
Infinite lives : the path to immortality

This novel is about a series of light stories full of cliche plots of a transmigrator that gets to live more than she asked for. It will include almost all gender(not horror) . please do read my novel and leave your opinions in the comments or and review. Thank you

tanyka · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Chapter 29

After leaving the party, Cain boarded his carriage , his butler awaited him inside.

"How was the party sir?" Asked a middle aged butler to his young master.

"Better than I expected." replied Cain with a soft smile.

" Ooh?" The butler was intrigued and wanted to ask more but didn't dare be more blatant about his curiosity.

"Does that mean the plan went well?"

"Hmmm...more than well." Replied Cain again with a smirk on his face. Seeing his butler's curious gaze but not daring to ask, he decided to satisfy his curiosity. He was in fact a good master to his employees. Despite his cold and unfeeling nature he displayed outside, all the old employees knew that in fact, the Moonlight men were all kind people, among other things, but all this was showed to family members and people they cared about and if one was to work for them, they could see this , well , after the initial fear went away of course.

"I made sure we were the talk of the party. Hmph..if that wench thinks she can hurt my Alida and get away with it she'll have another thing coming...smirk."

After saying all this he turned serious for a moment and frowned.

"Is something the matter young master?" Seeing he went silent , the butler couldn't help but ask .

"That ...sigh." rubbing his eyebrow with a finger , Cain took a deep breath, trying to calm his anger that came surging.

"Apparently...a vermin doesn't know his place. Put a spy on Julian Edelman. I want to know his every move , especially around Alida. Make sure he doesn't touches her and add another one to be her guard, just in case."

"Yes ..right away sir."

The rest of the journey was spent mostly in silence, the butler informed Cain about his schedule and other mischelanious tasks.

Back at the Moonlight Mansion.

Cain was sitting in his bed, face up, a hand covered his eyes. He was not sleeping, if one could take a look at his face ,they could see all the complex emotions that passed trough his eyes. He was thinking about the women that kept his mind busy day and night. Even now he still couldn't believe how much power such a young and fragil girl could have over him, influencing his actions and thoughts so much so that made him feel like he can't breathe without her. It was extreme, he knew it but he can't help himself. The more he thought of staying away from her the more his heart ached and his mind refused to work. This was troublesome. In a few months he has to depart to the battlefield again. He doesn't know how much time he'll have to spend there, a few months at best , a year at worst. All depends on the monsters that keeps coming from the crevice. Sometimes things were peaceful,you could barely see a few hundred monsters in a month but oftentimes the monsters were so densely packed that they crawl on top of each other , eager to arrive at the surface and slaughter everything in sight. The area around the crevice is devoid of plants and animals, a few kilometers all around it is like a dead place, even the earth is black and red giving the impression you are in hell. Every winter , the monster come with thousands and hundred of thousands of they're companions to the surface. That's the time when he has to depart and help his families soldiers and his father that is placed there almost all year round leaving his grandfather to care for the estate alone. Cain barely manages to help his grandfather when he is at home and take some of his load off his back.


A deep and heavy sigh escaped his mouth.

He is worried. Worried for his grandfather, worried for his father and worried for Alida. At the mention of her, Alida, his thoughts ran to their kissing, her soft lips and sweet taste, her beautiful eyes and fair skin , the warmth he feels when he holds her in his arms, the fire that burns fiercely at their every touch....

"Sigh.....calm down Cain...." he berates himself for losing control...he has to take a cold shower again....

Eventually the night passes for Cain with sweet and fiery dreams of his beloved. When morning comes, Cain is already in his study working on papers. A knock is heard in the big and silent office.

Knock knock

"Come in." a voice is heard, a deep and sensual voice of a youth passed trough life like a seasoned hunter.

Not long after, the door opens and in comes a man in his sixties , nearing seventies . He stops for a moment, looks at the person behind the desk, closes the door behind him and walks slowly and steadily to the sofa on the side. Before taking a seat , he looks at his grandson again. He remembers his own father, the sight in front of him reminds him of the sight he would find his own father every time he would visit his office, buried deep in paperwork without an end in sight. A wave of nostalgia hits him. Taking a deep breath he decides to intrerupt his workaholic grandson .

" Good morning Cain."

"Good morning grandpa ."

A moment of silence ensues between the two. After a while Cain sighs , stopes what he is doing and looks at his grandfather. He knows that if he doesn't give in to him, he will stay there the whole day without uttering a single word, just staring at him.

"Sigh ..is something the matter? What can I do for you?"

"Brat...what do you take me for? Can't I come and see my favorite grandson?" Replies the old man , faking anger.

"I'm your only grandson grandpa!" replies Cain with a death pan expression.

" Exactly! See .. that's the problem!" The old man starts to get agitated, pointing a finger at Cain while the latter just raises an eyebrow looking confused at his sudden outburst.

"When the h*ll are you going to give me a grandson? A fat, cute and especially new grandson!"

"Excuse me? Grandpa...did you skip your meds?"

"You!....you ..." Pointing a trembling finger at his grandson, Xavier Moonlight started scolding Cain without a care in the world.

"Sigh.." feeling a headache coming, Cain decided to ignore his grandfather's antics and focus on his work .

"See ...this is why...this is why I want a new grandson. You're not cute anymore and don't call me grandpapa anymore ! Sniff...sniff "

Fake crying, the old Moonlight, started whining in front of Cain.

"Sigh ..Grandpa...sigh "

Deciding to indulge his grandfather again, Cain softened his voice and put aside his work .

"You still have to wait a few more years if you want a great grandson that bad. "

"What?...that long ..? Why?"

"What do you mean why grandpa? I'm still not married yet, not to mention having kids...all this takes time."

"I don't have time!" Screamed Xavier at Cain.

"You have plenty of time , don't worry, you're still fit and strong."

"Ahh..my back ...I think I'm going to die...." The old geezer was holding his heart and complaining about his back. With the way his mood changes you would thing he's a bipolar.( no offense to anyone that has this disorder).

"Stop..please ...grandpa . " Fed up with his antics Cain pleaded with his grandfather.

"What do you want me to do?" Feeling exasperated, Cain asked this.

"How about quitting all those cold showers and have se..."



Another chapter coming soon.

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