
A New Home?

I find myself surrounded by darkness, a familiar darkness that reminds me of that place I visited when I was near death after the encounter with the skeleton mage. The air is heavy, and a sense of anticipation fills the atmosphere. Suddenly, a voice resonates, echoing within the void. “Hello, Phyl. This place may remind you of your near-death experience, but it is quite different,” the someone speaks, its tone both soothing and commanding.

I instinctively reply, “Who are you? Where am I?”

The voice continues, “I am YAMA, the god of death and justice. You are currently in a space between dimensions, a place where your soul can connect with the upper dimension, where the gods reside.”

My mind races as I process this information. YAMA, the god of death and justice? It’s almost surreal to be conversing with a deity. “Why am I here?” I ask, my voice filled with curiosity and a hint of uncertainty.