
Infinite Money System: Never Ending Fun

At the tender age of 21, Zed Atlas's world takes a fantastical turn when he becomes inexplicably tethered to the enigmatic Infinite Money System. Suddenly bestowed with the boundless capacity to spend, Zed earns equivalent coins with each transaction, enabling access to a mystical emporium known as the System Shop. Within this extraordinary marketplace, Zed finds himself confronted with a staggering array of wonders: from the velocity of Flash, to the chilling breath of Superman, to the ingenious intellect of Ironman, and countless other marvels, all ripe for purchase. But the saga doesn't conclude there. In a twist of fate, Zed uncovers an additional gift: the power to traverse dimensions and universes, unlocking the gates to realms both real and imagined, where he can tread the hallowed grounds of fictional worlds.

Humo_Sofi · 映画
12 Chs

Borlan Family's Revenge

** Payment Successful **

The dealership owner almost tripped over his own feet, totally blown away. "Eight... 80... EIGHT HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS ON THE FREAKING DEBIT CARD?!" he blurted out, completely shocked. He thought he'd seen everything, but someone dropping eight hundred million bucks with a debit card? That was something else.

For Zed, though, with all his cash, it was just another day, another purchase. But then came the real headache: all the paperwork. Every car came with a mountain of forms to fill out, and the fancy limited edition ones were even worse. It got boring real fast. Zed figured, why mess around with hiring a law firm to deal with the paperwork when he could just buy the whole firm? When you've got endless money, you can solve problems in some pretty big ways.

Riding off from the dealership on his bike, Zed figured it was time to pick a law firm to buy. He set his sights on Valor & Venture Law Group. Why? Because they're top-notch, dealing with everything from crime to business stuff, and they're smack in the middle of New York City. So, Zed pulled over, whipped out his phone, and snagged the first flight to NYC. The plane was leaving in a couple of hours, and the airport was just a 30-minute ride away. Not wanting to risk missing his flight, Zed headed straight to the airport to hang out until takeoff.

After Zed parked his bike at the airport, he quickly handled all the check-in stuff and then headed straight to the VIP lounge to chill until it was time to board. While he was waiting, he decided to take a look at his coin balance and browse through the shopping section. When he opened it up, he saw he had a whopping 8.000 coins sitting there. This was a huge jump from the 250 coins he had dropped on some life-saving skills last time, which was all he had managed to scrape together from before. He used the shopping tab to filter for stuff priced between 2.000 and 8.000 coins. Every single thing he could buy with that much blew his mind.


Breath of Death

Power of Elements: Death.

Rank: S

Passive Effects: User becomes immune to death by natural causes.

Chanting: "Death, heed my call."

Granted to the fallen angel Lucifer, this power allows the user to emit a lethal breath, instantly extinguishing life in nearby beings. A divine retribution turned strategic weapon, it's feared for its swift and indiscriminate nature.

Cost: 2.000 Coins.




Power of Elements: Fire.

Rank: S

Passive Effects: User is immune to all forms of fire, with the unique ability to control hellfire, a special flame for tormenting sinners.

Chanting: Thinking.

Hellfire, more destructive than any earthly blaze. It can be shaped into weapons, barriers, or a burning aura by the wielder.

Cost: 3.000 Coins.


Even the abilities costing around 2-5 thousand coins were unfathomable for this world. Scrolling through them Zed eventually stopped where he found better abilities.


Divine Time Control

Power of Elements: Divinity, Time.

Rank: Divine Tier

Passive Effects: The user is immune to all time-altering effects from other entities or sources. This includes being unaffected by aging, speed manipulation, or any form of temporal stasis.

Harnessing the ancient Divine Time Control, the wielder commands the flow of moments. With this skill, they bend the continuum to their will—fast forwarding actions, pausing the present, or rewinding the past. This mastery over time allows for unmatched strategic advantage, manipulating events with precision. It's not fate but time itself that bends to the user's intent, crafting reality from the fabric of seconds and centuries. The Divine Time Control encompasses more than mere manipulation of temporal currents; it is innately bound with a cosmic safeguard known as the 'Temporal Harmony Principle'. This principle ensures that any alteration made by the wielder harmonizes with the fabric of the universe, meticulously adjusting the flow of causality to prevent paradoxes or disruptive ripple effects. When the wielder acts, the principle dynamically recalibrates the timeline, preserving the integrity of major historical events while allowing for minor adjustments. This selective stabilization means that significant outcomes remain unchanged, safeguarding the universe from chaos while permitting the wielder to alter moments without fear of unforeseen repercussions. Thus, the wielder navigates through time, an architect of moments, free from the burden of the butterfly effect.

Cost: 8.000 Coins



Celestial Restoration

Power of Elements: Divinity, Life, Cosmos.

Rank: Divine Tier

Passive Effects: The user gains immunity to all forms of mortal harm and corruption. This includes negating poisons, diseases, and aging, as well as protection against cosmic anomalies and spatial distortions. Their presence alone nurtures the environment, slowly restoring ruined landscapes and healing those around them.

Harnessing the revered Celestial Restoration, the wielder becomes an avatar of creation and healing. With this profound skill, they mend the fabric of life itself—reviving the fallen, rejuvenating the aged, and purifying the tainted. This dominion over life grants unparalleled capacity to safeguard and sustain, turning barren wastelands into flourishing paradises and restoring balance to ecosystems. Beyond mere healing, Celestial Restoration empowers the wielder to manipulate the cosmic energies that bind the universe, allowing for the creation of protective barriers, restoration of celestial alignments, and even the revitalization of dying stars. Integral to this divine power is the 'Cosmic Concord Principle', a universal safeguard that ensures the wielder's interventions promote balance and harmony, avoiding ecological or cosmic imbalances. The principle guides the wielder's actions, ensuring that life flourishes without disrupting the natural order or the evolutionary destiny of species. Thus, the wielder walks among the stars, a guardian of life and restorer of worlds, embodying the nurturing will of the cosmos.

Cost: 8.000 Coins


Looking at the skills and abilities he could buy, Zed felt excitement in his heart. With just one purchase, he could become the god of this world. Yet, he refrained from buying without knowing the dark side of this world. Who knows what would happen if he acquired that divinity. It might be useless against whatever danger is lurking around.

While browsing through the shop, Zed lost track of time and was awakened by the announcement to board the plane. Inside the plane, Zed moved to his spot in business class. Making himself comfortable, he waited for the plane to take off.


Inside the huge mansion located in the mountains, five men were discussing taking revenge.

"That kid killed Chen. He is clearly strong, and we don't know how strong he is. Attacking him without proper investigation and planning could destroy ourselves. Can't you understand that?" one of the elders sitting on a luxurious couch said as he inhaled cigarette smoke.

"He's just a kid. I doubt he has full mastery of that power. My brother was killed because he was caught off guard. Now we know what kind of power he has, according to the young master. Just light up and don't leave any shadow around where we fought, and he will be done." one of the middle-aged men who was pacing back and forth said loudly. He was the brother of Chen, whom Zed killed.

"Everyone calm down. We are not making any moves without learning his full strength. He could be much stronger than we expect, and that would get us killed." a man sitting on top of the desk said as he was playing with a knife in his hand. "All we know about him is that he has the power of darkness and can travel through the shadows. What if he has another ability that counters all of us?" He said, stabbing the knife into the desk.

After he finished talking, there was silence inside the room. Obviously, this group of people was from the Borlan family, which was the family the young master and his uncle Chen belonged to.

"I'm not sitting here doing nothing. At least I can hurt him by hurting his family like he did to me." Chen's brother said as he stormed out of the room with revenge in his mind.

"Don't stop him. Those who rush in first are the ones who die first." the man sitting on top of the desk said as he got up and walked out of the room, climbing the stairs.


"Luna. Set the table. We have a guest." a voice echoed inside the house.

"I'm studying, mother." Luna answered back before closing her door, which she quickly regretted after hearing her mother's footsteps. Opening the door and walking outside, she rushed directly to the kitchen.

Luna was a 16-year-old girl and the sister of Zed. From a young age to today, they always had a special bond, resulting in them getting along very well."Why do we have a guest when our money is barely enough to feed ourselves?" she said while puffing up her cheeks.

Half an hour later, they had the table set. She wasn't hungry as she ate while preparing dinner. She wanted to go to her room and keep studying, yet her mother didn't allow that, saying their guest today was important and she should greet them.Giving up, she sat at the table and waited for their guest to arrive.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang, and she opened the door as her father and mother accompanied her. She had bad feelings about everything happening but looking at her parents' faces, she couldn't say anything.

Outside the house, there was a man looking around the age of 35. He was wearing a suit and with his look, he simply exuded the aura of a successful businessman. After some brief greetings at the door, he walked inside and sat at the table. Later, he pulled out a wine which seemed expensive and served it to them.

From the conversations Luna heard, this man was her brother's professor at school and he was really happy to have her brother as his student. Luna's parents were glad to hear that, but contrary to them, Luna had doubts as she knew everything about her brother. He was a good brother and a caring person, but a genius at school? That was something he couldn't even come close to. Even though she had doubts, she couldn't say anything as not to make her parents sad.

Five minutes later, right before she was about to excuse herself to study a little more, her father suddenly fainted, followed by her mother. Luna, at that moment shocked to her core and without thinking, rushed to them trying to wake them up.

"Oh, I'm sorry, little girl, but they won't be waking up again. But don't worry, you will see them again soon." Luna heard the man say as she was trying to wake her parents. Turning back, she saw the man holding a syringe. Before she could react, he injected the liquid from the syringe, and the next second, she blacked out. The man grabbed her and put her in his car before driving off.