

In the year 2029, a catastrophic event shatters the tranquility and plunges humanity into chaos. People are transformed into mindless beings, driven by an insatiable hunger to attack others, amidst this turmoil, animals undergo a horrifying mutation, transforming into scary and atrocious monstrous. Meet David, a determined survivor who embarks on a perilous journey to find peace and safety, but he is not alone in his quest. Instead of a team, he is accompanied by his loyal and steadfast best friend, Max, a dog who has also been affected by the mutations. Together, David and Max navigate the treacherous landscape, encountering both human and beastly adversaries along the way. Their bond is unbreakable, and they rely on each other's strength and instincts to overcome the countless challenges they face. As they traverse the desolate ruins of civilization, seeking clues to the origins of the disaster. Along the way, they encounter other survivors, forming fleeting alliances and facing moral dilemmas that test their resolve. In this post-apocalyptic world, where danger lurks around every corner, David and Max must rely on their wits, resourcefulness, and the unbreakable bond between man and dog. Together, they strive to live a wonderful life in a world teetering on the edge of darkness. Will David and Max succeed in their mission, or will they succumb to the overwhelming odds stacked against them? Join them on their thrilling and emotional journey as they face the horrors of a world gone mad and how they struggle to find their place in it.

Madara_Uchiha_6218 · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Chapter 14: Monsters

Attacking before the people inside could even shoot, davids blade had already cut the heads of all those holding guns.

With the heads rolling on the floor and people kneeling down, the group quickly take the gun on the floor.

"Who sent you? "

David asks, as he is anxious about the time limit and the punishment for his failure to kill all of them.

"Captain menes is working with terrorists and they plan to take over the base. "

"Kill them. "

A sudden shout is heard.

Following that, a group of soldiers led by a slightly fat man, wearing casual clothes and having a malicious smile on his ugly face.

The man accuses them of being terrorist who are plotting to take over the place.

This is a very serious offense and it could be used as an excuse and reason to kill them all, especially since there is no longer any court or judges.

"Im captain menes, and according to the law and procedures you can't kill me or my group until we are trialed. "

Captain menes has been in the military for years and already knows what to do in this kinds of situations.

After hearing this, the soldiers put down their guns, he was right, they couldn't shoot until he has been trialed.

"I said kill them. "

Kirk was getting anxious, with the apocalypse happening, he thought that he could take over this base.

With the government busy fighting zombies, he could take over the base and then relying on his connections, he would still be the head here.

"We were ambushed by this people and we only did self defense. "

Menes explains himself, he can't panic or show any sign of guilt, unless he wants to get killed.

"You are lying, now kill them. "

Kirk was trying his best to kill them before the situation is revealed, there is no way to kill them after that.

"You do not have the authority to kill me and my subordinates. "

Menes sneered, as he looks at Kirk, he was too young to try to mess with him.

"What is going on here? "

A white old man was looking at them while he was escorted by soldiers.

"Major. "

All of them immediately salute him, he was not only a major but he was also a respected and good man.

"We were ambushed and that led us to kill the ambushers, then Kirk came and wants to kill us without proper procedures. "

Menes explains, this was a man that you could count on to stand for the truth.

"Such a thing happened. "

The major narrowed his eyes, he doesn't like when people use their power and disobey the procedures and laws.

Just as the major really looked, he notices david with his fiend blade in hand and blood on his clothes.

The major just looks at david, he senses that this boy was strong, even stronger than him.

"You are strong. "

He just says it, the major believes that you shouldn't hide and say things, just say it in front of them.

"So are you. "

David similarly replies, he notices that this man was stronger than the zombie he fought, and he would have lost if it wasn't for his level up.

"Good. "

After saying this, the major unexpectedly moves and beats Kirk, breaking his bones, the major throws him to the soldiers.

"Get this brat out of here. "

He orders, he knows this kinds of people, the type that don't work for anything and just gets away with bad things.

"Follow me. "

He tells them.

Following him, they walk for some seconds before reaching a old door.

"Stay outside, you, enter. "

The major tells them and then points to david as he enters the room.

"Hmmm. "

David was confused, logically captain menes should be the one getting summoned.

"Just go, don't keep the major waiting. "

The captain pushes david into the room.

Startled from the push, david looks at the captain then looks inside.

Inside the room was a table with some books and documents placed around, then there were two chairs on with the major sitting in one.

"Sit. "

The major pointed.

Still not understanding, I just walked, pull the chair and sit.

"You must be wondering why I called you here? "

"Yes. "

"What do you think of the zombies? "

The major asks david, he wanted to see his view on the matter.

"For me, zombies are relentless and any of them have the speed of an athlete and the strength of an average man.

Then they are very hard to kill, they can turn more with a scratch or a bite. "

David gives his honest opinion.

"Now, how much of a threat do the zombies pose to humanity? "

This is a question that he wanted to ask him.

"They pose a gigantic and horrifying threat to all of humanity. "

David gives his answer, based on what he had seen and experienced this should be right.

"Should I tell you something, the zombies are less of a threat than you think. "

"Do you believe that zombies can cause the end of the world. "

"They can't, they can only cause the deaths of a lot of people, in the end our true apocalypse is monsters. "

"Monsters. "

David was silent as he listened to the major, well that was until he heard about monsters.

"Yes monsters, the animals are mutating and some have already mutated, unless why do you think we would only send menes and his group to save people and kill zombies. "

"Monsters have appeared and humans can't stop them. "