
Side story *

Charle and i have been friends for over 5 years , we were introduced by our parents  because uncle John (Charle father ) and my father have been friends since highschool . Nobody can actually distinguish  if we were friends or siblings . We always play together , eat together and most of the time we spent together . I could say that he is the person who knows me well enough , we do have alot of dissimilarity  which often lead us to get into fight  , but our fight doesn't last more than 5 minutes .  The last fight i remember was because of icecream flavour ,  we were just casually talking about dessert , sweet . And i said I like chocolate flavour the most ,

he disagreed by saying,  " it's the worst you could ever have " which really pissed me off and suddenly I keep on talking about it's flavour and blah blah  and then as always he remained silent .

I said angrily  , " if you wanna Start the fight , bring it on . Just don't stay calm  always . Don't you have mouth to speak . "

And as usual after 2 or 3 minute we started talking about other things like school works and cartoons .

Marrie on the other hand was like a stranger to us . She doesn't seems like it ,  but she was a billionaire , her father died  when she was  2 year old . So she didn't miss him that much  , because she knows nothing about him her mother  was a successful novel  writer ,  but mostly she went to trip for relaxation .   Marie mom look like a women from a certain millionaire background . Her name was miss Levisa Dowry . She was a thin lady with Blond hair ,She always wore accessories  . It seems like she was fond of accessories . She always  had a necklace  on her neck it was a very simple one and looks so antique  , i wonder why she wore it .

She like to dress up properly and wants everything up to the place . She was a very famous writer of that time . There's a never ending queue outside her house every Mondays and Fridays . I don't know why but yeah . Maybe Monday and Friday are for her fans .

Marrie and Her mother both of them  seems to be very dangerous women but once you got to know  , you'll understand them better ." They're like coconut. Hard from outside , smooth from inside . "

Marie's mother  and Charles father( uncle John )  were both business partner in "Delimiter company" . (Delimiter company basically  works out on apps for novel writting and bring out the hidden gems of writting from the world )

Marrie and Charles met  each other for the very first time in a exibition of novel written and  held by marrie's mom. From just one look you can say that she has spent alot of money on the exhibition ,just like a professional one .

Marie doesn't talk much but once she did nobody else dare to talk back .

About the first impression,  it wasn't very nice . Charle and marrie both were standing at the corner of the hall . Their parents asked them to get to know each other and be friends .

Uncle John said by looking at mary , "such a beautiful and brave girl , you should learn something from her . She has won  18 or more than 18 trophies in athelete ."

Marie didn't say  a thing and just grin .  Charles  got pissed off because he didn't like being  compared in either ways .

He started mumbling by looking at ground " why they always  have to compared  me with someone . Like I'm good on my own and she's not so good but still ok on her own also she doesn't even has a dressing sense like it's a party she shouldn't  wore those kind of  crushed cloth .

Marrie keep on smiling while listening to his bunk . And suddenly she moves closure to him and said calmly , "can you  please stop now , everyone has a tolerance limit upto where they can tolerate  . Now you're pissing me off . "

Charles got startled by her voice as she never speaks  and suddenly stumbled his foot on her  but fortunately , she hold his waist but the drink that charles was holding came straight to marrie's face and blunder on her face . Then suddenly both of them bump to each other . Charle falls on ground  and marrie falls on him .Both of them became the center of attention . So to avoid any other Chaos marrie held Charle's  hand and took him out from the hall .

Charles was so scared as well as  angry at the the same time . He thought to himself  that Marie will kill him .

He started mumbling , "oh my lord what have I done in my past life that to face her like that , what if she kills me what will happen to my parents   and partrie. God please help me  i promise I'll never do this again . "

Marie was so exasperated to say anything , she just looked at him with chafed face , and he became mum at that moment .

She let go of his hand and turn around , before she could say anything  Charles started speaking  motionlessly  while looking at the ground , "i know you want to kill me right know , but just spare me this one time . It was really  unintentional. I'm sorry , if you want I'll never show my face  .but you're the most amazing person i met .

oh gosh why I'm saying this loudly .. sorry again , umm i just....."

Marie was bit astonished by his words . She find it funny and adorable at the same time she was looking as the whole world was nothing to her anymore . She stopped him by saying ,"Are you going to stop or shall I kiss the groom . "

Charles was so amazed, he wasn't  able  to look at her . His cheeks became red while blushing so hard .

Marie asked him , " Char,  see ..our first impression is not so great .  Also I don't like beating around the bush.... . So  what I wanna say is ...

Would you be ... Would you ..

would you  like to become  my friend ..."

Actually she wanted him to be his boyfriend but you know even a strong girl has a weak heart when it comes to disappointment or being hurt.

She continued by saying ,  "  Actually i don't know how to make friends ,neither do I have any but I don't why, I  just wanna be your  'soulmate'.

we both are different in each and every perspective  so we'll get to know about strange habits in each other life . "

Charle was so surprised to say anything he keep on looking at her face with bombastic eyes and said , "what me , and your friend ..

I mean yeah ... But I think it wasn't a moment to ask such things I ruined your mom's party and you are asking me to be your friend .

God gracious ...

Okay ! Let's be friends .... But don't do something silly (he said it while crossing his hand around his chest )

Still they both bicker like an old couple , and in the the end you'll still find them always together .