
In This Corner Of The Multiverse

A man gets a chance at eternity, a leap into the multiverse. The catch? No cheats, no powers, no golden fingers. Watch as he crawls, schemes and bleeds for every inch of ground and every bit of power in a multiverse of world ending threats that could sneeze him out of existence. With science and technology, he will rise to new heights, conquer worlds and most importantly, have buttloads of fun. And Bon Voyage~ 7 ch/ week. 100 power stones = Extra chapter. Thanks to LordValmar for the cover fanart. First world : Rick And Morty. Second World : Heroes (TV) Third World : Star Wars Fourth World : Worm (Novel) Fifth World : One Piece (Anime) Sixth World : Marvel Cinematic Universe (Films) __________ If you feel like buying me a cup of coffee, you can support me here. Patr-eon.com/goldenfingers Thsnks for reading! __________ Doscord server : https://discord.gg/jWg6Eu6hFS

GoldFinger · アニメ·コミックス
354 Chs

The final day begins.

I awoke in the early hours of the morning to the chirping of birds as the sun's first rays hit my eye with sniper-like precision, completely swaddled by everyone else. My head resting on Offee's voluminous and soft chest, her rising and dropping breaths gently swaying my head in a rocking lullaby. I kissed them gently.

Offee's breasts are the best. They just swallowed my head whole, wrapping around it with utter softness.

Mhmm...and her abs! I wriggled a little, rubbing my back on her eight pack, washboard abs.


"Best waifu. Ever." I whispered.

"I'm glad to hear that." Offee's voice startled me as she ran her hand through my hair, patting my head.

I'm gonna melt from happiness~

"How long have you been awake?" I whispered.

"Since you kissed my chest." She giggled.

I smiled.

"It's just the best."

She hummed happily, and leaned down, kissing my forehead as we cherished the moment.

After we watched The Incredibles last night, Luminara really liked the invisible girl, I forget her name, which wasn't really surprising - Luminara is definitely on the shy and reserved side - we had all fallen asleep on the bed. Luminara was snuggled against my neck, Star grabbing my right arm like a teddy bear. Yue had draped herself over my chest and curled up like a kitten, her nails fused to my stomach from digging into it and the subsequent constant regeneration. Wanda dominated my left, her hands and legs wrapped around me in a knotted grip as she used my left arm as her pillow. I reached down and gave her butt a squeeze and she mumbled something sweetly.l in her sleep.

Kissing her forehead, I slowly slipped out of her hold, gently putting Luminara and Star to the side.

Yue was a bit more difficult, I had to pluck her fingers off of my stomach carefully so as to let her sleep some more. It was only six a.m. and vampires are lazy creatures. At least my lovely little vampire is. She's not waking up till 9, at the earliest. I ran my hand through her pretty golden hair, shimmering in the morning sunlight like fields of gold, softly combing it with my fingers as she purred happily.

So cute!

Should I get a catgirl waifu too?

Nah. I shook my head, turning over to face Offee.

This is enough for now.

I gave her a tight squeeze as she reciprocated my hug, wrapping me up in her warm embrace. I could hear her heart beating softly like a soothing drum.

"Off to work already?" She asked.

"Mhmmm." I nodded, smiling "I almost don't want to leave this, but duties call. I have some work at the off-world lab before we finish up the gods today."

"Okay." She kissed my head, "Go brush your teeth, I'll make you some breakfast."

"Yes mommy~" I teased with a cheeky grin.

"Good boy." She replied playfully as we both went our separate ways.


I entered a cordoned off subspace bubble in an isolated chamber of the off world lab and was greeted by a holoscreen.

"Hey!" The infiltrator clone replied.

"Good morning to you too." I said, checking out the contents of the subspace bubble, "I take it everything I asked for is ready?"

"Yeah. I don't know why you suddenly want to excise the curse when you waited for it so long but eh, it's not like you do anything else on time either." He shrugged, "Go ahead. I'm leaving for a little field trip."

A field trip? This close tot he deadline?

I raised an eyebrow.

"Where to?" I asked.

"Naruto. Just picking up a little something I left behind."

I realized what this was about.

"You found a multiverse travel method to integrate into Project Gamer we've been working on? Let me guess, you're thinking of bonding the system spirit to the Gamer host with a sealing jutsu?"

He nodded.

"Now that the true body is going to be awake and this multiverse might be ending, I rushed the project a bit. Might as well grab some test subjects from here since they're all disposable now." He replied with a callous fisregard for the lives residing in the multiverse, like they were just rats in a cage, ready to be tested.

Can't judge him though, I was pretty much the same. As long as I can get the ones important to me out of this world I wouldn't care if it blew up.

But seeing as Eliot wouldn't jist leave the multiverse of his birth willy nilly.....well, I had to improvise.

Not a problem. I was going to do this anyways, for Offee and the kids.

But that still left one question.

"But how did you get the rinne-sharingan's multiverse travel ability to adapt to a simple system organism? Or did you find a new method of multiverse travel while I wasn't looking?" I asked, impressed.

"It's a secret~" He giggled in excitement, "But I have a working prototype ready. I'll show you when I get back. Till then, enjoy your nanite bath. Toodles." He said jumping into a portal before I could press him for answers.

Project Gamer. An autonomous system similar to the one from the Gamer manhwa that we had created. I had to abandon the project midway due to the curse but it's great to see he finally completed it. Or a prototype at least.

I couldn't help but feel excited too. If this project worked we'd have a much larger reach into other worlds and a more natural infiltration method too.

Most worlds, the really profitable ones at least, like the xianxia, xuanhuan, epic fantasy and high sci-fi ones had entities that could detect foreign entry into the world. This had already caused a lot of trouble in some xianxia worlds we had been to. One of my clones had been instantly killed via tribulation lightning while another was adopted by a high level female cultivator for his talent, only for her to kill him when a ritual of qi gifting went wrong and revealed his true soul to her.

But with a system? Shot in via a nigh imperceptible spiritron cannon, in a soul shell that melts away once it finds a host? No trace remains of any invasion. And since the host is a native, no more accidental soul searches can fuck up my plans.

Just drop a system into a world and let it attach to some poor sod. Give him a little power boost for every quest he finishes for us while we reap the rewards of his conquest. And once his questline is complete and he has conquered the world for us, we can just terminate him and install an android. Or hijack his body with a meat computer. Or have the system take over his consciousness. A million and one ways of taking over the multiverse, with no one being any the wiser. I can't wait to see how it works in the field!

But first, I need to take advantage of my clone's absence and do what I must. Alter my code for the final mission. For the leverage. To save my Offee. My kids. Eliot too. Not gonna just let my friend die. And all with just two little alterations.

I smiled as I calibrated the systems, climbed into the nanite-bacta vat, and began the process, falling into a deep meditative trance.


Haku POV

Haku couldn't help but feel excited as he skipped along the lines of vats and tubes, inspecting the pipes and meters meticulously.

Today was the day!

Papa was coming back. The project was nearly over.

His many adoptive siblings were onto similar things all around him, each excited for the same. He could see Naruto and Karin hard at work on the natural energy seals on the condensors, while Kimimaro, Gaara and big sis Guren adjusted the crystallization process. On the other end Neji was observing the final array through a set of sensors, checking for any discrepancies.

Something tinkled outside as he made the fifth and not-so-subtle pass at the entrance, looking up hopefully.

[Boy, you're bubbling today.] Isobu chuckled inside his mind.

The three tailed beast, Isobu. His best friend.

Just an year ago, he had been on the streets, fighting dogs and raccoons and raccoon dogs for scraps. Now, he had friends, brothers, sisters and a Papa. A family!

It was a complete miracle.

All because of Papa!

He still remembered the sun cloud rising into the sky like a mushroom. The shocked expressions on the world's leaders as they bent the knee one by one before Papa.

The growth outside, he could see from the window. Glasshouses reaching into the sky, floating islands ferrying people across the clouds, a thriving city spreading out to the horizon, people journeying on their way, all happy. There were no more diseases. No more droughts or floods. Food shortages. No one needed to go through what he had once gone through.

Everyone could just go to the open kitchen and pull out a 'pizza' as Papa called it, from a green window made of water jutsu. Haku himself quite liked it. He ate at least one each day. They were delicious!

And while Haku didn't quite understand all of this, he did recognize the look of happiness, the change in the mood of the world and it's people. He saw the prosperity and plenty. He saw the sadness and hate in the eyes of his siblings when they had first come here. And he saw it drain away over the past year, replaced with joy and love.

And today they were going to finish the first project together. He couldn't wait to see the proud expression on Papa's face. It was all he wanted. To be useful to Papa.

The door creaked open and all eyes turned to it as big sis Konan and big bro Nagato entered. And behind them-

"Papa!" Haku ran up to them and received the pats on the head he liked so much.

He hugged Papa and heard a familiar happy chuckle as he got hoisted into the air and squeezed in a bear hug himself.

"Welcome back!"

"I'm home." Papa replied, splitting into multiple clones of himself, hugging the rest of his siblings. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Neji struggling.

Haku giggled.

He was always so shy and stuck up. But he could see him hug Papa back before quickly dropping down and pretending like it didn't happen.


Haku smiled.

"Oto-sama, we are finished with the project." Kimimaro bowed as he addressed Papa.

"You don't need to be so formal, Kimimaro." Papa laughed, latting his head.

"That's what I tell him-" Naruto slapped Kimimaro's back, and huffed with his characteristic grin, "But he doesn't listen. Neji too."

"We must treat our elders with respect. It's called having manners, you monkey." Neji butted heads.

"No need to fight you two." Kimimaro intervened only to get headbutted by both of them before Papa pulled them back.

"Heh idiots." Karin giggled.

"Shall we check the project first?" Guren interjected.

Papa patted her shoulders as he laughed.

"The project's not going anywhere. We can do that later. But first!" Papa flipped his hand and a basket appeared in it.

"I brought lunch. Let's eat it before it gets cold."


Infiltrator Clone/ True Jay POV

I watched the kids eat happily chatting amongst each other as they finished their meals. Gaara had become much more vocal, I noticed. And Guren and Konan got along well too despite the ten year gap in their ages.

I had gotten them together for experimentation to start but somehow it all snowballed into me becoming the new god of this world. Don't ask me how, even I'm not entirely sure.

I didn't tell anyone yet because I knew the monster clone would get on my ass about it, but the real reason I hadn't been as irritated as him was because of them. Cute little kids. Research assistants like Nagato and Konan that I could consider sort-of-friends? And after I became the new god of this world, well, the women just threw themselves at me. Didn't get any pregnant, though Anko and Tsunade certainly tried. Many, many times. But after that incident in Worm, with three new wives from just that one world, I played it very safe.

All in all, it was going to be my little secret until I'm reabsorbed by the true body, which is going to be sooner than later, now that the true body is awake. This body will go limp the moment the true body awakens and I'm pulled back into it. Today might be the last day I spend with them and I wanted at least one more good memory with them. To see them all smiling one last time.

That said, unlike the traveler clone, I didn't forget the mission.

After we finished lunch I checked the results and praised them all, giving them their die credit before dismissing them.

Finally once I was alone, I took out the little pellet sized ball from the machine.

The final product of Project Gamer, the System V1. Made of reprogrammed spiritrons and anti-matter, it was a five part application for the hardware of the body and software of the soul.

The first function was the latching mechanism. When the system found a suitable host, it would latch onto their souls and merge with them partially, using their life force as a power source, intertwining the system's existence, the same way a sealing jutsu like the four symbols seal intertwines the jinchuuriki of a tailed beast with the beast's life force and chakra.

Then based on the method the soul candy from bleach used to interface with the consumer's soul it would directly interface with the brain and allow the host and only the host see the status screen and use the other functions of the system on an instinctual level.

And for everything else, I have a basic A.I. programmed into the system to help out the host.

The second function was the data display itself. I created this based the library card from my membership in the Wanderer's Library. Premium membership, mind you, nets the member a card like mine, which displays your true name, gives passive benefits like protection from minor and passive cognitohazards, ability to breath underwater, and survive high concentration acid.

By examining this, I fabricated the display on the system interface.

It displayed the true name of the individual, the name they thought of themselves as, their age, their gender, if humanoid, or the local equivalent, their HP, MP and Stamina, based on their Vitality, Dexterity, and Endurance respectively.

It also displayed an experience bar, which was just a simple energy gathering matrix that could empower the host in small increments, on average one stat point per level.

And of course their level. The base level of 1 was set as an average teenage human male of 16 years of age and the experience requirement scaled in accordance to the level, like a gamer system should, even though really, it didn't need to, at least not to the degree I made it. But I made it so with a purpose. A level up gave the host one free stat point per level to improve whichever stat they wanted, which, compared to all those system novels where just one level up makes the system's host into a demigod, is admittedly pretty weak. But there's a benefit I added.You see I made the level up feel good. And I mean goooood. Like high on cloud nine, first love's handjob good. It tickled every right part of the brain to make this shit more addictive than crack cocaine, even more than sugar. Learning from games like Genshin Impact and FGO, I knew people would do anything for that rush of good chemicals. So once the early-stage easy level ups get them addicted, they'll work like horses to earn more and more as the level ups become scarcer and scarcer. Truly devious, this scheme.

If they need more and more experience each level up, they'll need to achieve more and more for me to get that next dose. And once they conquer their world or dimension, I get all the benefits without doing any of the work.

Hehehehhe. Now that's what I call true evil.

Alongside that, the display also showed seven stats, Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Vitality, Intelligence, Charisma and Luck.

The stats did what they seemed to do on the face value. They started at a base of 10 each, with slight variations per species. Using the energy gathering matrix, these stats could be increased by one each level up.

Yes, even charisma and luck.

The system can passive shapeshift the host a little bit, making them more good-looking, though, right now it only makes the host more angrogynous and beautiful. Something to improve on in later versions that I release.

I can even apply luck manipulation to this with my divine domain over quantum probability.

The energy gathering matrix itself worked via the soul energy consumed by either killing enemies or creating a big enough disturbance in the natural order of the world to the point that an amount of energy is released as backlash that can be then absorbed by the system via a very complex programmable array I installed inside the system. This was the third function of the system - the ability to empower its host.

The fourth function of the system was quest giving. The system can give the host quests to complete for experience points. This ensures that I can subtly guide the host to do what I want. Using the same type of connection that my psychic code of immortality has to the Akasha, the system can connect to the akashic records of each world individually and then the A.I. can align the data with my interests and grant quests based on that. Though at this moment it's not the most sophisticated thing ever. This will also need improvement, I mentally noted down.

The fifth and final and also the most important function was the ability to multiverse travel. Planeswalking, if you may. Combining my data from observing Madara's Sharingan and Nagato's Rinnegan, alongside my knowledge of traveler physiology and multiversal portal tech, I came up with a unique method of travel. This was the other reason I increased the experience required per level.

The gathered energy from the energy matrix, will be split into two, one part going to the experience bar and another to the multiverse travel array.

The multiverse travel array I installed into the little pellet sized system scans for cracks in spacetime that the travelers use and with the psychic code built-in to the system as a multiversal GPS, it widens them to create a path for the host.

Of course this can only be accessed in emergencies or when they have conquered one world for me and have to move on to the next. Can't give the host too much freedom, power or independence otherwise it'll get to their heads. I need them to be willing slaves to my systems after all. And once all is said and done, I'll be ruling a significant chunk of the omniverse, entire multiverses under my thrall, my dominion beyond imagination, my power beyond compare.

And I'll finally be fulfilled to the truest extent of the word.

Well, technically it won't be me, but the true body, but hey, tómato, tomāto. Big deal.

Would it even be me though?

I meam I am the true Jay, or at least the primary consciousness of the true Jay. With me lies the power to make and unmake clones. Right now the auxiliary A.I. must be running my true body. Once they enter this multiverse, establish a secure psychic connection to me, I'll return to my true body and the infiltrator clone will fall into the hands of a copy of my mind playing on a supercomputer on the main ship. Just like the rest.

Which begs the question again? Am I the mild mannered, infiltrator clone? Or am I the ruthless True Jay?

In this body, my personality had deviated quite a bit from the norm. I had become soft. Must be all those Simple Jay's wafers I eat.

Well, returning to my true body will mean changes in brain chemistry and a return to the norm. I wonder, will my feelings for the kids here last? Will they even be the same in a different body?

Checking the system pellets once over, I poured them into a pill bottle and stuffed it into my pocket as I made my way to the dorms. Looking through the doors, I could see them all playing and reading and talking like they were a family.

It brought a smile to my face.

Just then, my glasses pinged with a notification. The true body had arrived on the off-world lab and I could feel my consciousness being pulled back into it.

"Goodbye kids." I whispered with a hint of melancholy and disappeared.


Alrighty. Long chapter. 3300 words.

And finally, the Gamer system is here!

With this, all the plot points I mentioned for the magicians are over.

Next time, a trap of the gods. The final stage is set. Maybe a surprise reveal. And then, Jay-mageddon.

Thanks for reading.

Tell me if this felt filler-y?

And I'll see you after dinner!

Donate your powerstones!

Let's get to the top 20 at least? Please?
