
In Another world with a Clash of Clan Village

Olivier was a normal guy with normal dreams. However, he finds himself reborn in another world with the name of Olivier Martin; the cause of his death unknown. The only clue to his past life is the birthmark at the palm of his hand. A shield defending against two arrows. Born with poor aptitude in martial arts and magic, he is doomed to live a life of mediocrity. But he is unwilling, he is unwilling to live a common life. He wants to shine brightly in this new life in a new fantasy world of magic and martial arts. In despair, he searches for a way to transcend others. Then one day he hears a pleasant voice inside his mind. "Welcome chief! We have been waiting for you". Then his birthmark shines with white light and sucks him inside a portal. A portal to a mystical land of warriors. A land where dragon rules the sky, and wizards, giants, archers, barbarians and other races battle each other. A land full of riches. And possibly land of hope for Olivier. --------- Welcome to 'In another world with a clash of clan village'. Let's Follow Olivier and his troops on a wonderful journey in a new mystical land. You in?

Irig_Mumin · ファンタジー
21 Chs


While Olivier was covered by the white light like a cocoon, the world outside the cocoon was filled with the stench of blood and gore. A bloody Kratos stood straight like a spear, a huge broadsword slung over his shoulder. His cold and impassive eyes were staring at the five barbarians before him.

He silently glanced at his subordinates and said in his thunderous voice, "Explain yourself". A command, direct and tyrannical, worthy of his name, Kratos.

He was unconcerned about Olivier. If that barrier could deflect him, it could undoubtedly deflect any strike of tier-2 strength. That wasn't his concern at the moment. His subordinates had defied his orders and turned against him. When was the last time he executed a subordinate for disobeying him? He could not remember.

Astrid smiled at Kratos"We are doing this for the benefit of our people, for the future of our barbarian race, Commander. How could we barbarians be under the command of a frail child who lacks the power to defend himself? Imagine the resources we'll have at our disposal after we've colonized the entire world. We can start anew. We could take over this land and rebuild the barbarian kingdom. We can become the progenitors of a new barbarian kingdom, the pioneers of this land ".

"Don't try to connect your greed and ambition to the future of my barbarian race". Kratos sneered, "That is the behavior of a coward. We barbarians have always done what we wanted, we never justified our action with sophistry. Either you attack or return. But if you attack, be prepared to die. My sword has never spared anyone".".

After hearing Kratos' words, the four barbarians were terrified. Their captain was never a liar; he always kept his word. Was it worth it to put their own lives in danger like this? They mentally weighed the pro and cons.

However, Astrid scoffed lightly "Commander, you've turned soft. You have forgotten the glory of the days when we barbarians rampaged unrestrained over the world when our blood boiled with ambition. We never followed a commander who bowed his head to a helpless child; instead, we promised to follow the commander who was unbeatable in battle, the commander who could conquer any land beneath the skies. We revered and swore loyalty to the 'god of war,' in both victory and defeat. But take a look at yourself, commander. You've become soft. After you bowed your head to your brother and did not fight for the throne, your spine have become easier to bend. However, ours is still strong and straight ".

Kratos sighed in his heart and remembered an old memory that he had buried deep inside his heart.

During his youth, a small kid followed him around and worshipped him.

"big brother, teach me how to fight".

"Big brother, take me to hunt".

"Big brother, how does it feel like on the battlefield?"

That kid was always lively and followed him around like his shadow. He taught him how to fight, how to strategize, he taught him everything he knew. After all, he was his younger brother and he was soon to be king. So, he wanted to train his brother into a capable and strong man. When he ascended the throne, he wanted his brother to live a carefree life while he shoulders the responsibility to protect the kingdom and his people.

As they grew older, his brother became less lively and more silent. He soon stopped calling him big brother and began addressing him by his name. In his eyes, the respect and worship had faded, replaced with a fervent desire to surpass him. To be honest, he was delighted for his brother, happy that his brother was working hard to beat him. He'd be glad if he ever surpassed him, why wouldn't he be happy for his younger brother?.

Then, everything changed.

Kratos was making conquests after conquests, spreading the prestige of the barbarian kingdom. However, he was oblivious to his brother's struggles. He was overjoyed to return home and brag about his accomplishments. Every time he bragged, he didn't notice his brother's depression..

He was well aware that everyone referred to his brother as 'God of War's brother' and 'Kingsman.' But he didn't care; he was never one to worry about other people's opinions in the first place. He quite like those nicknames. After all, don't they explain how deep their brotherly affections for each other were?

As his brother grew and started to excel, he was happy for him and proud of him. He didn't even notice that no one addressed his brother by his given name. His brother's name had been drowned away by his own. He had no idea what he was going through, how frustrated he was. He was oblivious to those. The brighter he shone, the larger his shadow became for his brother. If this continued, his brother was destined to always be overshadowed by him.

One day, His brother challenged him to a duel. He wanted to compete for the kingdom's throne. He accepted the duel and lost on purpose. He didn't want to fight his brother, and even if he did, it wouldn't be for something as meaningless as the throne. If his brother desires to become king, he will assist him to do so. That was Kratos' way of showing affection for his brother. His desire to do something that could help him.

Kratos remembered that day. For the first time in his life, he witnessed his brother's dissatisfaction with him. He saw venom in his brother's eyes, but he shrugged it off. How could his brother despise him when they were so close? He pushed that thought to the back of his mind.

The next day, he received a decree from his brother, the new king. He was ordered to guard the east border and never to return to the capital again. He was perplexed. Why? But he obeyed the order regardless, expecting to be summoned to the capital shortly. But because he never got the command to return, he was imprisoned in that location.

Year after year, new recruits arrived at the border, and he continued to get news. His brother was doing well as the new king. But he realized that the new recruits didn't even recognize him. As more recruits came, they were unfamiliar with his name and had never heard of his fame. It soon came to a point when he had to introduce himself to the new recruits as Kratos, the commander of the army.


Then it dawned on him. He finally understood his brother years later. he realized his feelings but it was too late to make amends.


That was one of the eternal regrets Kratos had in his long life. He had accomplished so much in his life. He knew the world's geography like the back of his hand, he could read the stars and moons, he could read people's minds and plot against them effortlessly, his name alone could terrify people out of their wits, yet he knew he, Kratos, was a failure. He failed to live up to his responsibilities as a big brother. He failed to comprehend his younger brother's sorrow and longing to be acknowledged as a person. What would it be like if I had seen it? He'd asked himself this question a thousand times before.

He didn't blame his brother for his actions; he simply regretted not being there for his brother while he was alone in his suffering. He wished he could make up for his mistakes, but he knew it was too late. His little brother was his pride even though his brother did not like him, hated him even.

But this fool had the audacity to justify his actions by using his brother's name. He had the gall to exploit his brother's name to justify his selfish behavior. He was Kratos; how could he not know what they were thinking? He would never give them a chance to back out if he didn't know what they were thinking. He was certain that there were more barbarians in slumber and Olivier alone had the ability to awaken them. His brother might be among them as well.

He was not going to allow anyone to destroy his chance to make amends with his brother. He would not allow anybody to jeopardize the future of his barbarian race. With his own hands, he will slay those ungrateful, disloyal bastards. If anyone tried to obstruct his path, he would rip their throat out with his own hand and drink their blood.

Kratos did not speak another word. Enough was enough. He flashed in front of Astrid leaving a trail of after-images and struck down with his heavy broadsword. His sword cut through the air carrying the weight of the mountain behind it and pressed down on Astrid. Astrid hurriedly raised his sword to defend against the onslaught.



The sound of metal striking metal was followed by the sound of something heavy smashing into the trees in the distance.

Astrid could be seen laying amid the fallen trees among the rising dust and dirt, blood seeping from his face and various other places of his body. The other four barbarian accomplices were terrified. They'd forgotten that their commander was revered as the 'god of war,' dreaded by even the most haughty and powerful barbarians. He did not fight again after their commander was exiled; there was no reason for him to. Who would court death by attacking the border protected by the 'god of war'? It was too late now. They had ridden the tiger's back and were now unable to get off of it.

"BEHIND YOU". Astrid's scream woke them from their reverie. Normally, they would never be distracted in the midst of the battle. But they were facing their commander, the person they respected the most.

Soon, their survival instinct kicked in as they jumped in different directions. A heavy blow landed at the place they were before creating a huge dent in the ground.

"You have the time to be distracted in the middle of battle. It appears that I taught you wrong", Kratos commented as he lifted his broad sword from the ground.

"N...NO...Forgive us, commander. We surrender", One of the barbarians surrendered directly thinking he would be spared.

Kratos snorted flashing before him and beheaded before he could react. "Once a traitor always a traitor". He remarked mercilessly. He slashed his sword across the air, unleashing multiple crescent energy waves that encircled the other three. The three barbarians fought back, but they eventually collapsed on the floor in a pool of blood under Kratos' sword. Some barbarians had their limbs severed, while others had wounds on their chests and other areas of their bodies.

"It was an honor for you to die under my Sword". Kratos spoke softly to the fallen warriors. He began walking towards Astrid. Astrid had just gotten up, and his wounds were healing rapidly. He looked fearlessly at Kratos," Commander, You are so cruel. You can murder your own men so easi.... ".

He coughed up blood interrupting him from speaking further. He looked down to see a sword had impaled him through his chest. He could feel his blood being drained rapidly by the sword. He smiled bitterly. He had calculated this possibility before taking action but he never thought that it would actually come true. Astrid died with regret.

A pair of cold and calculating eyes were watching the event unfurl from afar. "A Pity". A feminine voice echoed out and the figure vanished.


Barbarian kings P.O.V [OPTIONAL]


I was a lively kid who wanted to live a happy and peaceful life. Maybe, when I grow stronger, I could be of some help to my big brother. Did I mention that my big brother is the invincible 'god of war ' Kratos, the future king of the barbarian kingdom? He is my pride, the reason I could raise my head high proudly.

How is Kratos in person? Many have asked the same question before. Well, I really don't know how to answer that question. He is praised as the most powerful general who could conquer any land, he is worshipped by our people as the pillar of our kingdom, and feared by his enemies as a fiend, mass murderer but honestly, I can't see him like that. He is kind and gentle. He loves telling cheeky jokes and ruffling my hair. He is the best big brother I could ever I asked for.

I was taught by my brother. He taught me how to fight and he even gathered precious materials for my body refining. I have fought with him many times but I have never landed a single hit on him. That's how powerful big brother is. I love my big brother.


I am tired. I am worn out of this life where I have to kill and battle to earn the praise and worship of others. I have killed a man. It was disturbing, watching my blade piercing through his body as he slowly lost his life in pain and agony. I had nightmares for many nights after that day. I was determined to never kill again. But I have to kill to survive. Now, taking the life of others does not feel bad, I feel nothing. That is what terrifies me. Have I lost my humanity and kindness? Have I turned into some monster? How could big brother do this so easily without feeling any burden? I don't even know him anymore. Sigh...

If only we were born in a normal family?


I succeed in this campaign. The west region has now surrendered to the barbarian kingdom. I am now an army general with thousands of soldiers under my command. It is not so bad after all, I enjoy talking with the soldiers and listening to their stories. Other than the killing part which I still don't like, life is not so bad.

One thing I have noticed these days is nobody knows my name. How long has it been since somebody called me by my given name? I have campaigned all over the world with several victories under my belt, but I never even received a proper title. 'God of war's brother', 'King's man", people call me by these titles. It feels like all of my effort and victory have been assimilated by Kratos. Is this a coincidence or a plot?


I have changed. My mind has been polluted. I don't know since when I have started to hate Kratos. I do not know if it is Kratos' fault for sure, but I have undoubtedly come to hate Kratos. My everything, including my name and achievements, has been buried under his shadow. Even my own soldiers do not know my name. Will I forever be remembered by the people of this world as Kratos' brother? But what about my name?

Kratos' sickens me. The way he treats me like a child, like someone weak who needs his protection disgusts me to my very soul. Just you wait, I will take everything. I will make sure that name will resound heavier than yours, my shadow bigger than yours. Just you wait.


I have done it. I have finally trained the fiend body art to perfection. I have achieved something that even Kratos could not achieve. Now people will remember my name as the strongest barbarian.

'God of war's brother is the strongest barbarian', 'God of war trained his brother to be the strongest in this world'. People's praise resounded in his mind. No. No.. I did it by myself. I trained bitterly for years to achieve that. Kratos did nothing. I achieved it.

I can feel myself sinking further and further into Kratos's shadow. If I don't do anything now, I will never be able to see the clear sky again. I can only do that. Kratos, don't blame me for this.


I have become the barbarian king. I challenged Kratos to the duel for the throne. I won easily. I was confident to win but I could feel Kratos holding back as he lost deliberately.

I called Kratos to my chamber and questioned him why. He said, "You have finally grown up little brother. If you want the throne, you can have it. I, your big brother will act as your sharp sword to make your kingdom the biggest and strongest kingdom in the world". I was baffled. so, all this time I was like a little kid in his eyes. Now, I finally know why I started detesting him. How dare he belittle my effort, HOW DARE HE.. My effort, my motivation, my strength, it was all like a little brother's effort to please him in his eyes.

Then, I will let him see what I have become. I am the king, the ruler. So, I banished him to the furthest border, forbade him to never leave that small and narrow place as the king. I erased his name from the history and only my name as the King of the barbarians resounded through the land.


I have forgotten how to become happy, how to smile. The whole world is under my feet and my people are living a peaceful life full of happiness. And, I, Zeus, the ruler of this land have forgotten how to be happy. Sigh... If only was I born in a normal family with the fate to be an ordinary person? Would I be happy then?

The barbarian king Zeus thought as he overlooked the land that was now subject to his authority from his palace. The sun was setting on the horizon and the land looked peaceful. He looked at the border where he had banished that enigma and wondered if he made the right decision.


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Irig_Mumincreators' thoughts