
A New Beginning

I took a deep breath, my heart filled with gratitude and a sense of belonging. I had accepted King Oliver’s offer to become a part of the Goldcrest family. The Queen upon hearing that I accepted to be the part of the family she hugged me and her eyes filled with tears. The decision was both exhilarating and humbling, knowing that I was now a member of the royal family. However, the truth about Eric’s recovery remained hidden, and I was presented as the long-lost son of the king, returning after being cured of a mysterious illness.

The king organized a grand function to celebrate Eric’s improved health and my supposed return. The entire kingdom was in attendance, and the atmosphere was festive. As King Oliver addressed the crowd, he spoke of Eric’s recovery but carefully avoided revealing my true identity or my role in his cure.

“Ladies and gentlemen, today is a day of joy and celebration,” the king announced, his voice carrying through the grand hall. “Our beloved Eric has overcome a grave illness and is now on his way to the Royal Academy, where he will receive the finest education this kingdom has to offer. And I would also like to introduce you to me son Phyl Goldcrest, who was away because of the illness when he was born but now just like Eric he also overcame his illness and now standing here, there was a rumor that my son died while he was born but that was a lie. I kept my mouth shut, because I was very sad to know about my son, so Please welcome both my Children, Eric Oliver Goldcrest and Phyl Oliver Goldcrest”.

The crowd erupted in applause and cheers, and I couldn’t help but smile as I stood by the king’s side, my newfound family.

Then Eric and I Introduced myself to the guests and the crowed again erupted in a applause and cheers.

During the function, as I mingled with the guests, I encountered a girl with captivating beauty. Her elegant attire and graceful demeanor marked her as an aristocrat. I bowed politely and asked, “Is there anything I can assist you with, my lady?”

Her eyes sparkled with a hint of amusement, and she replied, “I was simply looking for the restroom and seemed to have lost my way.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at the unexpected encounter. “Allow me to guide you,” I offered, and we walked together towards the restroom. As we exchanged polite conversation, she introduced herself as Alice Arison.

Afterward, King Oliver approached me, his eyes filled with a sense of purpose. “Phyl,” he began, “I have another request to make of you.”

I nodded, eager to contribute in any way I could.

The king continued, “We have a group of mercenaries in our kingdom. They are tasked with patrolling the forest, eliminating any threats to our citizens, and even dealing with rogue knights if the need arises. I’d like you to join them.”

I was taken aback by the request but quickly realized its significance. “Of course, Your Majesty. I will do my best to serve the kingdom.”

The king smiled, a mix of gratitude and concern in his eyes. “I understand you had aspirations to attend the Royal Academy, but for now, the security of our kingdom is paramount. Once things stabilize, we can revisit the idea of your education there.”

And so, I began my new life as a mercenary. I concealed my true powers, not wanting to alarm those around me. Occasionally, I returned home to spend time with the Goldcrest family, enjoying small talks and playing with Eric during his holidays. I taught him the basics of magic, including spells like fireball and fire spear, and helped him learn how to manage his mana efficiently.

As I worked with the mercenaries, my true abilities remained hidden. The most surprising element was Blue, my familiar, a slime often regarded as the weakest of monsters. However, it possessed incredible strength and speed, easily dispatching threats that would have taken a dozen mercenaries to defeat, often with heavy casualties.

The appearance of an unusual number of monsters in the kingdom’s vicinity became a hot topic of discussion among the mercenaries. Our group faced them one by one, combating the growing threat.

One fateful day, while we were resting within the kingdom, the emergency bell at the entrance began to ring incessantly. A panicked guard rushed to King Oliver and delivered grave news.

“Your Majesty,” the guard said, his voice trembling, “there are approximately 10,000 monsters advancing towards our kingdom. If we don’t act swiftly to stop them, they will overrun our defenses and threaten the lives of all our citizens.”

The king’s face hardened with determination, and he turned to me. “Phyl, this is a crisis of unprecedented proportions. I need your help to defend our kingdom. Will you stand with us?”

Without hesitation, I nodded. “I will stand by your side, Your Majesty, and protect our home.”

As the urgency of the situation grew, I couldn’t help but wonder about the hidden truth of the monster invasion.

The fate of the kingdom now rested on our shoulders, and together with the mercenaries, we prepared to face a formidable threat unlike any other.