
1. A dream that night ...

And that dream that i was most scared of for the past 9 year came back again . It was terrifying , it was like I'm living in a different world where no one seems to understand or know me . They keep on staring at me just like I'm someone who have something to do do with their situation of being homeless ignoring the fact I just keep on going to find my way but still u don't know where I'm ....

I look here and there and what what what oh my god ... Everything totally vanished from people to things , from earth to sky , from river to mountain everything start to vanish like a dust that is made of fire glare ... I was so scared at that time but still I didn't let the emotions control' me and still kept it cool like everything is normal, maybe that's my speciality . Now everything is so dark , i don't know if I have closed my eyes or the reality is so dark ... Even though it's dark i can still saw a person or we can say a monster but only the eyes are sparkling like it is pointing to something , neglect the worries i got hypnotised by the eyes my eyes keep on twinkling on their own , my body became out of control ,, my brain and heart became numb my foot starts to tremble like it's broken ..

I was getting totally controlled by someone don't know who , but my body became something as it's not my own and i keep on seeing images of my love one and wanted to capture them but I was conscious enough to know that it was just a hallucination ,

A calm but still a creepy voice keep on calling me like

come here , my child ...

The more you run way the more I'm excited to catch you !

Come here , my kid..

I wanna cherish you

Come here , my baby ...

I wanna ...

And with sudden crack of voice

It continues like

Uho ummm..

I wanna to protect you

That sudden crack of voice was literally funny that i can't hold back myself and started to laugh ..

But then i remember if I was being hypnotised then how come I hear a voice and laugh .

Still I don't have time to think about the that God damn bullshit ..... I started to follow that voice .

As i start following it became haunting to it's extreme , the voice was like a scary bgm hhhhh ... Ahhhhhhh... Aahhhhhhh.... Ummmm...

Suddenly I don't what happened i found myself sitting on a chair i don't know if it's a chair or human that chair keep on saying something like hey bub .. how old are you .. are you old enough to date me ...

Hahaahaha just kidding .

Hey boy are you ignoring me it's rude to ignore someone who is of your Grandma's age . I still remained as silent as stone .

The chair keep on talking .. and i was completely ignoring it , Then suddenly I look around myself and the spiders from my right side are coming to me like I'm their prey and on the left side are some kind of insect that doesn't exist in real life they were looking same like spider but the only difference was they have eyes and arms the aura they have at that time was same as i have seen in movies like a monster .. and it was like bodyless creature, up to me was a flirty python which keep smirking to spider and talking about some animal stuffs which I don't understand . I was totally conscious just pretending to be insensible just to hear all the stuffs to get out from here may be i could get a clue , but what can we expect from these animals and things .

Bcd keep on bickering with Spidey about the prey that is me ..

Spider was talking that was not so surprising for me after being through so much

He was saying something like flip and cos both of you get out from here let me handle the case the chief wants someone who is reliable and responsible and everybody in animoc know this that I'm the most reliable , hardworking ...

That bodyless less creature cut him off by saying oh so this why you lost your girlfriend .

Hahahaha being responsible huh !

Flip do you wanna something on this matter , and the python replied with its smirking face

No babe , whatever you say .

Cos seems to be so done with flips flirtiness .

But I'm enjoying the whole bickering scene .

And finally i felt something is crawling on me and my hands were getting colder something was holding me so tightly as if it is twisting me ..

And again flip says hey bove , what's you doin here it's adult metting go and play with your friends .

I opened my eyes the scene was not so funny and entertaining as the three of them were looking at me like I'm their long lost food .

And the spid says. Chatter chair release him!

As soon as it release me

The three of them attack on me as they were hungry for thousands of year .. i keep on shattering but still running running running and ...

Ahhh .. help help help ..

Ahhh help me please ..

get out of here you bloody animals ..

I was trying to block them by my hand but it seems to be impossible to eliminate them at this extinct

Help help ..

Hush ! It was just a dream . I was sweating as pig , my parents Heard my scream and went out to ask for my concern,

Their worried face can be seen from miles away it's as they were afraid of something, something that it looks suspicious because it was just a dream ..

What happened , baby ? Are you okay ?

I replied calmly , nothing it's just same damn dream

My parents look at each other and left the room without saying anything as if they were hiding something from me .. i was wondering what is that they wanna hide from me so much .