/Elijah POV/
'As Rosalie was leading me up the stairs to her house I felt an invisible barrier blocking me from going in through the door.'
"Can I come In?" I asked her, not wanting to sound suspicious.
"What do you mean?, Come in Elijah" Rosalie said in a confused tone
'As I walked through the door I thought even though they have no heartbeat I still have to be invited in. I also began to smell animal blood.
'Strange could they possibly be vampires, like Stefan Salvatore' I thought to myself.
As I was lost in my thoughts Rosalie walked into the kitchen and came out with a woman I'm assuming is her mother.
"Elijah this is my mother, Esme," Rosalie says as she begins to introduce me to her mother.
"And Esme this is Elijah," Rosalie finishes with a somewhat crazy, obsessive smile on her face.
"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Cullen, you have a lovely home," I tell her with a professional smile on my face.
"It's nice to meet you too Elijah, Rosalie talks about you all the time," She tells me with a motherly look on her face.
"Really," I said while looking at Rosalie with a smile on my face.
"Anyway, Esme. Elijah and I have to do our project. We will be in my room." Rosalie says while she begins to lead me upstairs, To a room surrounded by windows with no bed just a couch and magazines about the newest cars.
"Where do you sleep" I asked her
"On the couch, It's very comfortable," Rosalie says very quickly.
As Rosalie and I were upstairs doing our art project, I heard the front door open and then heard a man's voice.
"Is he here?" he asked
"He's upstairs in Rosalie's room," I heard Mrs. Cullen say.
As my suspicions continued to grow I saw Rosalie stop drawing and look at me with a smile on her face and say, "Shall we go downstairs I think Carilise Is hear."
"Ah, Yes," I say as I follow Rosalie downstairs, I see a blond man sitting at the kitchen table who, just like the rest of his family, is extremely pale.
"I'm Carilise, your Elijah I presume" The man I now know is Carilise says.
"Yes, Mr. Cullen it's nice to meet you two," I told Him.
"Just call me Carilise," He tells me with a smile on his face.
"Well, Elijah since you're already downstairs, how about eating something?" Esme says to me reminding me of how my mother was to me and my siblings before we became what I am today.
"If that's alright," I told her while Rosalie and I sat down at the table. Not even 2 minutes later all the Cullens but Edward were sitting down at the table, Speaking of Edward.
"May I ask where Edward went?" I asked no one specifically to which Carilise responded.
" He went to Alaska to visit our cousins. He should be back tomorrow morning," He said.
"OH, Well my sister Bella seems to have grown quite fond of him," I state with a smile on my face.
When I said that out of the corner of my eye, I saw Alice beginning to smile even more than usual.
Not saying anything I feel Rosalie grab My hand from under the table, Turning to her with a surprised look on my face I see her looking at me with an angry smile on her face.
Figuring it's better not to say anything else, I ignore it and continue to eat in silence.
'While I was eating I noticed that none of the Cullens ate anything, they just sat there and watched me eat the whole time, turning and looking at Rosalie who now that I was eating just put her hand on my leg and was also looking at me I decided to ask why they weren't eating.
"We are fasting," Esme explained, again sounding like a mother.
"Should I not be eating in front of you then?" I asked, trying to be sincere, in which made Rosalie hurriedly say, "No. It's fine right guys"
As all the Cullens began to nod, I didn't mention it again and just finished eating.
"Let me get that for you," said Esme as I began to get up to wash my plate.
"Ya, let's go we have to finish our project," Rosalie says as she again grabs my hand and leads me back upstairs.
As we were finishing our portraits of each other I noticed how Rosalie began to appear nervous and before I could say anything she was in front of me.
"What are you-" Before I could finish my lips were sealed shut by Rosaile's lips.
As this happened I knew I had the strength to pull back myself but began to realize I didn't want to.
'I knew I should have pulled back, I knew this was a bad idea but then visions of me killing Tatia, Of Hayley dying right in front of me, I knew I had to protect her, I knew she was mine, I knew that I couldn't let her leave me, that she couldn't die, That Rosalie was Mine.
When The kiss ended the visions of Tatia and Hayley disappeared leaving only me and a scared Rosalie alone.
"I'm Sorr-" But before she could finish I attacked her lips with my own. I felt as though I had become complete, that everything was going to be alright.
As I pulled away I looked at Rosalie and she looked at me. When I looked into her eyes I saw how her beautiful golden brown eyes began to look like tiny dark vortexes, I could swear I saw 2 hearts appear in her eyes.
The strange thing though is I didn't hate it no I loved it, It made me feel as if I had let her in, everything would be alright, and that's when I decided that she was the one, I wouldn't let anything happen to her, she was mine