
In One Piece As Technoblade

Dave was dying. One day he was streaming minecraft and the next he was diagnosed with cancer in the middle of a pandemic. And boy, cancer was annoying. Regular visits to the hospital and less time playing minecraft. Cancer was also a bitch as it had decided to kill him. So now he wasn't "The God Of MC", he wasn't "The Blood God" Technoblade, now he was Dave and he was dead. "Your lucky y'know." Said the mysterious voice in the void. "Your getting reincarnated but to where i don't know as that the wheel decides" It says as A wheel with many names appears infront of me. "HEH!!!"" None of the characters belong to me. All characters are property of their respective owners All Art used belongs to the wonderful artists who drew the images and are not mine

Pheonix_2005 · アニメ·コミックス
27 Chs

Little Garden

As we approached the island, we all noticed one thing. The island was huge. Gigantic, if you will. Any other word used to describe something big and large.

"We should be careful. I'm worried about what Ms. All-Sunday said about this island." I heard Vivi say as we docked the Merry near land and sat on the ship wondering what to do.

" Y-y-y-ou think this place has monsters?" Ussop asked frightened.

" Maybe. We can't be sure. Every island on the grandline is dangerous." I tell him and ever other member of the crew.

We made our way through the stream in wonder of what we were seeing. We ran into a few giant animals which scared Nami and Ussop.

"Alright it's decided. We are not stepping foot on this island. Let's just wait on the ship and wait for the log pose to set." Nami said and I was fine with that plan, but, someone had other plans.

" Sanji, prepare a lunchbox!" Luffy said shaking.

" A lunchbox?" Sanji asked him.

"Yeah, a pirate lunchbox! I smell adventure ahead!" Luffy said with a smile on his face. Nami then tried to persuade Luffy not to go but our captain didn't listen to her and even Vivi and Carue decided to tag along with him.

After they left, Zoro also decided to go for a walk before which he got into an argument with Sanji about who get gather the most food which resulted in them competing for who get bring the most meat.

" Hey guys, I'm going to see if any plants or stuff can be used to make any potions. Any of you wanna tag along?" I asked Ussop and Nami. I knew they were scared but I also didn't want to stay cooped up on the ship till one of the giants arrived because once they did I couldn't really explore properly.

""No"" they both replied.

"Well then," I put a hand in my pocket and then brought out a den den mushi which I gave them.

"you guys keep that with you. If your in trouble call me with it." I said as I jumped off the merry. I had taken a couple of den den mushi from the town as I wanted to give it to the crew so that we could contact each other when exploring.

I then wandered into the forest ready for any trouble that I may cross paths with be it human, beast or giant.


Hello. It hasn't been as long as it usually is, so I don't know what to really write.

But, I have a one very important thing to say.

I'm planning on starting another fic, So give me a world to write in.

Options are

1) Naruto

2) Harry Potter

3) MCU

Also, give me more ideas for this one and what else I can do to improve it.

And lastly, power stones guys. I've heard they are great. So maybe, If you don't mind, toss me a few.
