

As the days passed by , i forgot all about the stuffs living a  normal life without any hectic . But the thing still kept on popping on my mind like why only I'm the one who see it , why not other? why not anyone else ? why me ?  While I was thinking about all of these stuffs a strange sound fell in my ear, hearing which I started and went towards the window. Then i saw  Charles and marrie calling my name , Charles started saying, you are not ready yet, we will miss our bus, look, he has not even worn his school uniform yet,  I was still in my thoughts then  got startled by his voice and realised it's not time to think about all of this worries . I run towards bathroom took a bath , brushed my teeth . I just put on the uniform in messy way  thinking that I would wear it properly while going to school.

Then suddenly  I heard that someone is knocking my room's door it was Charles and marrie .  Char was

wearing our school uniform that is white shirt with a blue tie and blue naker that looks very tidy , that one can see apart from miles away  , a decent look one can ever saw . he has a fair skin and  has blond hair . He was wearing a round pair of glass which he like to touch again and again because the glasses used to slide off his nose. On his right side was standing his  girlfriend marie , just from one look you can say that she was badass one. She was wearing  school uniform with a solid satin bomber black jacket which was bit torn out . She was fond of accessories and Black colour , she had lot of it. Some of it belongs of her and some she get by ragging  or by petit . Now she already abandoned  larceny.

You know love can transform a beast into beauty .

Charle and marrie were like the two poles . But still the opposite attracts their love story considered to be legendary in our school . Charley tells me in his muffled voice, " Pet , hurry up! otherwise today again we will have to be scolded by the mr. Hamster, I mean, Mr . Leeward Lonnie " ( our homeroom teacher who taught us English)

Both charle and marrie were staring at me with a strong gaze of anger . Obviously , i was making them late.

I told them in a hurried way , " Okay guys, I'm done . let's head or we'll be a dead meat . "

Marie gave me a strong gaze of anger like she was holding it for so long and said with deep voice

"So you realised it now . "

Then the three of us head back to bus stand but unfortunately By the time we reached there the bus had left. We kept following it but Marie remained there and said that  " there is no use of chasing it now , let's look for a cab now . I was not able to look  in her eyes as it was my fault .

Then we waited for few minutes and saw a yellow cab coming towards us .  I thought by myself It is  strange as there's ain't any cab , auto or bus  at this time and suddenly a cab appear but  ...

Charle and marrie  were already in the cab by that time Now their anger reached at  it's peak . Charle who seems so innocent suddenly burst out of anger and said " do you wanna come in or should we go ahead ? Marie looks at him with immense pride and said ,' That's my boy '

I got into the cab , all the three of us reached school in twenty minutes .

All three of us started looking for our own classes because every Monday our class distribution was done , depending on how  we performed in both academic and co-circular activities. If we were good at any of the two then the teachers would pay attention  to what we're good at . The section we're divided into  seven group called ' Rainbowers '

Our class distribution was basically based on our worth , we were divided into 7 section

1 . Mind ( which is basically for people who are good at studies )

2. Power ( for people who loves to fight )

3. Creation ( for people with great creativity and art )

4. Eternal ( for people who love religious practice )

5. Mania ( for those who were interested in sports )

6. Spirit (for those who were interested in black magic and spirit)

7. lead ( for those who lead the thing basically they need to have idea about all the things going on with the 6 sections )

Students can't select their class by themselves ,

a test is conducted ( 100 marks for each section ) twice a year to know in which things they are good at . Intrest doesn't matter here , only if you score above 600 out of 700 , you can choose whatever you want but if you end up with low marks then it's up to the teacher where they should put you .

We looked at the school notice board and found out our group Charle and marrie lead themselves towards group 1 and group 2 . Marie and Charle keep on bickering as they were both apart . Marrie lastly said , "Even we're apart , that will not stop me from loving you . "

Charle and I both look at each other.just from a look on Charle face you can say he's blushing so hard  , Charle gave a pleasant but shy look to Marie and said , " what are you.... Huh."

I said sniffly, " you will eventually met at home , why being so .. (with a sudden pause ) I just got goosebumps right now , let me  be prepared before you say something. It's so very cheesy , Arghhhh..

Charle , "Now it's time to go . what about you petri . Which  rainbower are you in ? "

  I replied jokingly, " you guys go ahead or else you won't be able to get seat of your own choice . "

Charle and marrie both replied in sequence , " bye , find us if you got any problem . "

I look at the notice board again and again but still can't find my name , then miss Suzie ( maths teacher) called me and said in rushed voice ," follow me jimmil . "  I followed her and then miss Suzie told me something that i myself  didn't even know it .

She told me , "your father jimmil,  told me not to send you to any of rainbower for  two weeks , the principal already signed the application . "

He didn't tell you about it , did he ?

I was thinking wheather i should believe her or not like if it is true , my parents should've tried to stop me from going to school and my mom wouldn't have made these delicious pancake for  lunch .

  I said ,  "oh about that i already knew it , i just forgot it . "

She gave me a sympathetic gaze and head towards the principal office .

I was still wandering wth is going on in my life . Then suddenly a face appeared in front of me , it looks similar to me like a girl version of myself .

I  look at her for  five minutes straight and thinking why did she looks like me , is she my sister . Is that what my parents were hiding from me

She looked at me back and said humbly brother , I'm not your sister , I'm a lost soul of your sister . "

Before I could  say something she disappeared like dust .

I looked for her here and there .

And said " what the heck is going on ? "

And the student around me looked at me eroticly .  Our  physical trainer ,Ms. Mathew  roasted with anger ,  "if you don't to study let other do it "

There alot of things going into my mind it was at this moment I think that i should better go to somewhere silent and to resolve all of this puzzle.  The only way I could be able to do it is by asking my parents ....

I ask to myself , "will you be able to do it? "