
CH19 :

------Leo Pov--------

opening my eyes to find myself lying on a green meadow stretching to the horizon without anything else. no trees, no building, nothing.

laying back I sighed "did i just got stabbed?"

"Well, you want the fast way so yeah... you have to get stubbed"

as i hear the voice I jump and used a quick step to open space between me and the voice owner.

looking at the source, I didn't find anything, but again the voice came from behind me "OH good move, but need little perfecting"

I did the same again, and it happen again with the same voice behind me "You need a little more speed control no?"

this time i used round kick attacking the one behind me, but it was stoped as if i kicked an iron wall. looking at the one behind me, i found... myself.

yup, the same face, same eyes, but black hairan he smirked "finally stop running, good start." as he end his world he fleck me away with my leg.

stabilizing my self i look at him "who are you?" he look at me as if he didn't expect this question

"Are you serious? I mean for an otaku you should know what I am, or all the things you read in that life didn't give you the hint? "

I frown "Last time I checked I don't remember most of that life, the only memory I have is about some few THINGS"

black me look like he pisd off "So you still running? what a disappointing me"

As he end his words he despaired and my instinct flared like no other time, hurriedly I crossed my arms to the side with my claws out.

as i did sparks flay around and the black me apairs trying to cut me with his own clows reversed in color "OH, you stop that, good but not quit their yet"

as he said he despair and attack me again with the same speed from the left, then front and back.

every time i block or redirect his attack, the force and strength behind the strike will rise.

after a couple of clashes, he despair completely to feel a stube in my shoulder and looked at me from zero point "As I said, not enough" flowed by a heel kick sending me sliding on the grass.


staring to get at my nerves with his words I shift to hybrid form "Let's try again" snorting at my words he did the same "talk after you land a hit"

and we clash again blow after blow and cut after cut, we keep on death look for a while to end with me thrown away again.

he looks at me with a somehow disappointed voice "Why not use what you have to the fullest?"

every time he talks I start to confuse more "What do you mean to use all that you got? wasn't that what we do just now?"

he look at me and sighed "That's it, I am done" appearing in front of me and stabbing his right arm claw into my heart.

sadly i couldn't even react as some black mater start to eat in me from the wound.

putting his head beside my ears "if even your death didn't teach you the meaning of fighting back, then I guess I am taking your place, don't worry, I will put our body to good use, and from the one side fight before, you can't do shit about it right?"

as he said that I start to feel this wired sleepy feeling, but that not everything, followed by unwellness, anger, and shame.

unwellness to die after just having a good second chance in life.

angery about my weak self.

shame for what I have intensely been avoiding, my old, old memory.

the moment I got stabbed by his clown, I sow my past life passing in front of my eyes.

i was your normal man, graduated from highshoole, and was about to go to college, if I have to tell something that can be called unique about me, will be pation for electronic compound and my love for martial arts. (check later)

but here came the reason i feel ashamed, I was the reason for my family's death, Something happened in one of my matches to end with the death of my family as revenge for what i did.

as I was about to give up, I heard a voice from deep inside me "Live for us too" the last words from my mother.

all my emotions froze, then it turn completely into a rage and I let go of beastieal cry as a response to my emotion.

second, later I open my eyes to see the black me a couple of meters away, with a broken right hand and shattered claws.

looking back at him right at the eyes, he start to laugh like maniace "HAHAH finely you get into the fight"

i titled my head but after seconds I sighed as a i understand what he mean.

although i have reincarnated and strat to live my life based on what i thought was free, i stell have thous feeling off uncertainty, and coutions.

before my death, i was avenger, yup i hunt down every person have any kind of relaishinship with the person who cause the accident, but sadly after the last target i end up shoot down by the same person i kiled

one of ther reasons, the fight before was on Siddely, is I never attack with the intent to hurt, something i lost the will, ore more like refuse to remeber.

BUT, I am HUMAN no more, and being a part beast, my very existence is to hunt, enjoying the hunt, and its fighting process, that is the mentality I once even lived my life with.

but after sow the bullet go trough my last target heart it quenched it down, as the reason to burn was gon

But, I never throw my true mentality until this moment, that is probably why he was angry, and if I have to guess, his the incarnation of my fighting and hunting instinct.

still looking at him I start to hear whispers "What that?" he looks at me for seconds in confusion then he opens his eyes wide shut 7 "Are you by any chance hearing some whispers"

I nodded at him he start to laugh at me again and said "Lucky bastard"

not understanding what happened I was about to question him but stopped as the whispers start to grow more and more clear untile I could recognize what it tells.

thou the whispers I was taught how to use what I got.

from the elemental energy that I already have, passing by the use of my unique body traits, and ending in the other type of energy that I unlocked.

and what more how to blind my past life material art I learned with what I got from the duo before (the lion and Roc)

looking back at the black me with a smirk, I stretch my arms to the side in relaxed position letting my claws out slowly while asking "Ready for a beating"

he laughs "HAHAHA Yeah, not happening!" disappearing and reappearing in front of me in stabing motion, but i didn't move and use little trick i just learn to deal with his attack to inabled to pierse me.

"looking at his claw not moving he took a step back and look at the place he stabbed to see a few electric recharge "Heeee, sheer will, good, Good, GOOOOOD!!!! now this will be interesting"

his claw starts to vibrate befour some dark purple elecresty jump around it. he starts to attack again with a maniac smile.