
In hotel transylvania as Johnny twin brother

In this imaginative fanfic inspired by "Hotel Transylvania," Merlin, a recent college graduate, finds himself struggling with job hunting and feelings of depression. Seeking comfort, he binge-watches the "Hotel Transylvania" series, dreaming of the adventurous life that Johnny and Mavis lead. After falling asleep, Merlin wakes up to discover he has transformed into Jake, Johnny's twin brother, in a world set before Mavis's pregnancy. Excited to reunite with his brother and meet the enchanting Mavis, he calls Johnny, who welcomes him to the hotel. Realizing that vampires are fiercely loyal, Merlin invokes the Eros System, a mystical guide that helps him navigate his newfound circumstances and prepare for his encounter with Mavis. As he embarks on this adventure, he is filled with hope and curiosity, unaware that this journey might lead to unexpected connections and a chance at the life he has always desired.

V_crimson · 映画
10 Chs

this is not a chapter.

Guys should jake cucked Johnny or not.

yes or no. i could continue the story according to your answer. I feel like cucking Johnny literally was not the best way and maybe we could approach it in a different way. comments your thoughts. Some ig edit affect me and make my feelings complicated. i don't want a good man like Johnny just to suffer. i may be bad but i am not evil.😅😆this is why i hate relationships it is so complicated sometimes.