
In The Multiverse as a Jujutsu Sorcerer.

I decided, "Hey why not wash some of my sins by writing and entertaining you who is getting bored day by day so drop some prayer in the reviews or comments and enjoy me violating one of the masterpieces of the anime world." No Harem.

Dio_Za_Editor · アニメ·コミックス
49 Chs


"All your power, abilities, and knowledge should be mine, and your existence to be wiped out the next moment,"

"I wish for the following commandment to be applied,"

Edward made his wish.

'I can only ask for one wish but by rephrasing the sentences and the way I make my wish I can get more than one wish,'

'By asking for his power and abilities I am basically becoming a god and by asking for his knowledge, not his memories or anything but only knowledge I will know how to use these powers without my own personality being overwritten,'

'Most authors are stupid as hell, you get reincarnated into a person's body and get his memories but then the memories do nothing like they are gone like..., I don't know what I am thinking but basically, you will be getting another personality IRL,'

'And getting the memories of a dude who is, I don't know many eternities old, you get the idea right I am the one being overwritten,'

The white dude or god just stared at Edward for a while before a smile appeared on its face as he started to laugh.

"Huhuhu HAHAHA, CONGRATULATIONS, take it, take it all, take everything, take my power, knowledge, and finally my misery, free me my successor,"

The white dude or god started to fade away into dust with that big stupid smile which was even bigger than almight's smile plastered on his face.

A door suddenly opened up behind Edward as a gray eye opened up inside it as well. Small hand-like extensions came out and grabbed Edward and pulled him inside.

(A/N: Why does it sound like FMAB all of a sudden.)

A load of information started to force its way into Edward's mind and his brain felt like exploding.

A few torturous moments later...

Edward was back in the white room as he tried to catch his breath but unfortunately, there was no air present to do so.

(A/N: Man doesn't even have any breathing room. Well, that was a bad joke. Anyways F in the chat for Edward.)

But something changed inside of him. He felt as if he could do anything as if he had everything within his grasps.

And the knowledge he gained was not just about using the white dudes or god's powers but also what things outside the Universe no Multiverse was like.

All kinds of strange weird things happen in other Universes and even the ones who create them are weird as hell.

There is this one race called the Celestialsaipen's race where they use Universes as eggs to grow their babies.

(A/N: Author's name is Celestialsaipen. Author be like: Praise me, mortals.)

And many more races out there and this white dude was at the peak of this weird system. And the white dude he just met was one of the many white, black, red, blue, green, and other colored dudes who in the same way as the white dude passed on until today where Edward was chosen.

(A/N: I am seriously getting reported for racism after this, hey you knuckleheads out there who only know shit, this is not racist OK you hear me, this is not racist.)

After 'catching' his 'breath' Edward got up and looked around and grasped the feeling of being able to do anything and then suddenly.

His entire gaming setup which was a beast of a gaming PC appeared next to him. With a couch, a PS5, and a T.V. as well. Edward walked up to the couch and then sat on it.

He bounced up and down for a moment before coming to the halt. Yes, the bounciness of the couch was over 9000.

"Wow, this is noice, well I don't have shit to do so... let's just play some Rust I guess,".

A months later.

"Yeah I really don't have shit to do, maybe I should just Isekai already, Well, let's get to it then,"

Edward sat up straight on his couch as he thought of which anime he should reincarnate in. But as the title of this Fanfic say he will be forcefully placed in Naruto, for plot reasons.

"Ok, we are going to Naruto, but before that,"

Edward snapped his fingers and half the life in the Universe died.

"As a Thanos fan how can I not,"

(A/N: Bro you just snapped half of life out of existence. Not like I care.)

"That much better, Lord Thanos give your blessings to this child who has completed your mission,"

"Now, here is the 1 million dollar question if I am going reincarnate in Naruto what kind of cheat should I give myself, hmm, hmmmm, *'hmm'ing intensifies. "

"Infinite Chakra, Otsutsuki bloodline, Jougan, Rinnegan, being born into the Uchiha clan, Perverted system, Op system, sexy AI, and, anything else which is considered cliche or h**t*i is out of the list,"

Edward kept on thinking, and when he was thinking he suddenly remembered an idea he had long ago.

An idea about 'What if someone with Jujutsu Kaisen's power was there in Naruto,'.

(A/N: Plot.)

"I mean Jujutsu Kaisen and Naruto are pretty similar like Kakashi and Gojo looking like long lost brothers, Itadori and Naruto are both vessels of their own beasts, Megumi and Sasuga-Ahem!! Sasuke are both emos, and Kugisaki and Sakura..., I don't know,"

"Ok theme of cheat code is decided, now it is time, to get the most OP and at the same time not so OP ability available for this adventure,"

"Equivalent Exchange,"

"And this Equivalent exchange will not be that stupid ass exchange ability of some novel you might have read, no this ability is straightforward, it doesn't look at the consequences of the exchange and set the price, only costing for the exchange itself,"

"For example, If I create Antimatter, the exchange will only convert the energy which is being used to exchange into Antimatter, and not the part that it will explode like a nuclear bomb when it comes in contact with matter,"

"Also why the hell am I talking to myself, hmm, maybe I am going crazy because of me thinking I am a novel MC or something who is posted on Webnovel, I mean I checked every single novel out there and found nothing but jack shit,"

"So if I really am on Webnovel, dear readers please support me kindly with all your might, and Oh, please make sure the Waifu is hot as hell not hotter than hell, here are my preferences: I love all girls equally,"

(A/N: And so do I.)

"Well, time to go I guess, give me thy blessing Virgins of the world that I would be able to lose my virginity in this world and life and also enjoy it to the fullest,"

Edward snapped his fingers again as he made his way towards the world of Naruto.


I know another useless chapter and now this time, this time, will he get to suck on titties or not keep reading to find out. And see you all next time.

Also choose a timeline like right now because the plot will move according to your wishes. So just do it.