

Just as Tony said, a large irritating crowd of Reporters reached Max office.

"you go and take care of them" Max pointed at Sunset and said.

"Huh? ME?" Sunset pointed at herself and asked.

"It's your fault, so go and take care of it" Max picked her up from her collar and then kicked her towards the door.

"Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhh??" Sunset made a dramatic voice as she crashed near the door.

"Bastard boss" Sunset rubbed her back and muttered under her breath and then fixing herself she opened the door.

"Ms. Bain, we will like to talk to Mr. Potts" As soon as she opened the door, various reporters showed their mic on Sunset face.

"Everyone please gather in conference hall, Mr. Potts will address all your inquiries there" Sunset smiled and then closed the door.

"boss, let's go" Sunset came near Max and said.

"I said you to take care of it why did you arrange a Press conference?" Max asked.

"They wanted to talk to you" Sunset shook her head and said.

"tch" Max sighed and made his way to conference hall.

Reaching there Max took his seat and then the Press Conference started.

"Mr. Potts, what was your motive in making that car?" A reporter stood up and asked.

"My Life, My choice" Max replied.

And Silence descended

The reporter shook his head and said " Making something so powerful, can't be just done on a whim, Mr. Potts" 

Max kept looking at him and said " For what ever purpose I made it, I have no obligations to answer you"

"You have to Mr. Potts, Your Car, killed 60+ humans, destroyed advance Tanks, and War Helicopters" the Reporter frowned and said.

"It' funnt" Max chuckled and said.

"What is Funny here Mr. Potts?" The reporter frowned and said.

"You said , my car killed 60+ Humans but How do you know about it?" Max smiled and said.

"We all have seen it in the video" The reporter smirked and said.

"Oh really" Max exclaimed and then replayed the video for everyone to see.

" As you all see, there are only 47 humans were shown, even if we take the drivers in account, the number will dardly reach 55, yet you almost said the number so accurately" Max said.

 "Now you are changing the topic , Mr. Potts" The reporter adjusted his glasses and said.

"Am I?" Max tilted his head and nodded at Bucky.

Bucky walked up to the Reporter and then apprehended him.

"What is this MR. Potts? You can't....." The reporter was yelling so much that even Bucky closed his mouth.

"Now that the terrorist partner is removed, let's start this conference" Max smiled and said, and this time Press conference went on smoothly with mostly asking whether he release that car in market or not.

Which of course Max declined.

And now Max is talking with ever smiling guy, yes, the Phil Coulson!!

"Who are you again?" Max looked at him and asked.

"We are from Strategic..Shield" Phil was going to spell the long ass name but then decided to say it's short form.

"And what does this Shield do?" Max asked, while his eyes darted to Natasha, who came up with Phil.

"We are responsible to protect world, This organisation was...blah blah....blah" Phil then goes on to explain about Shield which Max already knows.

"And what does this organisation want from me?" Max asked after Phil, completed his long speech.

Phil, looked at Natasha who passed Max, a file.

Max picked up the file and browse through it and said " So I am getting recruited to a team of Super Heroes?" while inwarding thinking 'Great, now I am getting into avengers in two different forms'.

"yes, your intelligence and your car, is remarkable, you will definitely fit with Avengers" Phil said.

" I will think about it" Max said and then Phil nodded and passed him a phone.

"This is a highly encrypted cell phone, please use it, whenever you want to contact us" Phil said and then along with Natasha he left.

"you will join it?" Bucky asked as Phil left.

"hmm, I will" Max nodded, anyway, it will be much better if he directly gets involved with Shield.

Bucky nodded and then said " Allow me to join too" 

Max nodded and replied " Not just you, Supreme and White Angel will also join it" 

Bucky nodded and then said " I feel bad for Shield" 

"Hmm, Why?" max asked.

"I mean, they are already infiltrated by Hydra and Now we are also infiltrating them" Bucky said.

Max chuckled and said " I guess, that's true"

On Phil side, 

After coming out of Potts Building he contacted Fury and said " he hasn't agreed but hasn't declined even"

"Then just wait for his response, but anything he might want?" Fury nodded and then said.

"maybe, Alien technology can entice him" Phil thought for a moment and then said.

Fury nodded and then told them to come back.

 "By the way that Woman..." " Yes, She is Natasha" As Bucky was asking Max answered.

"You already have infiltrated it" Bucky shook his head and said.

"One person, can't be said an Infiltration" Max replied.

"but you Still have started it" Bucky said

"Hmm" Max nodded and then said Bucky to get his car.

"Where are we going?" Bucky asked as Max sat in.

"To Tony house" Max said and Bucky started driving.

Soon they reached Tony house.

But as Max reached inside, he took a pic, well it was the scene of Tony crash landing on his car.

"Is this new kind of torture?" Max asked coming near him.

"ha ha ha, very funny" Tony sarcastically replied and then stood up.

" So, what are you doing here?" Tony asked.

"Nothing, I was just getting bored , So I came to you" Max shrugged and replied.

Tony nodded and then said " Well, since you are already here, help me" 

"With what?" Max asked.

Tony then showed him the Mark 2 blueprint.

"What is this lousy thing?" Max said seeing the blueprint.

Tony : "...."