
Chapter Eighty-four.

Walking to the entrance again with Nikita and Liam with her, she stopped when she saw three people surrounded by men in black.

"Hello," she politely approached. "How can I help you?"

"You cannot help us!" One of the two women spoke. "Why are you buying this place? It is good for nothing."

"Maybe, we should introduce ourselves first," the young woman standing amongst the three owner's spoke. "I am Bridget. I occupy the second floor and I teach ballet to girls. This is Serena Williams, she is an art teacher and Mister Murthy is a ... YouTuber." 

"Why does he occupy a floor for that? Youtube influencers work fine from home." Nikita asked Bridget politely because she had been polite enough.

"That's none of your concerns!" He, snarling at the woman said, "I need the floor and I have already talked the seller into it."