
Infinite Evolution in The Apocalypse

I apologize for the 6-month hiatus. Life hit me in the gonads pretty hard but now I'm here to continue it after I organize everything and sort out the mess I left behind. Thanks for reading! --- The apocalypse is hard to survive in but Lucas Walker would say it was impossible. Having been thrown grumpily into the apocalypse from a long-deserved nap Lucas finds himself in a hell hole that is the apocalypse. Beasts of horrifying strength are everywhere and portals to other worlds have opened leaking strange energies and beings from them. With everyone in the world in chaos will Lucas be able to survive with the special class he received from the system that everyone has? --- By the way, the main class doesn't give many bonuses in the short term and only really comes to full power later on.

maddaug · ファンタジー
57 Chs

Chapter 23: Battle of Gods?!

Lee's body was composed out of, what looked to be, billions of mice that were made out of shadows. They flexed and turned perfectly as if muscles and tissues. If not for the fact that Lucas could see some rats scurrying across the street he would have believed that it was a body compromised from pure shadow.

Lee flexed his arms at either side like a wrestler showing off.

"YOU DON'T WANT A PIECE OF THIS LADY!" Lee shouted in a gruff squeaky voice.

"I WANT A PIECE OF YOU!" He finished as he leaped into the sky, reaching for the half-formed elemental goddess in the sky.

A screech was let out by Nyx, who seemed too scared to make a coherent sentence.

Lucas looked up in confusion before quickly trying to evolve his <Ancient Sense> Skill so he might be able to garner some info from the battle that was about to take place.

<Evolution Beginning for the skill <Ancient Sense>>


<Please choose one of the following evolution paths>

<Appraisers Eye / Rarity: Rare>

Like an Appraiser, you watch and learn with a keen eye, soaking in as much as possible with just a single glance. Gives things such as titles, descriptions, and names in the status above the person or item's name.

<Eagles Eye / Rarity: Uncommon>

Your eyes can soar through the sky like an eagle. Your maximum view distance is increased by 2 times and your clarity is increased by the same factor. You retain all abilities from the previous ability.

<Third Eye / Rarity: Very Rare>

This skill allows the user to see into the spirit dimension on a low level and also categorize spirits and spirit items as you did with your previous ability.


'I gotta hurry! Give me <Appraisers Eye> Stat!' Lucas thought as he felt a burning sensation overcome his eyes as he felt the world become much more detailed.

Everything seemed to be able to be read if he focused on it and almost everything had a story. All you had to do was pay attention.

Lucas quickly ignored the new increase to his vision and checked the skill before looking at Lee and Nyx's fight.


[Relic Master Passive Skills] Descriptions/Requirments:

<Appraisers Eye: Tier: 1 / LV: 1 / Rarity: Rare>

Like an Appraiser, you watch and learn with a keen eye, soaking in as much as possible with just a single glance. Gives things such as titles, descriptions, and names in the status above the person or item's name. Current things you can understand: Name, Title, Rarity/quality/tier, Level, Classes, Description, and age.


'Just a better version of what I had before...' Lucas thought with a shrug as he paid close attention to the fight at hand.

He quickly took a look at the descriptions of each of the beings and was promptly shocked.


<<Name>: Nyx/Darkness Incarnate. <Title's>: Goddess of Darkness / Divine Being. <Levels>: Tier 7: <Prime Darkness Elemental: LV:1284> <Classes>: / ??? / ??? / ??? / ??? / ??? / ???. <Age>: 420,696 (A/N: Don't Judge!)>


The element of darkness has played many rounds in this game of life we each partake in. They were there from the beginning and they will be there until the end. Technically they are immortal though if they were killed their element would remain... waiting for someone to claim it.


<<Name>: Lee Bybee. <Title's>: Devourer, God Feared, Infamous, and Lord of Mice. <Levels>: Tier 6: <God of Mice(And Men!): LV:774> <Classes>: Mouse <Age>: System has no record of age of specimen>


Devourer of gods, Lord of Mice, and Dealer of Men, this despicable bastard makes deals with those he fancies and usually asks impossible requests upon cashing in his favor. Other than eating gods for fun this monster likes to play baseball with his friends and drink milk on the weekends. Is also the natural Bane of Gods.


"Holy Shit..." Lucas said to himself as he realized just how ridiculous of a deal he had just made.

"YOU THINK I WOULDN'T NOTICE A MARKED BRAT?!" Screamed Lee at the top of his lungs, causing the earth to rumble underneath him.

"Please spare me! I will let the boy go, just please, let me live!" The goddess begged.

Lucas felt an abysmally small amount of pity for the goddess which was immediately wiped away when Lee actually seemed to be considering the offer.

That was, of course, until Nyx scratched outwards and sent a thousand stars through the sky towards him.

Even though Lee had stopped for an instant, the very next second he opened his mouth and consumed the stars in a single gulp.

"I knew you would pull some sort of trick, you stinking old hag!" He shouted before spitting them back at the goddess.

After only a few seconds of the barrage, however, the constellation broke apart and a small figure dropped from the air onto the ground.

Lee seemed to get even more energetic as he moved towards the falling body. He then proceeded to gulp it up and pat his stomach before shrinking a few seconds later.

After a few minutes of Lucas just standing idly with a confused look on his face, Lee popped back upon his shoulder.

"Oohee. That was a good meal. Thanks for the task! I don't have much motivation these days. Your the first mortal I've met that has interested me for quite a while..." Lee said with a satisfied grin plastered upon his face.

"But how did you-"

"Don't worry about it. I'm what you call an 'exterminator'. I deal with your troubles and you pay me in kind." Lee said, his smile getting wider for each second that passed.

'I don't like this feeling...' Lucas thought to himself as he felt his body get warmer.

<User has had the following curse removed: <Hunted>. The user has gained 1 skill point due to removing a Godly curse. The user has also been granted 1 divinity point since the user has witnessed a god die.>

"Wait she actually died?!" Lucas asked while becoming shakier and shakier.

"Yeah! Didn't you see me and my buds eat her?" Lee said before closing his eyes and laying on his back. He proceeded to use the collar of Lucas's shirt as a pillow and relaxed.

The only odd thing that Lucas noticed was that the name tag of Lee had changed.


'He really is something dangerous... how do things like this even come through those portals?' Lucas thought as he imagined a portal the size of his body opening up and billions of mice swarming through them.

"Soooooo... about that favor, I said I wanted... Well, I would like to cash it in now if you don't mind." Lee said slyly.

Lucas began to shake his hand before he felt his insides become hotter and hotter.

"Agh!" Lucas shouted before he stopped resisting.

"Alright, alright, I yield. What the hell do you want me to do?" Lucas asked the mouse angrily.

"Well, you see... I kinda just made every god and goddess in the world hate me. We aren't supposed to intervene unless we have a champion. Nyx was already in hot shit because of what she did to you and even though she wasn't looked favorably upon... me killing her probably set some people off."

"So why don't you... become my champion? And also pay my debts..." Lee said while adding the last line super quietly.

Lucas seemed to hear the muttering and frowned.

"Sure... As long as I'm free to do as I please," Lucas said with hesitation.

Lee seemed to instantly become a thousand times happier in that instant and hopped up and wrapped his arm around Lucas's neck.

"See! I knew you had it in ya!"

"Now just sign this contract and we will be good to go!" Lee said before having a small group of mice scurry up with a neatly written contract written on what seemed to be constellation-like paper.

Lucas had seen his fair share of contracts as most of his jobs were based around them... but this... was just something different.

There was not a single loophole for either party that he could pick up and it was ridiculously easy on how it was to understand.

'It seems like all I have to do is run errands for him and my debt will be paid off over the course of the next year or so.' Lucas thought to himself before frowning.

'Or so?'

Lucas has finally witnessed some big shots! I wonder if he will ever make it to their strength one day...

Don't worry about Nyx being removed from the picture btw... there is plenty more villains to be seen in the next volume.

maddaugcreators' thoughts