
In Another world with a Clash of Clan Village

Olivier was a normal guy with normal dreams. However, he finds himself reborn in another world with the name of Olivier Martin; the cause of his death unknown. The only clue to his past life is the birthmark at the palm of his hand. A shield defending against two arrows. Born with poor aptitude in martial arts and magic, he is doomed to live a life of mediocrity. But he is unwilling, he is unwilling to live a common life. He wants to shine brightly in this new life in a new fantasy world of magic and martial arts. In despair, he searches for a way to transcend others. Then one day he hears a pleasant voice inside his mind. "Welcome chief! We have been waiting for you". Then his birthmark shines with white light and sucks him inside a portal. A portal to a mystical land of warriors. A land where dragon rules the sky, and wizards, giants, archers, barbarians and other races battle each other. A land full of riches. And possibly land of hope for Olivier. --------- Welcome to 'In another world with a clash of clan village'. Let's Follow Olivier and his troops on a wonderful journey in a new mystical land. You in?

Irig_Mumin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


The world was sparkling in the light of the sun. The weather was pleasant, making it an ideal day for an outing. However, the atmosphere was deafeningly quiet. The stench of blood was spread by the chilly wind. As if sensing the ominous aura in the air, the bird and crocking insects were silent.

Kratos sat on the hill, his armor soaked in blood. His broadsword was sticking on the ground beside him. He was sighing repeatedly observing the scene of carnage before him.

Despite the fact that Kratos was used to murdering, killing his own people left a bitter aftertaste in his mouth, like if he had swallowed excrement. He knew he had to be decisive at that moment. He would have lost the trust he had earned with Olivier if he hadn't done so. He knew that certain sacrifices were necessary to achieve something bigger. If he had let them live, they would plot something again and again. He was not naive enough to believe that they would turn over new leaf, maybe they would. But he was not going to take that chance. He had experienced enough to snuff out trouble by the root. He did not regret his decision. But it certainly did affect his mood.

"Even these minor issues are affecting my emotion. Did I really turn soft, as Astrid claimed?" Kratos pondered.

Meanwhile, Olivier was experiencing a memorable experience within the cocoon. White light engulfed him, making him feel warm all over as if he were soaking in warm water. His body was rapidly rebuilding itself by absorbing the energy in the air. He could feel his body growing bigger and stronger, he could feel the explosive strength that his new body possessed. He was certain that the fiend body art was working wonder oblivious to the fact that what was happening was not the wonder of the fiend body art but the mysterious power of his birthmark. Fiend body art had also played a major role, but his body refining technique had already deviated from the norm.

'Will I be able to smash the rock with my fists after this? Those who have reached tier-1 strength can do that. Using energy inside their body to strengthen it, tier-1 warriors can increase the strength, speed, and durability of their body. Tier-2 warriors can materialize their energy outside their body to form swords, whips, spears, etc with their energy. They could control the energy as long as they stay in contact with it. As for tier-3 strength, that is the realm where one could finally learn to control the energy in the air and awaken their element'.

'According to what I read in the book, the element you awaken will be determined by your aptitude, temperament, and experiences. Some of the lucky ones can even awaken two or more elements at the same time. I'm curious which element I'll awaken. May be time or space element, after all, I have crossed worlds and lived two lives. That would be cool. Perhaps I will awaken the thunder element like Baron or the ice element like Vivien'.

As Olivier was lost in his imagination, he felt some changes in his body. He felt like he had encountered some kind of barrier that was stopping him from rebuilding his body. The energy inside his body felt like it was trapped in a quagmire that was restricting the flow of energy. Then, a soothing energy entered his body again recovering the flow of energy inside his body to normal. He encountered that odd feeling several times as the energies inside his body were breaking more barriers like the one encountered before.

What was strange was that the barriers got stronger and stronger as time passed. Every time the energy inside his body broke that barrier, they flowed more smoothly and their density increased.

Olivier did not know but the barrier he was encountering was the barrier that the world set upon his talent upon birth. For every barrier he encountered and overcame, his talent increased by a level. As a result, unbeknownst to him, his talent was rising very fast. When he comes out of that cocoon, it will be as a talented youth.


In the outside world, The Martin estate,

The Martin estate encompassed a large area in the central region of Aryth town. Previously, the Aryth town was known as the Murren's Eve town. It used to be a little backwater town far off from the noise and bustle of the outside world. People in town enjoyed a quiet life content with just a roof over their heads, clothing on their bodies, and food on their tables.

Olivier's parents, Baron Martin and Vivien Katz Martin had moved here for the calm and friendliness of the locals. They purchased a house on the outskirts of town for a low price and settled down. Everything was going according to plan. They had a wonderful time in this little town and had made friends with the locals while shopping for food and goods. Everything was going

Man proposes but heaven disposes.

Everything changed when one of the town's herb collectors found a new dungeon while picking herbs in the neighboring forest. The townspeople were ignorant but Baron knew what it entailed. Having roamed the world before, he knew that the peace of this town was short-lived. If some cruel organization discovered this dungeon, they might slaughter the whole town to keep it a secret.

A dungeon was a mystical place full of danger and riches. Some people believed a dungeon to be an ill omen of death. Death followed after the discovery of a dungeon. Powerful organization fighting for control, adventurers fighting for riches inside the dungeon, death was inevitable like it was a form of sacrifice to the dungeon. Thus. the dungeon was considered an ill omen.

A dungeon is a mystical place that contains a separate space. Anyone is faced after entering a dungeon and if they survive the peril, they would be rewarded with precious training manuals, unique skills, and powerful weapons. There were many stories circulated around the world of people becoming famous after they acquired those rewards. Thus, people thought of dungeons as an opportunity to change their fate. Most of the dungeons in the world are strictly controlled by organizations, thus people usually see the time after discovery as the most opportune time to enter the dungeon.

As a result, Baron assembled the locals and explained the truth to them. Some greedy souls entered the dungeon, never to be seen again. however, the sensible people of the town understood the situation clearly. They recognized both the risk and the opportunity posed by the situation. The discovery of the dungeon might benefit the entire village if handled correctly.

As a result, they appointed Baron as the town's leader, granting him ownership over the town's central areas. That was their method of tying Baron to the town. If he knew about the dungeons and that information, he could a powerful warrior and they wanted him to protect them. Baron understood what they were thinking, yet he still accepted.

He immediately contacted the Unity academy, where he had learned and trained as a youth. Overnight, the people of the Unity Academy took control of the dungeon. The world quickly learned of the new dungeon's discovery, and adventurers from all over the world rushed to Murren's Eve. They rested in town for the night and restocked supplies before venturing out to investigate the dungeon.

People came from all around to trade, and many businesses sprouted up in the town. After the formidable Aryth sword was unearthed from the Aryth dungeon, the town's name was changed to Aryth. With the development of teleportation formation, the town was linked to many parts of the world. Several major organizations had opened branches in town, sending their youths to gain experience in the dungeon while scouting youths with potential in the town to recruit. Under the Aryth dungeon's influence, the town prospered enormously.

Devon Martin, as the leader of the town, also benefitted greatly. In the central area of the Aryth town was a large estate. A huge wall inscribed with several unknown and obscure texts guarded the perimeter of the estate. The guards securing the gate had the strength of a tier-2 warrior. Inside the gate was a vast area filled with flowers and green grass. A stony pathway led the way to several buildings. In front of the buildings was a fountain spraying water in the air. Besides the fountain was a statue of a small naked boy peeing in the fountain.

The statue of the boy was literally peeing, water was leaking into the fountain from his pp like an open tap. If one looked closely the boy looked quite similar to Olivier, if Olivier was a lot younger.

Inside one of the buildings, a couple was sitting on the couch. The female looked like she was crying and the man was counseling her.

The woman had beautiful features, clear skin, blue eyes, and a mature body. The man was also quite handsome. He had sharp features, a straight wide back, and great height. The couple looked quite good together. They were Baron Martin and Vivien Ainz Martin, the birth parents of Olivier.

Growing up Olivier was not particularly close to his parents. He found the whole rebirth and new parents thing difficult to accept unlike most of the protagonists of the novels he rad back on Earth. While he did not open up to his new parents, he also did act cold to them either. After all, he knew that they had given birth to him and they had the right to love and be loved by their child.

Vivien had red eyes while she was sniffling in her husband's arm. She had been like that for days. Her child had disappeared for more than fives days. She had no idea where he was or if he was dead or living.

"How could this happen to us? How could my son disappear like this for days. something must have happened to him. I will go search for my son and bring him back home". Vivien muttered weakly in Baron's arm.

"He'll be back home soon. Sweety, you've already looked for him everywhere you could. You need to rest now and wait for our son to return. He'll be upset to see you in this situation "..Baron advised his wife, tenderly touching her hair. He was hurt seeing his wife in this state and not knowing where his son was or if he was safe. "I've already made contact with the Hidden Mansion. They own the most extensive information network. We will soon receive information about our son, no matter where he is in the world ".

"What happens if we don't? What will we do if even they are unable to find my son? What will you do then?". Vivien inquired, her eyes welling up with tears. For a little while, Baron was dumbfounded. He didn't know what to do if even the Hidden Mansion couldn't find him, but he couldn't tell that to his grieving wife. "Don't be worried, sweetie. They will track down our son. If they don't, we'll go looking for him till we locate him ".


Suddenly, a thunderclap resounded in the sky. Baron looked outside. His vision passed through the ceiling to look at the sky. He saw dark clouds with lightning dancing around gathering in the sky. The dark clouds then spread out more. Soon the whole Martin estate was covered by dark clouds.

'Weird. Is someone undergoing tribulation? But there is no one in the Martin estate at a level to attract lightning tribulation in their advancement'. Baron pondered.

Vivien also walked up and stood beside Baron. "Why is the tribulation cloud covering our Martin estate? It looked like the tribulation clouds were formed right above Oliv's residence".

"I am just as clueless as you are. We will find out soon enough. Tribulation lightning does not harm anyone besides the tribulation transcender if they did not interfere with it. So. we should be safe". Baron made a remark as he threw his arm over his wife's shoulder and took her in his arms.

As they were talking, the tribulation clouds had shrouded the whole Aryth town. Several lightning dragons reeking of death and destruction were dancing amid the clouds as if searching for someone.

The people inside the town were in a panic as they dropped to their knees and kowtowed, praying to the gods for forgiveness. Meanwhile, the informed individuals were in shock.

"A tribulation of this level. Either someone is ascending beyond the ninth tier to reach the master stage or someone had committed atrocity vile enough to anger the heavens". A tier-5 mage said in shock while staring at the heavens.

"Only that could attract a tribulation of this level", his female servant nodded in his lap. However, she did not stop making circles with her butt making the mage moan in pleasure.

The Lighting, however, did not strike down as the lighting dragons continued to dance in the sky. After a lengthy period of time, the lightning in the sky vanished. That day, Aryth City was pounded by torrential rain.


Meanwhile, the cocoon finally showed signs of cracking. Like a chick coming out of its egg, the cocoon cracked and a naked Olivier came out. He was smiling happily unaware of the huge disaster he just averted.



In another multiverse,

The sky was thundering in rage as if the sky wanted to engulf the land in its fury. Several lightning dragons were dancing amid the clouds, roaring at the ground expressing their fury and dissatisfaction for being disturbed in their sleep. The whole scene looked like the moment before the apocalypse.

Right at that moment, author-san, I stepped out of the portal.

"Travelling through the portal to different dimensions sure is tiring. You never get used to it no matter how many times you do it". He sighed. He was a handsome man exactly 5 foot 12 inches in height, one inch more and he could brag about his height to his friends. He had a masculine face and a great body. He looked at the lightning dragons dancing in the sky. "Perfect". He commented.

He flew to the sky, his cape flapping behind. Clearing his throat, he shouted," Hey, you interested in doing a collab with me?"

The sky thundered back, "I am the lightning tribulation ranked 59th in the 99999th lightning tribulation assessment performed by the heavens. I have come under the decree of heavens to annihilate the heretic who is going against the heavens and increasing his natural talent. I must...".

"Blah...Blah...Blah.. I get it. Stop already. I am asking whether you are interested to do a collab with me or not?"

"What is a collab".

"Sigh... Ignorance..... Okay, I will explain. Later, I will record a visual using my artifact and you dance like this... and this.. this..". Author-san explained several dance movements to the tribulation.

After a while, the tribulation dispersed satisfied leaving behind a message, "We should do a collab again sometimes".

Author-san smiled looking at his phone in satisfaction. A video was playing on his phone. Author-san was dancing with several lightning dragons in the sky. 'Baby shark' was playing in the background. "This video should make me viral. Otherwise, I shall destroy TikTok".

Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo.

Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo.

Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo.

Baby shark!

Sing along with me!

Mommy shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo.

Mommy shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo.

Mommy shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo.

Mommy shark!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Irig_Mumincreators' thoughts