
Infinite lives : the path to immortality

This novel is about a series of light stories full of cliche plots of a transmigrator that gets to live more than she asked for. It will include almost all gender(not horror) . please do read my novel and leave your opinions in the comments or and review. Thank you

tanyka · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 30

"Grandpa!! Seriously?!"

" What! How else am I going to get a great grandchild ? Do I need to teach you what to do? Finally you have a woman that you like ..you better not screw things up you hear me!?"


Cain was speechless at this old man's shamelessness .

" Don't look at me like that...have you thought of a way to get her in your be.."

"Grandpa!! "

For the second time this morning Cain had to shout at his grandfather to stop .

"What kind of man do you think I am? I wouldn't do something like that to her...I need to do things properly..."

"What proper...you should be happy that she likes you..you ungrateful grandson. So you want her to leave you or thing that us Moonlighting are not men?"

"What are you saying? My Alida is not that kind of women!" Slamming his hands on the desk, Cain stood up from his chair prepared to defend his lover from his apparently crazy grandfather. In his anger and agitation, Cain didn't notice his grandfather's upturn of his lips. He was being tested by the old geezer. On the outside he kept arguing with his grandson but on the inside he was happy to see he didn't raise him for nothing and knew how to respect a woman, also he was a little surprised when he realized how much Cain cared for this young woman. Deciding it was enough, Xavier Moonlight ended their little argument and went in his room. It was time to send a letter to his stupid son on the battlefield and tell him about his son's lover. Finally the Moonlight Estate would have a new madam. At the thought of this, his old wrinkle face showed a smile. Looking at the picture on the wall of him and his beloved, a wave of nostalgia and worry could be seen in his eyes.

' This cursed life, if only...if only our women would be still alive....'

While Cain's agitated and exhausted morning came to an end, In the Burgess Estate, at the dinner table, the patriarch had a somber look on his face. The cause of this was his two daughters. One of them, the older one, only had eyes for her lover, forgetting his father to such a degree that she spent half a day with him and the other one...sigh...the other one was caught with a hickey at the base of her neck. That wouldn't be such a big problem if only no one saw it. Unfortunately, she paraded herself in front of all the guests. Nobody said anything the entire time. By the time his wife saw her it was already to late, now, they were the talk of the capital. And both were bad for their reputation, at least this is how he saw it.

Alida and Jane were both scolded by their father. Nobody tried to defend Jane since it was her fault for being careless but her mother and brother did interfere for Alida since in their view, Alida finding a husband was a good thing.

"Father. Stop please. Cain is a good man. I can assure you he is serious about Alida. He's not a playboy." Aiden was defending not only Alida but his good friend too.

'That's the problem!' Thought Nicola Burgess but did not voice it aloud.

" Dear how about we let the girls go upstairs now?" With a gentle smile and a soft voice, madam Burgess put a hand on her husband's arm.

"Fine! Go back, both of you!"

Excusing themselves, both Jane and Alida went to their rooms. Alida had a helpless look on her face while Jane was on the verge of crying. Before parting ways and going to their own rooms,Jane turned toward Alida with a gaze full of blame and tears.

"Are you happy now?"

"What?" Buffeld by her sudden outburst, Alida was left with her mouth open.

" You're happy aren't you. Not only are people talking bad about me you even stol my spotlight!"

"First of all it is your and your fiance's fault for not being careful and second, unlike you, i didn't do anything intentional to ruin your birthday for you. You reap what you sow Jane Burgess " With that i turned around not giving her a second look. I don't plan on fighting with a child who can't see right from wrong.

In the Edelman Household.


A lod sound was heard. Julian Edelman was in his father's office. The patriarch was angry at his son's stupidity. This wasn't the first time he slapped his son for his mistakes.

"What did I told you huh!?" Screaming and spiting his son's face, the Edelman family's patriarch prepared himself for another slap.

"Did I not teach you to not let people know about your escapades? Didn't I tell you to be careful with the Burgess daughter, you can f*ck her all you want and do what you want with her as long as nobody finds out. I clearly told you TO BE CAREFUL!!"


The servants of the house were all scared and felt sorry for their young master but alas there was nothing they could do, even the madam didn't dare to step up for her son or else the beating she would get would be more than a few slaps.

It was a hectic morning for a lot of nobles, some were tested, some were scolded , some were beaten while some spread rumors about their own kind not minding in the least about the consequences and how their gossip would affect others.

Time passed by slowly. Everyone coming and going to do their own business. Alida was the same, she kept to her meditation , hand-to-hand combat techniques and of course learning magic. Her progress was slow, clearly she lacked the talent for it. She hit a wall for a while now, that big slab stone her father brought for her only lit up to the ninth circle, not going higher no matter how much she tried. This was just a mediocre progress, everybody could reach such a stage with time, albeit not as fast as her but still not that hard to reach. She knew she needed more, more training and more experience to break this invisible wall that frustrates her. But what can she do? She is afraid to ask her father for help. What she needs right now is to fight lower monster, she knows but she's a coward at heart, even a spider disgusts her to such a degree that she can't even look at it for a long time. How can she fight monsters that are uglier than spiders if she can't keep her eyes open.

Alas, she was doomed. Feeling depressed and without motivation, she decides to go out for a stroll in a nearby park. Changing her clothes , she takes a carriage, accompanied by her maid and two guards and heads straight towards the Cafe she visited with Cain on their last date. After eating something sweet and a cup of hot tea , Alida started walking on foot to a nearby park that was less than 10 minutes away. She was with her entourage but nobody spoke a word sensing that their young miss is not in a good mood.