
In Mushoku Tensei With A Customization System

--- I'm back and let's continue onwards toward a path of Harem- if you want to get chapters ahead, please head over to Patreon.com/izana07 to support me! --- I died... I didn't have any regrets in my life all except one... Why did I have to die a Virgin? What kind of wimp dies a Virgin? I didn't even have relationship experience with any girl! I suddenly awoke and found myself in the world of Mushoku Tensei in an orphanage that was owned by an old woman who loved Children armed with a cheat to make me stronger, The Customization System. Yes, with that, I would be able to make anything I want but the problem was that the prices were so high and the rewards from missions were low... It would be hard for me to cheat my way through at this rate but there was one good thing about this, At least I looked like Satoru Gojo

Kris_Tylers_1273 · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Hidden Rewards


It had been 4 months ever since I started using Fire ball magic daily and my Magic stat has been increasing by 0.3 everyday and during those 4 months, I was able to master Silent Spellcasting.

Like Rudeus said, You had to feel for it and I felt it, although there was another branch where I could just chant the spell inwardly flooding my mind with mana... It still works.

I looked at the gray sky and sat, my body had grown a little but I was still a bit too small for my liking. 

Hoki stood above my face, her brown hair blowing in the wind as she smiled.

"Come on Light, A storm's coming and you have to go inside if you don't want to get sick," Hoki said, tugging on my hand but in turn, She received nothing.

I was blankly staring at a screen, my brows wrinkling in confusion.



Name : Light ---

Age : 6

Class : None

Speed : 8

Strength : 8

Vitality : 10

Defense : 9

Intelligence : 10

Charm : 10

Magic : 112. 05

Skills : Fire Ball [Proficient Level], Water Cage [Beginner Level]

Talents : [Fire Magic Nature] [Water Magic Nature] [Ice Magic Nature] [Wood Magic Nature] [Earth Magic Nature] [Light Magic Nature] [Dark Magic Nature] [Gravitational Magic Nature] [Infinity Magic Nature] [Healing / Support Magic Nature]


[Main Quest has been completed, Rewards will be distributed]

[#1: Increase your magic stat to 100

Description: Your magic stat is low due to your low potential in Magic... so fucking increase it and get stronger.

Time Limit: 2 Years [Completed in Four Months]


10 Attribute Points

13 Creation Points

Cash in Rewards [ Y / N] ]

I clicked on Y and instantly the screen changed, revealing my status screen only at the top right bar displaying a place called A.P had increased from 0 to 10. The Creation point bar had also been credited and a bubbling feeling filled my heart.

[Hidden Rewards Have Been Presented] 

This seemed very interesting to me and I of course waited for the hidden rewards.

'It'd be nice if the System could be as generous like this everyday,' I thought with a smile.


[Name : Cursed Magic]

[Description : A forbidden magic that is empowered by Negative emotions, It can also be increased by absorbing curses.]


First of all, My eyes widened in surprise. Cursed magic was almost a convenient version of Cursed energy which would help me to master the abilities I planned to integrate from the JJK world.

Alright, The next reward...


[Skill : Six Eyes [Cursed Magic Variant]]

[Description : The Six Eyes of Satoru Gojo allowed him to see the flow of Cursed energy in the bodies of a Curse or Cursed user or even a Jujutsu Sorcerer... Well this Skill works exactly the same except that it reads the flow of Cursed energy from Positive as well as Negative or Cursed magic as well as reveal their weak points]


I could feel it... unlike the Cursed magic where I had felt no shift, This was different. My eyes brightened and then I felt it, Cursed magic flooding my line of sight. Everything turned black and I thought maybe I had gone blind.

It took my brain a few moments to process the new information and then the black color was replaced by a purple hue, I turned to Hoki and my eyes widened.

I couldn't see her physical body, It was just the outlines but I could see the flow of her magic as well as the weakest points.

'This is certainly a cheat, It literally gives me an edge over every opponent I face,' I thought.

Thankfully, I had increased my mana reserves enough to be able to handle something like this. A sure OP cheat like this would take a lot of mana to use continuously.

Now here I hit a problem, I didn't know how to deactivate it... 

"Your eyes changed," Hoki said with a smile I couldn't see, "They look more beautiful now and they're also glowing,"

I took a deep breath in and eased my tense eye muscles, I felt the cursed magic surrounding my eyes diminish and they returned to normal.

'Ahh, I can admire Hoki's beauty now,' I thought.

Please tell me there's another Hidden skill or something like that, Something that will make me overpowered.


[Name : Limitless Manual]

[Description : A manual used to master the power of Limitless, a technique passed down by the Gojo clan]


I stored the manual in my Inventory and a bright smile crossed my face.

'Fuck everything I said about you until now System, You're the best!' I exclaimed inwardly.

Practicing Limitless would be postponed to some months from now or maybe when I'm 7, The reason why? Because I want to master the Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Even when I master the Shadow Clone Jutsu, Would I be able to create that much clones and even supply enough amounts of Mana for them to perform their various techniques? 

'I think I may have to cheat through this magic reserves thing,' I thought.

I grabbed Hoki's hand and smiled.

"Come on, Let's go inside," I said and we ran, through the dry grass.

The storm came fast, hitting hard against Buena village and I lay on my bed, hidden within the warmth of my covers.

'Today seems so cold,' I thought and grabbed the covers to feel more warmth, It felt nice.

It was warm some minutes ago and then the weather turned around, completely turning freezing cold. Honestly, I didn't know any other Orphan here apart from Hoki... according to them, I looked strange.

It's not every day a person sees a fellow human being with silver hair and blue eyes, It was a rather strange looking combination here.

'I just hope I become hotter in the future,' I thought, 'After all, I plan on taking advantage of the good Waifus in Mushoku Tensei, with Hoki amongst them of course,'

My little mind was filled with mature thoughts about the future only to be interrupted by the shaking of my bed. A Brown haired girl with blue eyes looked at my eyes and then leaned forward.

"Uhh- Light, mind if I sleep with you?" Hoki asked with an innocent smile.

My mind blared and my eyes widened, I shouldn't have bad thoughts about this but really, If this was only a few years later... Maybe.

"I'll take your silence as a Yes," Hoki replied and raised my blankets up, crawling under.

"It's really warm in here," Hoki said. 

"I know right," I said and tugged on the blankets too, They felt warm in the cold weather.

At night, We were seated in the makeshift dining room and eating food. Drew looked at us with a little bit of disdain in his eyes and he scowled. 

I couldn't blame him but I'd rather be here than on the streets suffering so I guess he can go to hell.

"The food is so great," I said with a little bit of a mocking smile to Drew.

He narrowed his eyes at me and then looked away, I think I forgot to explain the everlasting hatred between us.


Author's Note:

As I said, Free time... Anyway, Continue supporting with Power stones.