
In Naruto: With Shanks Template

A 21st century Otaku died and reincarnated as Naruto with Shanks template. Influenced by Pirate like traits with a bit cunningness from Shanks

LordRaphael · アニメ·コミックス
40 Chs

Chapter 2: Equivalent Exchange Template System


Oh Dear System-kun, just when I had my whole life planned out, what a blessing!

[Detected Host...

Binding the host]


[Welcome Host! This is the Equivalent Exchange Template System!]

Wait! Template System, this means I can get the template of any character.

[ Of Course host, you can get the template of...]

I knew it, this time I lucked out. Fine, will it be a random character?

Or is there a lottery or can I choose any character, if it is the latter then I choose Goku.

[Can you shut your yapping for a moment or do you not want me to explain the system?]

Sorry system-kun, please continue.

[Cough! As .]

Did you cough the system?

[ I am thinking of changing host]

Sorry sorry, this time I would keep my mouth shut please don't go, the template system are the best, please!!

[Well if you say so..]

'Did the system get flustered?' thought Naruto.

[Again as the name suggests I am a template system but my full name is Equivalent Exchange template system. As for the character of the template, it is decided during the binding process. The system looked into your memories and desires and tried to find the character the host admires or desires to be the most. You can say that this character is the host's favourite character among all the fictional characters the host knows. Do you care to take a guess host?]

Please be Goku, I like Goku the most. Pretty please!

[Tell me what is it you desire the most?] (Lucifer Vibes)

the host desires to be Goku!

[Wrong! The host's favorite character is Red-Haired Shanks!! You might not show it on the surface, but deep down you are through and through a Shanks fan]


You are right system-kun. I am a Shanks fan, so what do I get?

[Well now let's explain the process in detail. This is an Equivalent Exchange Template System, so, for getting something you must provide an equivalent exchange to the system, to get the Shanks Template you must provide the system with something that can be exchanged for the percentage of Shanks power.]

Well, that's fair and works with the law of the universe also. But what can I provide you, if it is something materialistic, then as you know, Naruto is just a starving poor orphan. But if you agree to a loan or at a later date, then sure I can provide you with these things.

[Host seems to misunderstand something. The template can only be provided once at the beginning. After that, the template function of the system will be finished. So it is now or never. As for the second thing, the System accepts anything and everything the host possesses. From money and property to your own body parts. The host can provide you with your hands, legs, organs or even your own soul and in that case, your soul will be enslaved by the system after you die in this world.]

Ok, what the hell!!!

This is some disturbing shit, I can only gain Shanks template now, but I don't even have money or even property. Do I have to give my hand just as shanks?

Definitely not! The left hand is the most important part, if not then I don't know what I would do.

Anyways, ..fine let's check, system-kun how about my one kidney and one arm, what percentage of power would I get?

[calculating..... host, it is estimated your one arm and one kidney is only 5 % of the template and that to because of your Uzumaki lineage.]

shit! Only 5%, are you really not playing a prank here?

[ Host don't doubt the exchange rate here, we are only providing an equivalent exchange here. The system is not gaining anything here.]

Fine fine. Don't be so grumpy.

Let's see, I should still have the fourth Hokage's inheritance, although the higher-ups are corrupt and must have taken up a slice from the sweet pie, Anyhow, a major chunk should still be kept, right?

System first tell me how much time do I have for this exchange here.

[ Only 15 more minutes]

What!!!, crap!! I can't just go around and ask for my inheritance in 15 minutes. First lets check with the system,

System-kun, the fourth Hokage's inheritance, must still be kept for me, if Hiruzen's manipulation works and when I know about my parents' reality, he would provide me with the inheritance and act like a caretaker, anyhow, that must still be there and could be counted as my possession. right?

[ Of course! seeing the host's poor host condition the omnipotent system will show mercy and consider it]


A bright light shows in Naruto's eyes as if he has seen the best thing in the world. Okay so forget about my arms and kidneys, now tell me the percentage of Shanks's power after taking my inheritance.

[calculating .... 0.004%]

the f*ck!!

that low, were my parents poor?

[ No host, the inheritance or whatever is left of it, only amounts to 200 million ryo, so only 0.004% of the template is available for that]

The hell, 200 million is quite a large price, which means the whole template is worth 5 trillion Ryo. Are you kidding me?

[You are a fast calculator host, maybe you can sell your soul and the System might just have a wonderful job for you. ]

Shut up! I am not selling my soul.

I am really in a pinch here. Wait, can I sell my Uzumaki physique?

[ calculating .... 54%, you don't possess pure Uzumaki physique, so only 54% for you]

Got it!

How about nine tails?

[calculating ... 50%, you only possess half of nine tails, full nine tails is estimated to be 100%.]

But now I can get 100% from nine tails and Uzumaki physique. But can I be powerful? enough nah, the later bosses such as Kaguya and Six Paths Madara and Obito or even the Otsuskis require me both nine tails and the perverted physique of Uzumamki.

[ A reminder to host, the things exchanged here can be obtained later if you provide an exchange with interest, so the host can get back by exchanging things more valuable in the future.]

Now that's what I was waiting for, you should tell me this sooner. But still, with only shanks, I can't be too dependent, I need both Uzumaki physique and nine tails.

Got It!! System I got the perfect exchange for you, something which can definitely get me a 100% Shanks physique and also get what I lost later as currently, I have no use for it.

I will exchange with the Asura chakra of Naruto Uzumaki.