

In the year 2029, a catastrophic event shatters the tranquility and plunges humanity into chaos. People are transformed into mindless beings, driven by an insatiable hunger to attack others, amidst this turmoil, animals undergo a horrifying mutation, transforming into scary and atrocious monstrous. Meet David, a determined survivor who embarks on a perilous journey to find peace and safety, but he is not alone in his quest. Instead of a team, he is accompanied by his loyal and steadfast best friend, Max, a dog who has also been affected by the mutations. Together, David and Max navigate the treacherous landscape, encountering both human and beastly adversaries along the way. Their bond is unbreakable, and they rely on each other's strength and instincts to overcome the countless challenges they face. As they traverse the desolate ruins of civilization, seeking clues to the origins of the disaster. Along the way, they encounter other survivors, forming fleeting alliances and facing moral dilemmas that test their resolve. In this post-apocalyptic world, where danger lurks around every corner, David and Max must rely on their wits, resourcefulness, and the unbreakable bond between man and dog. Together, they strive to live a wonderful life in a world teetering on the edge of darkness. Will David and Max succeed in their mission, or will they succumb to the overwhelming odds stacked against them? Join them on their thrilling and emotional journey as they face the horrors of a world gone mad and how they struggle to find their place in it.

Madara_Uchiha_6218 · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Chapter 2

People were eating each other, mother's were biting into their babies heads, friends eating each other.

Flesh and blood flying, hands were Thrown here and there and bodies were simply and utterly disemboweled.

Looking at all this, David sat down on the floor with no strength in his body feeling absolute despair.


"I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead"!

"I will die"!

David kept feeling despair as he remembered what he just saw and imagines himself in that state.

"Wait, they won't come here right"!

Suddenly thinking of this, David remembers that he is outside proceeds to enter inside and lock the door.

Immediately he snapped out of his breakdown holding that hope of the zombies not reaching him.

Thinking of this he immediately looks around the house for any weapon or anything useful to him.

He finds a machete under his parents bed including a flare gun, first aid kit and a black flashlight with three spare batteries.

Holding the machete in one hand, he goes and carries his old helmet and wears. Still not feeling secured enough he carries the board used for chopping and puts it under his shirt.

David then looks around the house for clothes and then stuffs it in his body as armor. He wears the gloves his father was usually with, and even with all these he doesn't feel safe.

He immediately takes heavy things to block the doors, he then uses duck tape on all the windows downstairs and almost all upstairs except his room.

Hiding in his room, David pushes anything heavy to block the door and even decides to use cupboard to wedge the door.

"They will not be able to get me with all of this, right"!

As David was thinking to himself, he decides to look through the window and notices that the zombies had dispersed.

This reduces his fear and immediately decide to focus on surviving.

I have enough food and water to last a another week but after that I'm done for, the water will only last two more days.

As David starts thinking about his supplies, he notices that his house is not strong and can be broken in by zombies anytime.

As David is thinking this, suddenly the face of someone flashes through his mind.


"He definitely has already prepared for this and I remember how he always told me that the world will soon end."

Tom Hanks also known as tommy is Davids best friend and also a prepper

He believes that the world will experience a catastrophic event and as such he prepared his house for that event.

"He has gone on a vacation but he always leaves a spare key in the flower pot in front of his house."

"I just need to get to his house and I will be saved."

Eager to get to safety, David stands up about to leave but then remembers the situation. So how will I get to his house.

"I have it."

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