
Inferno’s Ascension

Ryker's Rise to Infamy" follows 15-year-old Ryker W. Field as he sets sail into uncharted waters, driven by a thirst for adventure and a desire to become a legendary pirate. After consuming the mysterious Pyro-Pyro Fruit, Ryker gains the ability to manipulate fire, setting him on a path of daring raids and heists to amass wealth and infamy. As his reputation grows, so does the threat of a powerful enemy with a personal vendetta against him. Ryker must confront his haunted past, navigate treacherous waters, and make difficult choices to protect his crew and preserve his freedom. Blending high-stakes adventure, complex interpersonal dynamics, and a coming-of-age story, this novel explores courage, loyalty, and the power of the human spirit to overcome even the darkest of pasts.

Kenneth_Ponteras19 · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs

Chapter 20

Ryker stepped out of the cave, his senses on high alert. The rustling of leaves caught his attention, and he turned to see a pirate crew approaching, their flag bearing the emblem of a tiger. "Looks like trouble," he muttered to his companions.

Cerise, her eyes widening, whispered, "That flag... It belongs to Felix the Claw."

Ryker's grip tightened on his flame sword as he faced the approaching crew. "We won't hand over the crystal," he declared, his voice steady but resolute.

Felix the Claw, a towering figure with a fierce demeanor, stepped forward. "Hand it over, and we might let you live," he sneered, his sharp teeth gleaming in the sunlight.

Rackham, ever the strategist, glanced at his crewmates. "Prepare for battle," he commanded, drawing his sword with a steely resolve.

Jena, her hands trembling slightly, asked, "Do you think we can take them?"

Kleid, his expression grim, replied, "We have to try."

With a nod from Ryker, the crew braced themselves as Felix's men closed in. The tension in the air was palpable as the two groups faced off, the promise of violence hanging heavy between them.

Felix's voice cut through the silence like a blade. "Attack!" he roared, and his crew surged forward with a primal ferocity.

Ryker met the first wave of attackers head-on, his flame sword blazing as he deflected their blows. "Stay close!" he shouted to his crewmates, his eyes scanning the battlefield for any sign of weakness.

Cerise, her mind racing with possibilities, called out, "We need a plan!"

Rackham, his sword flashing in the sunlight, replied, "Keep them off balance. We'll pick them off one by one."

Jena and Kleid nodded, their resolve firm as they joined the fray, their skills complementing Ryker and Rackham's combat prowess.

The clash of steel and shouts of battle filled the air as the two crews fought tooth and nail for supremacy. Ryker's flames danced through the melee, striking fear into the hearts of his enemies.

Felix, his eyes narrowed with determination, locked onto Ryker. "You're mine," he growled, his steps quickening as he closed in for the kill.

Ryker braced himself for the inevitable confrontation, his muscles tense with anticipation. "Let's finish this," he said, his voice low but steady.

As Felix lunged forward, Ryker met him head-on, their swords clashing in a shower of sparks. The force of their collision sent shockwaves rippling through the air, the sound of metal against metal ringing out like a bell.

Cerise, her breath caught in her throat, watched as Ryker and Felix battled with unmatched ferocity.

"They're evenly matched," she observed, her eyes darting back and forth between the combatants.

Rackham, his brow furrowed with concern, replied, "Ryker can handle himself. We just need to keep the pressure on."

Jena and Kleid, their focus unwavering, continued to fend off Felix's crewmates with precision and skill, their determination unwavering in the face of overwhelming odds.

With a final, decisive strike, Ryker disarmed Felix, sending his sword flying from his grasp. "It's over," he declared, his voice ringing with authority.

Felix, his pride wounded, snarled in defiance. "Not yet," he spat, launching himself at Ryker with renewed fury.

But Ryker was ready, his flame sword blazing brighter than ever as he met Felix head-on. With a swift, decisive blow, he brought Felix to his knees, his victory complete.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, Ryker and his crew stood victorious, the crystal safe in their hands. With a sense of pride and accomplishment, they turned to face the challenges that lay ahead, united in their determination to see their journey through to the end.

As the tension reached its peak, chaos erupted on the battlefield. Ryker charged forward, his flame sword ablaze, meeting Felix's blade in a clash of steel. "You'll never take us down!" Ryker shouted, his eyes blazing with determination.

Felix, his teeth bared in a snarl, pushed back against Ryker's onslaught. "We'll see about that," he growled, his movements swift and calculated as he parried Ryker's blows.

Meanwhile, Rackham faced off against Kato, Felix's towering vice captain. Rackham wielded his sword with precision, but Kato's fists were like sledgehammers, each blow sending shockwaves through the air. "You're strong, but not strong enough to defeat me," Kato taunted, his voice a low rumble.

Rackham gritted his teeth, his muscles straining against the force of Kato's attacks. "I won't let you win," he replied, his voice filled with steely determination. With a swift movement, he dodged Kato's next punch and countered with a powerful slash, but Kato blocked it effortlessly with his arm.

As Rackham and Kato engaged in their fierce duel, Jena, Kleid, and Cerise fought bravely against Felix's crewmates. Jena darted between opponents, her knives flashing in the sunlight as she struck with deadly precision.

"Stay back!" she shouted, her voice ringing out over the din of battle.

Kleid used his medical knowledge to target pressure points, incapacitating enemies with well-placed strikes. "We can do this!" he encouraged his companions, his eyes shining with determination.

Cerise, her mind racing with possibilities, unleashed a barrage of inventions upon Felix's crew, creating distractions and traps to keep them off balance. "We have to hold them off!" she shouted, her voice filled with urgency.

As the battle raged on, Ryker and Felix continued to clash, their swords meeting in a flurry of blows. "You're a worthy opponent," Ryker acknowledged, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he fought to keep Felix at bay.

Felix grinned, his wild eyes gleaming with malice. "Likewise," he replied, his voice filled with a fierce intensity as he pressed his advantage.

Meanwhile, Rackham and Kato's duel reached a fever pitch, each blow more powerful than the last. Rackham's sword flashed in the sunlight as he fought with all his strength, determined to overcome his formidable opponent.

But Kato was relentless, his fists pounding against Rackham's defenses with unyielding force. "You can't hope to defeat me," he taunted, his voice echoing through the chaos of battle.

Rackham gritted his teeth, his muscles straining against the onslaught. "I won't give up," he vowed, his voice filled with unwavering resolve. With a burst of energy, he launched himself at Kato, his sword slashing through the air with deadly precision.

But Kato was ready, his movements swift and sure as he countered Rackham's attack with a powerful punch. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through Rackham's body, and he staggered back, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

As the battle raged on, Ryker and his crew fought with all their strength, their determination unwavering in the face of overwhelming odds. With every blow, they drew closer to victory, their bond as a crew stronger than ever before. And though the road ahead was fraught with danger, they knew that as long as they stood together, they could overcome any challenge that came their way.

The battlefield was a whirlwind of chaos as Jena, Kleid, and Cerise fought bravely against Felix's crew. Jena spun and twirled, her cooking knives flashing in the sunlight as she sliced through the ranks of pirates with deadly precision. "Stay back!" she yelled, her voice ringing out over the din of battle.

Kleid moved with a surgeon's precision, his hands darting out to target pressure points with pinpoint accuracy. With each strike, he incapacitated enemies with ease, his medical knowledge proving invaluable in the heat of battle. "Keep it up, Kleid!" Jena shouted, her eyes scanning the battlefield for any sign of weakness.

Cerise, her mind racing with possibilities, unleashed a barrage of inventions upon Felix's crew. Smoke bombs exploded, creating thick clouds of cover, while trap mechanisms sprung up from the ground, ensnaring unsuspecting pirates in their grasp. "We can do this!" Cerise shouted, her voice filled with determination as she continued to create distractions and traps to keep the pirates at bay.

As the battle raged on, Jena, Kleid, and Cerise worked together seamlessly, their skills complementing each other in the heat of battle. Jena's agility and precision, Kleid's medical knowledge, and Cerise's inventive genius proved to be a formidable combination against overwhelming odds.

Ryker, locked in combat with Felix, spared a moment to glance over at his crewmates. "Keep it up, everyone!" he called out, his voice filled with encouragement. "We're holding them off!" Jena shouted back at Ryker

Rackham, engaged in his own fierce duel with Kato, nodded in agreement. "They're doing great," he replied, his sword flashing in the sunlight as he parried another blow from his opponent. "But we need to end this quickly."

Jena, her knives a blur of motion, nodded in agreement. "We're doing our best," she shouted back, her voice filled with determination as she continued to fend off Felix's crewmates with deadly precision.

Kleid, his focus unwavering, targeted another pressure point, incapacitating yet another pirate with a swift strike. "Stay focused, everyone!" he called out, his voice steady despite the chaos surrounding them. "We can't afford to let our guard down."

Cerise, her mind racing with possibilities, continued to unleash her inventions upon Felix's crew, creating distractions and traps to keep them off balance. "We're holding our own," she shouted, her eyes shining with determination. "But we need to keep the pressure on!"