
In My Arms Again

A princess named Ariadna who had her life obeying orders and responsibilities of a true princess had her fate intertwined from one of the most precious men in her life.

Marshies_qt · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 7: Among Us

Erden Pov

After escorting the princess to the study room I was assigned to patrol the whole kingdom immediately for inspection if anything suspicious is happening. While I was guarding the area I passed a toy shop, something caught my eye and it was a cute plush toy rabbit. I thought the rabbit looked like the princess. She's cute.

"Sir Erden are you okay? you're a bit red"

One of my men said while looking at me confused. Little did I know I was flushed just because of my thoughts. I was thinking about her. Erden stop. She's a child.. she's STILL a child. Anyways, I walked towards the shop and entered

"Sir Knight! How may I help you?"

The shopkeeper asked. I immediately pointed at the rabbit

"The rabbit sir? best choice! its popular these days"

The shopkeeper said while handing me the plush toy. Ariadna would love this. I walked out the shop hopped and ride my horse and commanded my men

"Ill be going back to the castle continue the inspection around town".

"Yes Sir!"

They replied and dismissed themselves. I rushed back to the castle and saw a carriage entering the castles premises so I raced with the carriage and got there first. I think the King is expecting a guest today. So I rushed to the study room and knocked the door and opened

"Your Majesty, your guests have arrived"

I saw Ariadna staring at me so cutely. I'm trying to keep my composure but she's too cute.

"Stop being so formal to me its giving me cringe"

I know it was a joke but Esteffan you dumbass. I'll get back to you one of these days. I just closed my eyes and sighed. As I was escorting the Royal family I thought this would be the nice opportunity to give it to her. So I poked her on her shoulder.

"My Lady, as I was patrolling around the kingdom I saw this and I thought I should give it to you . I know you are still uncomfortable of what happened yesterday. I thought this could comfort you in some way"

Then she stopped walking and received the plush toy that I was handing her. Then the king looked at me suspiciously

"Are you taking advantage on my own daughter Erden?"

I was sweating buckets. I wish I could say that maybe not now but someday. But I think the king would kill me.

"No your majesty, I would never do such thing"

Then Ariadna giggled. She's happy then I'm satisfied. We arrived at the entrance then guests were walking towards the main door. It was Esteffan's cousins Vard and Legos descendants of Kazimel and Mortok. They greeted each other and was laughing as if they really havent seen each other for a decade. I was standing behind them watching them talk and greeting each other. They brought their sons as well. Estann of Kazimel, crown prince, Red colored eyes and silver-red hair. m Based on his build he already experienced training for swordmanship. Cabel of Mortok, the crown prince, silver hair and gold colored eyes, a shy type of person.

I watched Ariadna closely. she really is cute and pretty like an angel. Her beauty, she got it from her father. Green colored jewel eyes and golden hair. She really looked like Esteffan as a girl version. My thoughts stopped when Esteffan called me out

"Erden please escort the children to the lobby. We will start our meeting at my study room please follow after"

I nodded in reply I looked at the princess. She immediately took my hand and I escorted them to the lobby as ordered. I immediately dismissed my self and left them. As ordered, I rushed to the study room immediately and entered.

"We've been keeping an eye on them lately, according to my owl they've been trading Gold coins for weapons and goods."

"Illegal trades of weapons and goods are strictly prohibited and The Knights wouldnt miss that kind of trading around the area"

Vard said. Esteffan scratched his head out of confusion .He deeply sighed. Esteffan looked at me.

"Erden, is there illegal trades happening around Sydonia? "

"No sir, I personally patrolled around the kingdom everyday"

Vard kept patting the table until he tapped the table hard that broke the silence. We were shocked.

"Then there is only one thing. Someone let this slide, someone is helping them"

"You mean there is a traitor among us"

Legos said while his faced was shocked and also confused Esteffan said while massaging his forehead. He took out a map of Navania and pointed out something. We looked at what he was pointing

"I think I know who those traitors are"

"You mean the Descendants of Vernen and Vanaros? how?"

"I visited Vernen and Vanaros last time and saw bulk shipments of Gold from the mines"

"That makes sense, then what will we do? Maybe they will start another invasion here in the South. We are short of men to fight in a war"

Vard said worriedly. All of us are stressed out for a possible all out war.

"Send a message to Kazim of Rovaren, tell him about those traitors"

Legos ordered then Esteffan quickly called one of his messengers to quickly send it to Rovaren