles." Altair said.

"Got it." I nodded.

With my first battle out of the way, I was feeling really comfortable to see what my next battle had in store for me.