
Chapter One hundred and forty-three

Reaching the hospital, he immediately opens the door not waiting for the driver to do so and then made his way to the room his wife was in.

He laid his coat on the couch and made his way to the bed that she laid in, only to his shock find out that she was not there.

For the next best option. He turned around and looked towards the bathroom. He wanted to respect her privacy instead of just barging in. So he knocked on the door.

Hearing silence, he knocked again.

He again did not receive a reply.

'What was she doing in there?' he frowned at the lack of an answer. No water running so it was obvious that she would be able to hear him.

Placing his hand in the knob, he twisted and pushed the door back.

Looking around the empty room, he called her name, "Alexis?"

She was not here, he concluded still frowning. He started to turn around and leave but something caught his eye. Or rather someone.