
In Love With A Twisted Witch

Jade "Ramona" Anders was born into a coven of witches, but she seeks something far different than a life of witchcraft. She moves to Manhattan, the city of the ordinary, the extraordinary, and the dangerously abnormal. Her high sex drive has attracted many, but destiny brings her to the arms of Navy Piper, a spoiled brat and undercover agent. When they first meet, it goes unseen. But their paths cross again when a murder case leaves Jade as the only witness and suspect. Now, they must work together to solve the case, and their chemistry is as unique as it is undeniable. As they unravel the mystery, something darker and more complex than either of them had imagined begins to emerge. Will Jade and Navy be able to solve the murder, or will the truth remain hidden in the shadows? Follow their story and find out!

DaoistoVmKvy · LGBT+
4 Chs

Chapter Two

"Don't tell me it's the blond guy." She begged but Isa gave her a nod to her disappointment. "It's alright. Be careful on your way back. See you guys tomorrow night."

She locked the door behind them and then proceeded to read the note.


Just like your lovely eyes.

We'll see again.

Someday, when the bar isn't busy.


"Huh! The nerve of this guy. Do I look like some college kid who will fall head over heels, or even have anything to do with him? He must be out of his mind." She thought aloud while she walked to her bed. Just as she was removing her shoes, her phone beeped. A lot of messages had come in while she was at work. Most of them from the men she had slept with in the past, obviously begging for more. A pity she didn't waste more than 3 meetings on any man.

"So, you met a new guy today. This one has an approach I like." Her pet bunny, Axel, said after he had read the note.

"Well, that's just because you don't know my phones password. I had to change it multiple times because of you just so you couldn't reply my messages. Don't forget the miserable dates you put me in too."

She kicked off her shoes and went to her drawers where she kept her bracelets in.

"But you didn't hate the aftermath, did you?" Axel stood akimbo and give her his serious face which was all cheek and ears.

Jade laughed like she always did when she saw that face. "Yeah, Yeah. I did but I'm trying to prove a theory wrong here. Witches can exist without sex for at least a month."

"Well, you don't say. Remember how you tried to learn to live like a human by putting those charm bracelets on and you took them off in what…three months?" Axel tried to make a point.

"Even if you actually have a point," She snapped the rubber band safely on her high chignon bun.

"A solid point, don't forget that." Axel added and took a big hop from her reading table to her bedside.

"Even if you do have a solid point. I'm too busy these days and I end up so tired that I don't even have the chance for meet ups or sex in my schedule." She crashed into bed and waved her hands for the blanket to cover her up.

"You'll have to try and make out time because it's just been two weeks and you are already this tired. Imagine when it's a month, you'll be crawling in after work and...." His talk was cut short by a loud snore from Jade who had finally slept off.

Axel brushed his ears backwards in frustration, then shook his head and hopped into his bed which was on the other side of the bed. "Goodnight, Ramona."

The week went by fast and just as Axel had predicted she was getting so tired from the day's work, coupled with the fact that she always had interrupted sex dreams every night. And it was all about one guy.

Navy. She wondered why she couldn't get him out of her mind. Just as she was thinking about him and making a shakedown for a customer, she heard that voice she had somehow missed.

"Jade." He called her. Somehow, she admitted that her name sounded better rolling off his lips.

"Navy. I see you made it again this evening. How has the week been for you? Rough?" She asked and poured him a shot immediately.

"I guess someone is in the mood to talk this night." He smiled and took the shot as soon as he sat down.

"The bar isn't full and somehow I wanted to return your note kerchief." She slapped the handkerchief he had used to write the note into his hands.

"I was hoping you'd keep it. You know as a keepsake." He shrugged.

"You should be grateful I bothered to wash it." She wiped the bar top clean and placed his glass back.

He took a long sniff while holding the handkerchief really tight. "Then I shall count myself lucky for having something that smells like you."

"Navy!" Someone at the entrance bellowed. He was might tall with grey eyes. Not that Navy wasn't tall but this one had a certain build to him and a scar ran across his face.

"Bolt! You made it just on time. Meet my lady friend, Jade. Jade, my best friend, Bolt." He did a quick introduction.

"First offs, I'm not his lady friend. Second of all, what would you like to drink?" She said clearly all the time with a smile.

"Well, gin on the rocks. A long day deserves something that strong." He answered ignoring the first part she had corrected.

"You both have weird names. Navy and Bolt. You guys grow up in the barracks or something." She asked trying to find out more about the two undeniably handsome gents in front of her.

"Says the woman named by her eye color. Navy's Granddad is the one with the army record. Major General Piper. He was the real deal and since his grandson looks just like him. He gave him the name he loved being associated with the most- Navy." Bolt explained.

"I guessed right then. Spoilt brat." She smirked and brushed her bangs aside while she looked at Navy. "What about you? You won't leave me hanging with your story, will you?''

"I was the fastest kid on the block so it's kind of swallowed my real name, Cajetan." He explained, sipping his drink slowly.

"I think I'll rather call you Bolt too than Cajetan. Bolt is shirt and brief. It suits you." She said while she leaned into him.

"I think I'll be drinking beer this night. This doesn't hit hard anymore." Navy ordered just to remove her from their lingering gaze. Jade literally glared at him.

She could actually drown him with all the whiskey and bear she had in the bar, if he wanted something hard. She could, but then she couldn't.

"Uhm, Jade. We've got a situation around that corner." One of her workers interrupted that thought.

"Let me guess Liam, Gerald and Tony again?" She slammed Navy's bag on the bar top, hard enough for it to cause a spill and for him to curse.

"More like Gerald is giving an unlikely performance and they are all stone drunk."

"Holy crap! I guess we've come to an end of our little chat, which was really nice and promising but if you'll excuse me, duty calls." She told the guys and went off in the direction of their corner.

"Gerald! Gerald!" She shouted amidst the almost deafening noise which consisted of cheering and clapping and a whole lot of other words which she couldn't quite catch. Gerald stood on the table, shirt off, giving the crowd a belly dance performance. "Gerald! Get down from there right now or you're paying double of all this night."

"I'm sorry, Miss Jade." He got down almost immediately with the help of two male workers. "I just wanted to get a better view of your bar." All his sentences came out almost in mumbles as he pointed towards a lot of things. He was definitely stone drunk as well as his friends. Sometimes, she wondered if she should ever meet them outside the bar, if she would likely recognize them during their day job.

"You have done nothing to apologize for, Gerald." Liam slurred, trying hard enough to stand up. "She doesn't have any right to tell us what to do. We are grown men."

"Sorry to say this, Liam, but when grown men become stone drunk like you are now and they do really embarrassing things that they might not remember the next day, someone has to take care of them like a baby. If you haven't noticed, you're acting like babies right now."

"So, you're going to take care of us?" Liam came closer to her. He was in his mid-30s and because she was a 5'4, he somehow towered over her, his ugly breath cascading down her face.

"Is there a problem here?" Navy asked from behind her.

"Not a problem. I can't handle." She replied all the while looking at Liam. "Now, Liam, if you'd just…." Liam grabbed her wrist hard, making her bracelets draw red circles around them, and then he sniffed her. "I've always loved how you smell."

Navy was quick enough to push him back which made him tumble back into his seat. "A woman who tries to make sure you're okay should be accorded some respect, shouldn't she?"

"Yes, yes. She's been really nice to us. "Tony answered, slapping his hand on the table while Gerald nodded. "It's just that Liam here, has had a crush on her since forever but she doesn't even look his way at all.""

"Well, I hope it's just a crush. Let's get that wrist looked at, Jade. It's going to swell soon enough. You have a first aid kit, I presume?" He asked her while she led him to the back of the bar.

"Yes, but it's nothing a little ice won't fix. You've been carrying trays around so that might hurt a bit more than it should." She argued.

"Where's Bolt?" She asked moments after he had successfully convinced her that a bandage and some ointment was better than some ice.

"He got a call from his wife. Their son caught a cold." He replied slapping the last part of the bandage firmly, then looked her face, just in time to catch the look of disappointment linger then fade.

"Oh! I hope he gets well soon. Thanks for this though." She said and got s=down from the barrel she had been sitting on.

"I guess you're disappointed he's married with a kid." He said amused by the thought that she probably had a crush on his best friend.

"Not really. He just seemed interesting enough with the scar. Ex-military don't come here that often." She answered and tried to move past him but he pushed her back, her butt only meeting with the barrel.

"You're a good judge. But why do I feel like you're disappointed though?" He watched her eyes darken a bit and her lips quiver.

"Well, I'm thinking if he's married then you probably would be. No single man moves with a married friend." She argued or rathe evaded the question in her own way.

"No married man would pin you to the wall like this."

"A lot of married men has tried to pin me to the wall, but I don't do married men unfortunately." She used her knee to slide up his leg bringing her knee close to his crotch.

"Then, I should be grateful that I'm not married yet." He watched he lick her lips slowly. "Your eyes are the loveliest pair I've ever seen and I want you to have them on me all the time." Jade smiled. He was making an eternity promise to her and he didn't know. (This is the witches' way of making a bonding promise, one that could only be broken by death, for that is only when their eyes are closed in all dimensions.)

Her smile was broken by a ravaging kiss and for the first time, she loved the fact that female witches could only grow up to a 5'6. Navy carried her up to the barrel and started to kiss her anywhere he could get his mouth on. When her moan grew louder by each kiss, he managed to slip his fingers in her pussy, his thumbs slowly rubbing on her clitoris. Slowly, his lips found its way to her nipples and he sucked on them through her tank top. She moaned loudly her juices dripping down his fingers. Midway down her navel, someone knocked on the door.