
Infinity Aegis

In the world of Tertara, Arcane Magic is the most powerful type of magic. Everyone is proficient with all forms of abilities, but one man has the strongest form of magic, an Overpowered System with a Complete Arsenal gifted by an entity who built the system called the Infinity Aegis. With this system, Gideon is able to become the strongest Arcane Hero known to man, but he has other plans. What are these plans exactly? Read to fine out.

Hyper_Flash · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Complete Arsenal

In this world, those with abilities are amongst the top of the food chain. Tertara...a world where a mysterious source of energy is present called Aegis. Aegis is a source of magic used to power beings with Arcane Points, a stream of magic within one's body to help them control Arcane Abilities.

Those with Arcane Abilities are known as Arcane Heroes. Arcane Heroes help our world by fighting battles that only those with Aegis have. Those who don't have Aegis are known as Muggles or as most would call them The Impaired. The Impaired work common jobs and are never seen in fights as they are commonly known as Fodder Beings.

I am one of the Impaired. My name is Gideon Magus and I have no ability. My family are weakened beings as none of them have ever acquired an ability or even have experienced Aegis before. It sucks being a normal being while most of my friends are all Arcane Heroes.

"Gideon! Hurry up with those fries will you!" My boss yelled.

I frowned as I was the cook on today's shift. My boss wasn't necessarily a Muggle since he does have Aegis within his system. He's just a very weak Arcane Hero. So weak that he might as well be called an Impaired because his power level is below 100.

"Hey! What's taking so long?! I've been waiting for 20 minutes!" A woman complained.

"Yeah my kid has wants to eat! Whoever is back there, tell them to hurry the hell up!" A man fussed.

'I'm sorry I'm only one fucking person you damn pricks!' I thought to myself.

"Gideon! How many times do I have to say hurry up?! We're losing business!" My boss yelled and walked to the kitchen.

I growled and slammed the pot down and panted heavily. "Calm down...you do not want to catch a charge...calm down.."

"What the hell is taking so long? I got customers coming at my back because of your incompetence!" My boss yelled.

"I'm only one person sir...I can not completely 15 orders by myself." I said softly.

"Hurry it up! I don't want to come back here and repeat myself!" He said and walked off to take more orders.

I watched him walk off and grit my teeth. I continued working and continued to regulate my emotions because one action could get me fired in a blink of an eye.


I finally finished my shift and clocked out. My boss tried to say something to me, but I ignored him and walked out of the restaurant and went straight to my car. I got in and slammed my door closed then yelled, hitting my steering wheel in anger.

I panted and gripped my steering wheel with frustration. "One day...I am going to acquire power...and I won't ever have to work another day at this BULLSHIT JOB!"

I started my car and drove off. I drove straight home, only wanting to go home and lay down. Once I made it home, I parked my car and got out. I walked to my front door and went to unlock my door but I dropped my keys which pissed me off even more. The neighbors watched me go into complete rage and closed their blinds.

I got into my house and slammed the door. "FUCK! Why is my life so fucking miserable..?"

I set my keys on the counter and walked to my room. I flopped on my bed and sighed loudly. I laid on my back and stared at the ceiling. Up until now, I haven't really experienced joy as most of my friends were Aegises. They never knew what it was like to be Impaired.

"My only wish...is that I could become an Aegis. No, I want to become the strongest Aegis. I no longer desire to be weak. I want to be the strongest!" I yelled and sighed. I rolled on my side and chuckled.

"Like that will ever happen..." I said to myself and closed my eyes.

I had drifted off to sleep.


I stood around a field of white flowers and looked around. I looked up and noticed the sky was white as well. "Where...am I? Did I freaking die in my sleep?!"

"No you didn't die in your sleep, Muggle." A voice said to me.

"Okay, I know this is a dream, but you don't have to be inconsiderate!" I bellowed.

The woman's voice giggled and she appeared before me. As I stared at her, I noticed her impossible beauty. Her long green hair, her orange eyes, her beautiful figure. Everything about her...was gorgeous.

"Okay there's no way you're convincing me that I didn't die because who are you?!" I asked in awe.

The woman chuckled and looked at me. "Mmm..~ A Muggle who's actually interested in The Creator of Aegis?~ I can tell we are gonna have fun~ To answer your question, my name is Altair Aegis. Most know me as The Creator."

"Altair...Wait where exactly am I? This white world? Is this your Domain?" I asked.

"It is." She answered.

"And I'm somehow here? How often do you drag people here?" I asked.

"Rarely. Listen I'm gonna cut to the chase. You desire to become an Aegis which I don't think is possible." Altair said and placed a hand on her hip.

"Why? You dragged me out here just to say that?" I asked and sighed. "I'm better off just dying.."

"It's not possible because you have to be born an Aegis to be an Aegis. I can't just exactly MAKE you one...Well I can, I just don't want to." Altair giggled and walked around me.

"Why exactly? You know my desires, so why would you drag me here if you aren't going to do anything with my desires?" I asked and sighed.

Altair stopped in front of me and smiled. "I can do one thing for you~ Since you're rather cute, and I can sense some strong desires within you...I will give you a power beyond imagination. This power will allow you to use your imagination beyond normal standards~"

"What is it?" I asked and looked at Altair.

"It's called the Infinity Aegis. This ability allows you to have a Complete Arsenal, but because you're still an Impaired...You are going to have the Nigh-Omnipotent Version which is lesser than me, but an upside is that you'll have me as a companion." Altair said.

"Wait what?! You're really doing that for me?!" I asked.

"Mhm~ Better make full use for it, with these powers you can become the strongest Arcane Hero to ever live~" Altair said.

I crossed my arms and softly groaned. "With that much power why would I want to lock myself into being a hero? I can do anything imaginable! I can be a Hero, a Villain, anything!"

Altair tilted her head and smiled. "How about we...find you a goal and then we go from there. So what do you desire the most?"

I crossed my arms and closed my eyes. "Hm...Know what, I desire women. Not just any woman, the best women this world has to offer."

"Hmm~ I can make that happen~ We shall grant you the best Aegis women Tertara has to offer~" Altair said and giggled.

I nodded and noticed the world growing darker. My physical body was waking up.

"I'll see you soon~" Altair waved and smiled.


I woke up and noticed Altair standing beside my bed. I sat up quickly and looked at her in shock. "What the fuck..? Okay that dream...wasn't a dream..? It was real..?"

Altair giggled softly and leaned down then held my chin. "What do you think..?~ I'm here in front of you, I'm real aren't I..?"

I gazed upon her and gulped. The way she smelled was extremely enticing. It nearly made me lose control of myself. I just wanted to pull her down and have my way with her immediately.

"Steady now, cowboy..~ You have work to get to..~" Altair said and smirked as she looked at my morning wood.

I grunted and sighed. I stood up and had to get rid of my raging erection. I walked off to get ready for work and sighed a bit. "Right..."

Altair watched me and activated the Infinity Aegis within me. She followed me and smiled. "If you ever want to call upon your System, say the code word. The code word is Aegis."

I looked at Altair through the mirror and looked at myself in the mirror. "Aegis."

[Systems Online.]

[Hello, Muggle.]

"Geez even the system calls me such a name.." I sighed. "My name is Gideon."

[Hello, Gideon.]

"You can look at your Status with your system and just like normal Status Readers in the world, you can also view other people's status. Your skills and abilities...that doesn't matter since you have every skill ever imaginable. But I'll let you have fun with this system. Right now I have you on the Basic Plan, if you want to upgrade, I have temples across the planet you can go to so you can upgrade." Altair said and held my shoulders.

I looked at her through the mirror again. "Basic Plan?"

"Think of it like a Ranking System. Right now you're an F Rank with the Infinity Aegis, meaning your skills are at a basic level. Your Power Level is locked at the highest F Rank which is 600." Altair explained.

I nodded. "Okay."

"I can't wait to see what you do out there..~" Altair said and walked off.

I watched her walk off and looked her up and down. I chuckled softly and walked off to get ready.


I parked my car in the parking lot of my job and sighed. "Aegis."

[What do you need?]

"Activate Enhanced Condition." I said.

[Enhance Condition is an Advanced Plan, or a Rank C Level Skill.]

"Alright...Peak Human?" I said.

[Peak Human Ability Activated!]

I got out of my car and felt amazing. I ran toward the building and noticed I was noticably faster. I hurried inside and clocked in then went to the kitchen to begin my shift.

"I see you're energized today. Hopefully you got your shit together today." My boss said.

I smirked and crossed my arms. "Yeah, I'm better today so let's get this shit started."

My boss looked at me then walked off. He pressed a button and the neon sign showed the words open. The day started with people wanting their breakfast. Immediately I began to get bombarded with orders.

"Aegis. Activate Replication."

[Replication Activated.]

I was only able to make three clones of myself, but that was all I needed. My clones and I began to make the orders and my boss was a bit surprised.

'Isn't he an Impaired..? How did he learn such a skill..?' My boss thought to himself.

The people were impressed on how I was able to get the orders out so fast. Altair stood in the back and smiled at me, seeing how much I enjoyed my new power.

As the day went by, an explosion happened outside and a few people screamed. I looked outside and noticed a woman causing trouble in the city.

"Everyone stay inside!" My boss said and cast a barrier around the restaurant.

"Gideon~ This is your chance..~" Altair said and smiled.

I nodded and ran out of the kitchen. I made my way to the door.

"Gideon! Where are you going?! Get back here!" My boss said.

I ran out of the restaurant and looked around then heard a laugh. I looked up and noticed a woman in the air.

She had creamy skin, long black hair, and bad a slender body with small breasts. She wore a white bra with golden designs and black panties with golden accent with a single golden stocking on her left leg.

"Hey!" I called out.

The woman looked down at me and smirked as she descended to the ground. "And who are you? Based on your uniform, I can see you work for that restaurant named Tony's Diner."

"I do." I said and looked at her seriously.

"An Impaired...Thinking they can challenge the likes of an Aegis?! How hilarious!" The woman laughed.

I smirked and got ready. "Aegis! Enter Battle Mode!"

[Entering Combat Mode.]

I ran toward the woman and she was surprised by my actions. I went for a punch, but she dodged it then smirked. I grunted as she punched my stomach. I coughed blood and groaned as she launched me away. I recovered and slid backwards.

"You genuinely surprised me, Muggle. I didn't expect you to actually attack!" She bellowed and launched a beam of dark energy at me.

I looked up and held my hands out then a barrier protected me from her beam. I grunted and slid backwards. "Okay, maybe I'm in way over my head..! I have...no combat experience!"

The woman laughed then groaned as she was blown away by an invisible attack then crashed into a building. A woman landed in front of me and looked back.

"A foolish Human...thinking he can defeat an Aegis...and yet...you have powers...You're an Irregular..." The woman said.

The woman wore an academy uniform and had a beautiful figure. She had long gray hair and steely gray eyes. She carried a katana in her left hand and wielded a mask in her right hand. She looked back at the woman we were battling.

"Well well..~ You've run into an Arcane Academy Student...I would love to see where this goes..~" Altair giggled as she stood beside me.