
In Love With A Twisted Witch

Jade "Ramona" Anders was born into a coven of witches, but she seeks something far different than a life of witchcraft. She moves to Manhattan, the city of the ordinary, the extraordinary, and the dangerously abnormal. Her high sex drive has attracted many, but destiny brings her to the arms of Navy Piper, a spoiled brat and undercover agent. When they first meet, it goes unseen. But their paths cross again when a murder case leaves Jade as the only witness and suspect. Now, they must work together to solve the case, and their chemistry is as unique as it is undeniable. As they unravel the mystery, something darker and more complex than either of them had imagined begins to emerge. Will Jade and Navy be able to solve the murder, or will the truth remain hidden in the shadows? Follow their story and find out!

DaoistoVmKvy · LGBT+
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4 Chs

Chapter One

Five years earlier...

"Ramona, please. You don't have to go far away from us." Her father, Harry followed her while she went from room to room picking up her things.

"No, Dad. I'm tired of doing the regular- learning spells, zapping this or that, talking about something that's so irrelevant. I want to see the world as a human would." She argued.

"But you're human." Harry said with a confused look.

"I'm a human witch dad. Not a normal human." She said and slipped on some charm bangles.

Harry sighed and stood akimbo watching her zip her bags. "You know you don't really have to lock your powers in. You can still use them there."

She looked up at him through her lashes. "Well, if I want to learn to live like a human, I have to do it without my powers."

She came up to him and held his hands. "Dad, you have to let me do this. I need to or else I won't be able to learn the difference between the two worlds."

Harry sighed and hugged her tight. "I hope your mother watches over you."

She smiled and raised up a pendant which hung around her neck on a necklace. "She never stops. Goodbye, Dad. See you when I see you."

"See you when I see you." He mumbled as he watched her step through a portal that opened at the bus station. He knew it would be a while before he saw her.

Present day….

There was loud music and chattering in Danner's Bar that night. A loud happy Friday for the officers who had just gotten off from work, truck drivers looking for a lady to lay with for the night and all others coming in mostly and going out and do their own thing.

"Our cups are empty, Jade. Get us another!" A guy at the corner of the room hollered drunk.

Jade shook her head with a slight smile as she served the table she was at. "Sorry, ladies. I guess the guys must be very thirsty this night.

"Gerald, you guys should better get home right now. You are already too drunk to drive." She calmly told her regulars.

"I'm not drunk. I can still see that you're as pretty as ever and you are on that hairdo again." Liam scoffed and the guys laughed.

Jade smiled as she took off the bracelets on her left arm and kept it on the table. Her green eyed glowed brighter as she spoke to the guys. "Well, since you're all drunk, you're going to have to leave this bar and walk home. Safely. We don't want your white asses ending up on the street. Dead and in the newspapers, right?"

The guys already charmed shook their heads slightly and got up and staggered out of the bar.

"Good job, Ramona." Jade pat herself on the back, like her father would. Well, yes, she had to learn the hard way that living as a human was difficult. So, sometimes when the work seemed like it was a bit too much, she would just take off her bracelets and do some spells and the situation is fixed.

She packed up their mugs and went on to collect orders. Just as she was about to get to the bar top, someone bumped into her and she went tumbling backwards. She closed her eyes and held on to the tray tightly while she braced herself for the fall. But she never got to the ground.

"At least, you should let your savior look into your eyes now, shouldn't you?" A lovely baritone voice asked her and she opened one eye and then the other and stood up almost immediately, brushing her elbow length brunette hair on her savior's face.

"Your hair smells like a mix of roses and cologne. What shampoo do you use?" He asked.

"One that says "thank you and I think you need to order." She smiled and got behind the bar top.

"Cute." He gave her a smirk. "I'll like a shot while we talk."

"We're not talking. If you haven't noticed, the bar is full tonight. Guess everyone wanted to celebrate the weekend."

"You should be happy right?" He asked before taking a sip of his drink.

"I am happy. It means more cash but at the end of the day I still have to clean up, don't I?" She pushed a drink over to a customer.

"Yeah. That part sucks." He ordered another shot. "I'm Navy by the way. What's yours?"

"When did we get to the name exchange?" Jade asked looking at him through her long beautiful eyelashes. She knew that made men gulp; it was quite unfortunate that she didn't really take interest in any of them that came into the bar.

If she wanted a man, she could have him but none of them in the bar suited her taste. Well, not until now. Something about this guy, Navy made her curious.

"So. Do I get a name or do I work for it?" Navy leaned in towards her.

She looked at him and scoffed, "You are certainly a first timer if you think you need to work to get my name."

Just then, someone hollered at her to get them a bucket of drinks.

"See, no hard work. Now, enough of the chit chat, you owe me 20 bucks for that drink. Drop it under the glass. I'll get it later." She said and left him to attend to other customers.

"Thank you so much, guys. You did good and so to each a bonus for a work well done." Jade told them after they had cleaned up and sat around eating their dinner. They thanked her while she gave them their envelopes. Most of her workers were college students, looking for a way to pay off their loan.

"Jade, there's a note in here for you." Isa, one of her older workers gave her a folded handkerchief.