

In the year 2029, a catastrophic event shatters the tranquility and plunges humanity into chaos. People are transformed into mindless beings, driven by an insatiable hunger to attack others, amidst this turmoil, animals undergo a horrifying mutation, transforming into scary and atrocious monstrous. Meet David, a determined survivor who embarks on a perilous journey to find peace and safety, but he is not alone in his quest. Instead of a team, he is accompanied by his loyal and steadfast best friend, Max, a dog who has also been affected by the mutations. Together, David and Max navigate the treacherous landscape, encountering both human and beastly adversaries along the way. Their bond is unbreakable, and they rely on each other's strength and instincts to overcome the countless challenges they face. As they traverse the desolate ruins of civilization, seeking clues to the origins of the disaster. Along the way, they encounter other survivors, forming fleeting alliances and facing moral dilemmas that test their resolve. In this post-apocalyptic world, where danger lurks around every corner, David and Max must rely on their wits, resourcefulness, and the unbreakable bond between man and dog. Together, they strive to live a wonderful life in a world teetering on the edge of darkness. Will David and Max succeed in their mission, or will they succumb to the overwhelming odds stacked against them? Join them on their thrilling and emotional journey as they face the horrors of a world gone mad and how they struggle to find their place in it.

Madara_Uchiha_6218 · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Chapter 11

The group quickly headed out, with everyone being alert and ready.

The group has travelled for up to more than two hours, and some were getting bored.

"So mister, i don't really know your name. "

"Are you talking to me. "

"Yes. "

David was surprised that someone would talk to him, he had liked being alone and with that, people stopped talking or even looking at him.

"David. "

"David, as in king david in the bible? "

"Yes. "

Bella starts talking to david, she was trying to start a reasonable conversation with him.

"Don't tell me that you believe in God? "

Just as bella was about to continue, they were interrupted by Stephany, talking about religion in front of a scientist never ends well.

"Of course, he created everything from the sky land, stars and even the sun. "

"But can you proof to me, that he exists? "

"have you seen him? "

"No. "

"Have you touched him? "

"No. "

"Have you smelt him? "

"No. "

"Have you felt him? "

"Yes. "

"When. "

"When I was going through tough times. "

"Okay, I will take that you 'felt him'. "

"Finally, have you tasted him? "

"No. "

"Then, he doesn't exist. "

"Can I also ask you a question? "


"Is there an invincible circle dividing the earth into two? "

"Yes. "

"But, can you see it? "

"No, but science... "

"That's not the point, please just answer with a yes and a no. "

"Okay. "

"Can you see it, touch it, feel it, smell it, and finally, can you taste it? "

"No. "

"Then please don't talk if you can't even proof your own science facts. "

"This isn't over, I shall prove you so wrong that you will want to commit suicide. "

"I cannot see that happening, even in a million years from now. "

"Just you wait. "

Stephany said this, as she proceeded to glare at david with the same look a person would give if you killed their closest siblings.

"This is why I don't interact with people. "

David mutters to himself, people can change faster than you can flip a book.

"Just forget her, she won't believe you even if you can convince her, and besides do I care about what she thinks. "

David comforts himself as he goes back to looking at the surrounding, meanwhile, bella was stupified at the turn of events.

She had started a conversation with david to try to get together with him, but Stephany just ruined it.

"I will try it alter. "

Bella sighed as she went back to the group, if it was a regular person, that person would have tried to talk to her.

Bella was not the most beautiful woman but she was very beautiful with long black hair, a cute face and a slender and well developed body.

This situation lasted for some more minutes, before they were attacked by a large number of zombies.

"There is something wrong. "

Stephany stops the whole group because of the strange way the zombies were moving.

"There is a sense of order in intelligent animal and of course humans, but that is impossible for zombies. "

"Impossible... Unless they have a leader. "

After saying her hypothesis, Stephany left everyone in a state of fear, the group is mostly worried about the fact that the zombies have a leader.

But it is different for the captain and Stephany, they knew what this meant.

The only way for a zombie to command the other zombies is to be stronger than the other zombies.

This will stimulate the most primal and the strongest emotion of all living things.


Zombies may be mindless beasts but even a mindless beast will feel fear from a stronger being.

And like that, this proofs their greatest fear of the zombies being able to evolve.

"Everyone quickly prepare, remember to not hold back at all or we will die. "

The captain shouts at the whole group to start fighting, this will be the worst fight they would have ever fought.

A lot of the soldiers might not be able to make it to the end.

"My men, many of you will not survive this battle, I just want to say my last words as your captain. "

The captain says this as he is not sure that he will be able to survive.

"Captain don't say that, we will all suvive and get some drinks after this. "

The soldiers say this, but none of them really believed what they are saying.

"Okay, I will pay for the drinks. "

The captain wipes his tears, all of them have been through life and death situations before, together, they have drank and shared stories.

"Hurray. "

The soldiers all cheer.

While the soldiers are cheering, david is fully preparing.

Wearing the helmet, david carries his shield and was about to carry a weapon.

"The weapons have gotten pretty battered and I'm not sure if they will be able to fight again. "

David is worried about his weapons,

Due to his level up, his strength has increased and is no longer something the machete or the sword can withstand.

"I dont want my weapon to fail me during an actual battle. "

"Wait, what about the fiend blade. "

This thought suddenly entered his mind, david holds the fiend blade and slightly unsheathes it.

"Let's go with this, but in case I will take the machete with me. "

David wants to take the fiend blade and the sword, since the machete is more battered and more likely to fail him.

But, he couldn't sheate the sword and carrying the two weapons most likely won't work.

"Okay ready. "

"My friend be safe, I will be back in no time. "

David reassures the dog and then hiding him, he comes and stand to fight.

"Captain, I will take the front. "

"You there, I saw how you fought, take the back side and the soldiers will take the middle

part. "

"But the front has the most zombies, and it is our duty to protect citizens not let citizens protect us. "

The captain tries to dissuade david, the front has more zombies than the middle and the back.

"I've made up my decision, besides, who told you I will die. "

"But... "

"Attack. "

David shouts and charges at the zombies with the fiend blade in hand.

"You heard him, start entering position. "

The captain shouts at the group to enter their position, as he carries his gun and stands with his men.

"Attack. "

This one word will signify the start of a deadly battle.

I'm really sorry for having to keep you all in so much suspense, I will make the novel even more fun in chapter 12

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