
In This Corner Of The Multiverse

A man gets a chance at eternity, a leap into the multiverse. The catch? No cheats, no powers, no golden fingers. Watch as he crawls, schemes and bleeds for every inch of ground and every bit of power in a multiverse of world ending threats that could sneeze him out of existence. With science and technology, he will rise to new heights, conquer worlds and most importantly, have buttloads of fun. And Bon Voyage~ 7 ch/ week. 100 power stones = Extra chapter. Thanks to LordValmar for the cover fanart. First world : Rick And Morty. Second World : Heroes (TV) Third World : Star Wars Fourth World : Worm (Novel) Fifth World : One Piece (Anime) Sixth World : Marvel Cinematic Universe (Films) __________ If you feel like buying me a cup of coffee, you can support me here. Patr-eon.com/goldenfingers Thsnks for reading! __________ Doscord server : https://discord.gg/jWg6Eu6hFS

GoldFinger · アニメ·コミックス
354 Chs

Meeting friends.

"Jay! And who's that cutie?" Eliot greeted as I walked in with Yue.

"Oh! This is Yue."

Margo looked at me skeptical, tilting her head in confusion.

"Her name is Yue? Isn't that a chinese name? But she's...." She couldn't find the right words.

"Blond. Looking very Aryan-ish." Eliot finished her sentence for her, "No offense." He raised a hand, getsuring at Yue.

"And so..... unreasonably cute. Beautiful even. What is she?"

"Yeah, I was about to say...that beauty cannot be natural. It's not an illusion either. It's like she's an adorable work of art. And not a Picasso either. More like a living Da Vinci or Vermeer."

"I was thinking more like an anime girl." Margo said, observing her curiously.

How unexpected! Margo watched anime?

And here I thought she was just another a party girl.

Margo seemed to notice and glared at me.

"Yeah I watch anime. You don't need to make that face."

"It's just ...."

"Out of character? I know. It's a guilty pleasure." She admitted.

"Hold on. What's anime?" Eliot asked, confused.

"It's Japanese cartoons. I'll show you some later." Margo brushed it off focusing back on Yue.

And the way you two are talking. It's weird. I get the feeling there's something off-"

Oh, right.

I realised. The translation devices I used to talk to Yue were still on.

She couldn't speak english and I couldn't speak Tortus's local languages after all!

I will have to teach her yet.

I shut them mine off, and left Yue's collar on so she could communicate.

"Sorry. My translator was still on."

"Why would you need a translator-Oh. For her. I see now." Eliot understood, nodding and so did Margo.

"And here I thought she was like your little sister or something."

"I'm not his sister! And I'm not little. I'm 323 years old!" Yue interjected, insistent on clearing that up, glaring daggers into Margo.

Right. Yue doesn't like being called short or small.

She's got quite the complex about it.

"Then what are you?" Margo asked.

Before Yue could answer I began.

"Yue is uh....an associa-"

"I'm his woman." Yue interjected again.

Eliot choked on his drink and Margo raised an eyebrow.

"Yue!" I protested, "Guys, it's not what you think-"

"Ayaya!" Yue blushed, "After you proposed to me."

She poked my sides.


"I didn't- That was not a proposal. Well okay it was a proposal but it wasn't a proposal proposal. You know what I me-"

"He got down on one knee-"

"Because you are short- Akh!" Yue slammed her elbow into my gut as she continued non-chalantly.

"And he said, 'I chose you, Yue. Will you be my partner?" Yue said, starry eyed and blushing, acting the scene out.

"You know damn well what I meant by that." I tsukkomi'd.

"Yes. It was a proposal!" Yue chirped.

"It was...." I sighed, looking at the rest of the people looking at me amused and hung my head, "Nevermind."

I sat down on the couch and Yue jumped on my lap, snuggling up to me as I poured myself a drink.

"So what's the story with your child bride?" Margo asked with a teasing smirk.

I facepalmed much to everyone's amusement.

"I'm never going to live this down am I?" I asked, helplessly and Eliot laughed.

"No. I think not." He patted my back, "Unless she's-"

"No! No. She's another questor I hired for some backup. And to play my girlfriend in Wanda's abscence...for reasons."

"She looks twelve."

"Nothing a little Glamour spell can't fix. She just needs to look pretty for the papers and occassional inspections. Not actually be my lover."

"For now." Yue added with a look as if a cat had stolen her salami.

I ignored her.

I knew what she was hinting at.

But, she was meant for Hajime.

And more importantly, she looks twelve. A very beautiful twelve year old but still.

It just feels a bit odd.

And with the implications of that....yeah.

Not gonna go there at all. Not yet at least.

But if she gets the ability to take a grown up form....maybe.

"What happened to her?" Eliot asked, overly invested in this for some reason.

"She fell into a magic portal and disappeared while fighting some lion people in a magical savannah." margo raised an eyebrow before looking pissed and Eliot laid out his hand, invitingly.

Margo rolled her eyes and pulled out a 20 dollar bill, handing it to him.

"Choke on it." She mouthed, and Eliot snorted.

"I have had bigger and lived."

I looked between the two and pouted.

"You made a bet about this too?"

"What? Don't look at me like that." Margo shrugged, "Your life is too interesting to not bet on. And this once..." She emphasized looking at Eliot, "I was wrong."

"She bet you would bring your girlfriend."

"He looked so in love." Margo scoffed, "Apparently not."

"Hey. I love my girlfriend. I was going to propose to her once she got here. But then she got into trouble and ..."

"Fell into a magic portal. You told us." Eliot interjected, "Is she going to be fine?"

"Oh yeah. I have protective countermeasures. They should work. I think. And if they don't.... well, she won't die at least."

"Very reassuring." Eliot said sarcastically.

"You're rather invested..." I chuckled.

"Yes. I bond quickly. Bite me." Eliot replied hapilly tucking the 20 dollar bill into his wallet.

"Hey, I'm just happy to have a friend. Those are rare with me." I shrugged.

"I wonder why?" Quentin snarked.

"Yes Quentin keep wondering. Maybe you'll have a productive thought in that empty skull of yours for once." I shot back, taking a sip of my drink, before turning to Alice.

"So how has your little quest been going?"

"Well, I think I found a spell. A combination of spells actually. If used correctly.... theoretically, it should work."

"But just in case..." I led her on.

"Yes, I have a niffin box in the works. But we won't need it."

"Of course." I backed off.

"You know something, don't you?" Margo chimed in, "I know that look. Don't try to hide it."

"How?! We've known each pther for less than a month."

"I catch on quick." She smiled smugly.

"And don't change the topic." She snalped her fingers.

"Out with it. What do you know?"

"It's nothing. Really. The spell is possible. Technically."

"And what, Rafiki?" Margo pushed.

"That's ... a secret!" I winked.

Margo groaned, punching me.

"Ow." I cried out.

"You and your secrets."

"It's more fun this way Bambi!" Eliot was enjoying himself, "It's like one of those detective games. And don't you worry. We will uncover thoses clue and solve the mystery that is Jay!" He announced, raising a toast.

"I guarantee it!"

"To mysteries." I toasted, chuckling at his antics.

"You have good friends." Yue said, snuggling into my chest.

"They're your friends too now." I told her, "But don't get too attached."

"Why? Jealous?" Yue teased.

"No. I'll tell you later." I whispered.

"Now, do you have anything to eat. I'm starving."

"Hold on. I will whip something up." Eliot got up and made for the kitchen.

"And in the meantime." Margo patted Yue on the knee, "How about you tell us something about yourself. You've been awfully quiet."

Yue looked up at me for permission and I nodded.

"Just don't mention the portal." I whispered in her ear.

"Hey! What are you two gossiping about? Share it with the class." Margo ordered.

"Yes, teacher~" I played along as Eliot returned with chips and sandwiches.

Yue cleared her throat and began.

"My story, begins a long, long time ago....."


As we returned to the room and settled in for the bight on our two separate beds, I found Yue staring at me intently.

"What happened?"

"Hungry." Yue said, climbing onto my bed.

"Didn't you just eat-" I said, when I remembered she had just had booze and some french fries.

"Ok. But don't drink too much. We have class tomorrow, alright?"

Yue licked her lips, climbing onto my lap, and nodded, before she kissed my nape gently.

Then with a prick, she dug in.

And surprisingly, it feels...kinda good.

I feel light and a bit woozy.

The next thing I knew, it was morning and I awoke to birds chirping and Yue draped over me, naked and drooling on my arm.

Alarmed I looked down and saw my pants were still on and sighed in relief.

Thank goodness.

I didn't cross a line.


MC bonds with Yue.

And does not sleep with her.

That's all folks.

See ya!

Thanks for reading. Tell me how you feel about the chapter and the story.

Next extra chapter at 400 powerstones!

If you wanna help me out, dobate to the Pat-reon, www.pat.reon.com/goldenfingers.
