

In the year 2029, a catastrophic event shatters the tranquility and plunges humanity into chaos. People are transformed into mindless beings, driven by an insatiable hunger to attack others, amidst this turmoil, animals undergo a horrifying mutation, transforming into scary and atrocious monstrous. Meet David, a determined survivor who embarks on a perilous journey to find peace and safety, but he is not alone in his quest. Instead of a team, he is accompanied by his loyal and steadfast best friend, Max, a dog who has also been affected by the mutations. Together, David and Max navigate the treacherous landscape, encountering both human and beastly adversaries along the way. Their bond is unbreakable, and they rely on each other's strength and instincts to overcome the countless challenges they face. As they traverse the desolate ruins of civilization, seeking clues to the origins of the disaster. Along the way, they encounter other survivors, forming fleeting alliances and facing moral dilemmas that test their resolve. In this post-apocalyptic world, where danger lurks around every corner, David and Max must rely on their wits, resourcefulness, and the unbreakable bond between man and dog. Together, they strive to live a wonderful life in a world teetering on the edge of darkness. Will David and Max succeed in their mission, or will they succumb to the overwhelming odds stacked against them? Join them on their thrilling and emotional journey as they face the horrors of a world gone mad and how they struggle to find their place in it.

Madara_Uchiha_6218 · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Chapter 9

"fetch. "

A dog is seen running for a ball, a speed that is worthy of it's breed, this is one of the world deadliest dogs, the German Shepherd.

This dog is davids best friend, and maybe his only true friend.

The dog was originally his mother's own but without the parents, david had to take care of the dog alone.

The dog gets the ball and quickly brings it back to him, an excited expression on it's little adorable face.

"You want to continue? "

David asked, a bit surprised by the stamina showed by the dog.

Usually, with the number of games they have played, it would have been exhausted.

"Okay, we will continue. "

But regardless, anything that will make him happy is good enough for me.

David spent more than an hour, playing a lot of different games with him.

Buy the end of it, David was already on the floor, dead tired while the dog was just there looking at David.

"I understand why they say that animals are superior to humans physically. "

David muttered to himself as he looks at his best friend, he just couldn't help but feel very uncomfortable at that gaze.

The kind of gaze that a child would give their parents if they don't buy the exact present they wanted for their birthday.

After looking at david, the dog decided that he was very exhausted and could not play with him.

Lying down next david, the dog just silently looked at it's master.

"Do you want to eat a big piece of meat? "

David asked the dog, he was trying to make atonements for neglecting his friend.

"Woof. "

The dog barked to show it's excitement, there is no dog that doesn't like meat.

"Okay, let's go. "

Picking him up, david carries him downstairs to the kitchen. Dropping him, David pats his head and then gets busy with the food.

Taking a big chunk of meat from the freezer, david places it on the chopping board, rubbing different spices, salt and pepper on it.

David then carries a big frying pan and places it on the stove, starting the fire, david waits for some minutes before pouring oil and then onions.

After some seconds, david carries the meat and places it on the frying pan. Pouring the oil over the top of the meat, david pays attention to time.

Waiting for about thirty seconds, David flips the meat over and carrying a big cover, he covers the pot.

Waiting for the meat to fry more thoroughly, david carries the dog and keeps it on his leg.

Stroking his head as they wait, david starts thinking about the system and where it comes from.

It is aliens, or one of the government's various secret inventions. I just hope I can take care of myself and this little rascal.

As david says this in his mind, the dog was suddenly attracted to the pan and then.

"Woof. "

Hearing the bark, david snaps out and then goes to the frying pan and opens it.

Before him was a tantalizing looking piece of meat, it was covered with oil and the spices had given it a certain look to it.

Quickly putting out the fire, david gently picks up the meat and puts it on the chopping board in the kitchen.

Carrying a knife, david carefully cuts the meat into smaller pieces. Giving the bigger share to the dog, david settles with the smaller share.

The dog looking at david, pushes the bigger share and takes the smaller piece.

David looking at this smiled, he still takes the smaller piece and returned the bigger piece.

"I'm not very hungry. "

David tells the dog as he does an expression of satisfaction, the dog looking at this doesn't doubt david and immediately starts eating.

David liked this side of dogs, they always trust you no matter what.

Humans normally would ask you to take the bigger piece but that show that they actually don't believe you.

Animals don't talk, are loyal and you do not have to worry about them betraying you unlike humans that are unpredictable.

Someone eating and laughing with you now, an hour later is talking behind your back.

David proceeds to eat his piece.

"Boom, boom, boom! "

Suddenly, the sound of bombing and gunshot resound through the place.

David shocked, proceeds to carry the dog and run upstairs, arriving there, he places the dog on the bed and prepares for a battle that may ensue.

Going to the place with the weapons, david sheathes the machete, carries the helmet and wear on his face.

Holding the chainmail, david tries his fastest to wear it, after a while david has successfully worn the chainmail.

Carrying the sword, david goes around the house to make sure everything is good, then going to the security room, david then sees an armored truck.

This armored truck was followed by similar cars and trucks, with soldiers around it.

"Boom. "

The soldiers around the truck start shooting the zombies all over the place, the rain of the bullets was so beautiful but the zombies just kept coming.

Some zombies are able to reach the soldiers and from there, casualties started appearing amongst the soldiers.

Looking at this, david thinks of helping them but he is not sure that he can escape alive.

David has enough food and water to last him three years but nobody wants to stay in their house for three years, always afraid of being attacked.

Looking at the soldiers sacrificing themselves to save them, david decides to help them, one thing a person should not be is ungrateful.

Animals are not ungrateful but humans, they are on a different level of ungratefulness.

A person you buy things for, the day you can't buy anything for him again.

He won't consider that you don't have money or all the things you have bought for them, rather he will think you are being stingy.

Just as david was about to go and help, he sees those people from before running to the soldiers.

He looks at them and notices there was a new person with them, a woman.

They just rush in with one the males fighting the zombies and making a path towards the soldiers.

Opening the door, david steps out and looks at the zombies.

Peter, tony, Stephany and bella were running towards the army, peter was at the front of the group, clearing the zombies.

As peter was clearing the zombies, he notices that someone had appeared in front of that experts house.

"Guys, I think the expert is about to help with the zombies. "

Peter said to the rest of the team, who all look at where peters face was focusing.

"It will be better with him. "

They all felt the same way, only bella was a little suspicious about him being able to kill more than peter.

While david was breathing in and breathing out, ready to fight.

[Ding... Side quest issued]

[Side quest: Help]

[Reward: Fiend blade]

[Kill all attacking zombies and help the army]

[Punishment: 300 cuts]

[Time: 2hours]

David saw the message and was already used to it, but he noticed that the punishment was higher than the last one.

The last one was a main quest while this one is a side quest, but the punishment was too high, almost as if the system didn't want him to help them.

"Anyway, let's just complete the mission. "

David said this, as he rushes at the zombies.

I'm very sorry for missing a day and I will do my best to never allow that happen again. i have taken the advice and have made it more detailed.

Madara_Uchiha_6218creators' thoughts