
Chapter 63 - Passing Time

Time flew by quickly doing missions and training for Lily. Two months, they passed by so quickly that Lily didn't even realize May had arrived when it did.

Throughout those two months, Lily had primarily focused on doing missions; not only did it allow her to increase her standing within S.H.I.E.L.D., but it also allowed her to gain access to mutants and other beings that could give her powers.

She was training and completing her education when she wasn't doing missions. She had quickly progressed in her normal studies and was currently studying college-level materials.

As for her combat training, she had progressed nicely and could finally hold her own against the trained Agents that taught her. She didn't win, at least not often, but she was able to eventually fight them off.

It showed progress in learning the techniques she was being taught. She was getting more accustomed to using her body in the ways she wanted to, without the lag that came with having a mind such as her own.

The only day she didn't have missions or training was Sunday, which she spent with her family on most occasions. Sometimes she would even spend some time with Ava, who she had grown closer to over the days.

Ava thought of her as a younger sister, given the gap between their age and how small Lily looked. She also never really had family, not since the accident, so when she had the chance to care for someone that could interact with her, she took it.

She would spend time with Lily mainly within the base since she couldn't really go out without drawing attention to her whenever her ability started acting up, but they had fun watching shows or playing games.

Talking was something they did a lot; they spoke a lot about the missions they did, mainly Ava trying to make sure Lily didn't get corrupted or twisted by the missions that required them to kill or which ended in death.

And many did.

Ava knew Lily was young, and her mind was easily influenced by what she saw or did, and she didn't want all those deaths to affect her badly. S.H.I.E.L.D. did something similar.

They had a counselor who would regularly speak to them to get an idea about their mental state. But as both Ava and the counselor would find out, Lily had a much stronger mentality than a normal child.

Even if she acted younger.

But that was all in the past; it was currently May the 10th, and she had been asked to report to S.H.I.E.L.D.


That wasn't normal, but she was interested in what they planned to do. She wasn't worried since she was sure she had the capability of escaping from them if they tried anything against her.

But before she headed out, she decided to check her status information.

[Name: Liliana Goldbrone

Age: Physical: Unknown, Soul: 18

Race: Mimictarion BroodMother. (45%)

Titles: Last of Their Kind, Hivemind.


Energy: 100

Strength: 350

Durability: 300

Agility: 100

Mental: 121


Free Mass: 39800




Adapt, Evolve, Overcome

Mimic Creation

Bat Physiology

Poison Resistance

Parasite Resistance

Illness Resistance


Regenerative Healing Factor

Amphibian Physiology

Reptile Physiology

Fish Physiology

Bird Physiology

Canin Physiology

Feline Physiology

Werecat XGene

Combustion XGene

Mental Projection XGene

Weredog XGene

Frog XGene

Radioactive Body XGene

Lesser Demon Physiology

Acid Secretion XGene

Hardening XGene

Astral Projection XGene

Energy Condensing XGene

Superhuman Body XGene

Ink Manipulation XGene

Elemental Transmutation XGene - The user is able to alter the structure of one form of elemental matter into the form of another similar form of elemental matter. However, the cost of it drains the user of energy, and the user needs to be aware of the matter they want to change it to.

Scrying XGene - The user is able to use a suitable medium to look into significant information related to the medium, being able to see a glimpse of the information of that medium.

Vampire Physiology - The user has adapted a body and genetic coding similar to that of a vampire. This grants the capabilities of a vampire, such as; Bloodsucking, Bat Summoning, Bat Transformation, Mesmerize, Regeneration, and Unaging.

Other abilities are dormant until the user has fully awakened]

She had gained three abilities in total over the past two months, which she gained from the missions she had been sent on.

Elemental Transmutation was an XGene she got from a young man who committed criminal acts after his life got messed up. As the name would suggest, it allowed her to change one type of element into another as long as they were similar in makeup.

It was something like turning stone to gold or water to ice and along those lines. She couldn't change stone into fire or water or stuff like that.

She also couldn't change the air for some reason. She could only assume it was because the XGene hadn't evolved to that point yet, but she wasn't sure. Maybe in the future, she would be able to.

As for the Scrying XGene, it was pretty interesting.

She got the XGene from a mutant that was selling information that they normally shouldn't have access to. She was supposed to capture him alive, but she found a way to kill him and not get punished for it.

The ability itself was very useful in the right situation, but it was also very hard to use.

Essentially the ability allowed her to peer into the past or information about something she is in contact with at the cost of her mental energy. It was hard to use because what was shown wasn't exactly within her control, and it wasn't always in one piece.

She was messing around with it when she had first gained in to try and figure it out, and when she used it on a couch, she was able to see the couch being boxed up and shipped, but when she used it on a pen, all she saw was the pen sitting on a desk.

It was hard to control, but she was sure she could improve it in the future.

And lastly, the one she wasn't expecting to gain but had, Vampire Physiology.

Lily was aware that Vampires existed within the Marvel Universes because of Blade, but she didn't expect them to exist within this universe since they were rarely used in any of the comics she read or the MCU.

But it was a pleasant surprise when she was assigned a mission to eliminate one that had been killing people.

She was able to devour the man and gain the vampire capabilities from him. Another benefit from the vampire genes she gained was the fact that she was able to create units with the vampire gene without it costing mass.

This had to do with the fact that vampires could turn humans into vampires. This ability was adapted to allow her to make her units vampiric without costing mass.

It would be very beneficial since it came with many other capabilities in one.

Aside from those abilities, she also gained mass from her units eating things and the things she had personally eaten. Not a ton, but it was better than nothing.

One particular and special thing that Lily noticed was a number.


It was a number next to her race, and she knew exactly what it meant.

It was how close she was to evolving.

I'm back early. I won't be posting multiple chapters a day, probably.

Hope you enjoy.

ZeroX0666creators' thoughts