
In MHA as elixir

This is a fanfiction that I intend to see to its completion. Please give it a try and if you like this novel and want to read extra chapters, it would be really helpful if you support me on Patreon. Link: https://www.patreon.com/ChaoticSwan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As the chaos settles, people finally pay attention to the hero that saved them. An unbelievably gorgeous human or rather an angel with big golden wings no different from the myths of the ancient gods and goddesses is seen radiating golden light showering the surrounding with its majesty. He is holding a sword to the neck of the dangerous villain that was wreaking havoc just moments ago, like the hero that he is. The sword looks like a solid construct of golden light giving off holiness just like its holder. This moment will forever be etched into the hearts of the people as the rise of THE ARCHANGEL, which will continue to inspire the coming generations for as long as mankind exists.

Chaos_Swan_king · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

C7 Birthday gift and Quirk awakening

[Flashback end]


Time: 9 am

"Oh look at the time, it's been an hour since I've started getting ready. Let's hurry up and go downstairs." I said to no one as I hurriedly went downstairs while greeting the maids and servants of the house. As I reached the dining table, I saw my parents.

"Good morning Raph, had a good sleep." my father said from the table while reading a newspaper.

"Good morning, old man." I replied while nodding my head. 'Thank goodness I made them change the way they call me. I mean angel sounded way too cringy. When I said this to them, they started calling me Sera as a joke but I wouldn't let them and insisted they change the way they call me. They finally relented and started calling me Raph.'

"So, are you looking forward to your birthday party?" mom asked while serving me breakfast. "Yes, I am. Ittadakimasu~" I replied back as I dug in into the delicious breakfast of sunny-side-up egg with toasted bread served with greens and a glass of milk on the side.

"Wanna go flying today as well."

"Mm-hmm, wait for a minute. I'll finish this and we'll go." "Okay then, don't hurry and eat slowly, I'll wait for you."

Me and my dad have been flying ever since the day my wings and body allowed me to fly. It is sort of like training as well as bonding time with my dad. After about 15 minutes, I finish drinking my milk(which I find disgusting) and go out into the garden where my dad has been waiting for me.

"Ready kiddo??" He asks. "Yup." He turns into a giant roc eagle as soon as I give him confirmation. It never ceases to amaze me, the majesty of his form no matter how many times I see it. It is intimidating but also looks incredibly cool. When I saw this form for the first time, I couldn't help but gawk at his form mouth wide open for 10 minutes straight.

"Did you enjoy looking at me? Come on kiddo, stop watching me like that. I know that I look good but I am your dad." he quips at me.

"...." I couldn't find a comeback for his remark and chose to stay silent as I unfurled my wings twice my body size and flew into the sky. "Hahaha" I could hear him laughing behind me as he soon caught up with me. The time went by as we flew in the morning sky while sending witty remarks and jokes at each other. As the flying time came close to an end, he brought me to the top of the hill. At first, I was confused as to why he brought me here but then I saw my mother standing below a treehouse built on the hilltop tree. It was no ordinary tree house as it looked bigger than an ordinary house. It was a wonder as to how the house didn't fall down yet. It looked straight out of a fairy tale book.

"Happy birthday kiddo/Raph" both my parents wished me a happy birthday. "This is a gift from our side. You said you wanted to train your body as well, didn't you? This treehouse has all the things a typical house has, and more. Most importantly, it has a training room filled with different types of equipment for your training. I hope you can achieve huge success as a hero in the future. We love you, our dear son Seraph." he said as he brought me to a hug sandwiched between him and my mother. We had already deactivated our quirks as soon as we landed.

Time and time again, I continue to be grateful to God for giving me this wonderful opportunity. I feel like I am finally living a happy life after all my past sufferings. The amount of times I smiled in my entire past life is simply dwarfed by the no. of times I've laughed and felt loved in the short span of 4 years in this life.

As I thanked my parents for the gift with tears in my eyes, I suddenly felt a sense of exhaustion and blacked out.


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