
Neighbors Club

What does it mean to be strong? Must one live a life unbound by rules? Have the ability to be frank and open minded? To take things of value as you please? To use your power to destroy those who oppose you? To have beautiful women serve you and feast in debauchery? To stand against the gods without fear? To make the heavens shakes and the earth bleed?

"Wow! You really got us here!!"

Standing upon a hill in the distance, Jun, Karin and Yae overlooked Tooya city.

"Why are you here? I only agreed to take Karin-chan with me." Jun said and glanced at the sexy nun.

Hearing him add chan onto the end of her name caused Karin to unsheathe her blade and look at Jun with killing intent.

"Don't be such a stick in the mud." Yae jumped on him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

"Plus it was better than walking from that mansion."

Apparently Yae was what we called a land God. Someone who was born from an area or its people with the sole duty to protect the land it was spawned from. Land Gods are usually bound to their land of origin and are not permitted to leave, but Yae somehow managed to leave and was now wondering the world in search of adventure. She liked to refer to herself as a wondering God.

Rolling his eyes at her comment, Jun removed her hands off of his shoulder and ignored the blatant death stare coming from Karin.

"Weren't you calling me a filthy demon a minute ago? What's with the sudden change in attitude?"

"Ufufu." She puffed out her chest righteously and looked down on Jun. "As a God, I must be benevolent and forgiving, therefore I forgive you for being demon."

"You're going to forgive me for bring born a demon?" Jun said with a sarcastic tone in his voice.

"Uh huh!" She nodded proudly.

"Could you take us any closer?" Karin suddenly asked.

Nodding his head, Jun slashed open another portal and transported the trio to the roof of a church.

"Woah, you can even go that far." Yae looked at him shock.

'I literally transported us all the way from Tokyo to Tooya city!! How the hell are you more excited over the fact the I teleported us on top of a church!? What kind of logic is that!'

Jun kept those thoughts to himself as he felt that she would start speaking some mad shit if he brought it up... He didn't want to deal with that right now.

"So where's your base?" He turned to Karin.

"Not here." She said and prepared to leave.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Away from you two." She said without turning around.

"I thought you were gonna take us with you?" Yae said seeing that she had jumped off the roof.

"I just needed a ride." Executing her own Shundo her body vanished from sight.

"Ehhhhhhh?" Yae uttered in surprise. "I guess its just us tw-"

When she turned around Jun was already gone.


'Is this a school?'

Walking around the area, Jun noticed that the setting looked oddly like a highschool but with a catholic theme. It reminded him of a school he saw when he was touring Britain with the Yamato. Looking at his watch he saw that school should already be over. Taking a seat on a bench he closed his eyes and thought about Miyu senpai's words from earlier.

'Did I really get sucked off and not be awake to enjoy it? What a waste!!'

Although he would never admit it. Jun was extremely frustrated. Do you know what its like to live in a house with nothing but sexy girls and not be able to touch any of them due to them potentially killing each other?


'Maybe I should just pay a prostitute and deal with the consequences afterwards... Wait a second, aren't I somewhat famous? Why in God's name would I need to find a prostitute? My looks should be more than enough to nab me any nearby girl for free... Then again, would I really want to give my first time to some average looking girl? Well I definitely can't give it to anyone I know or the ramifications will be too annoying to deal with later on... I wonder if Yae's a virgin?'

While Jun was immersed in his thoughts, he didn't realize that some random guy was sitting next to him.

"Are you okay?"

"Huh?" Turning his head to the side, Jun saw a guy with dirty-blond hair staring at him. For some reason the top of the guy's hair was blonde whereas the rest of it was brown. It kind of reminded him of Haise Sasaki's hair. Coupled with his aggressive looking face, Jun wouldn't be surprised if this guy was actually a delinquent.

But who was Jun? A fucking mad lad who's slayed all sorts of supernatural entities that would make this guy shit his pants! How could a mere delinquent scare him.

"What do you want."

Not expecting the hostility, the guy was taken aback and stumbled on his own words.

"Well you see... Um... well..."

"Spit it out already, you're annoying me." Jun chided him.

"Its just... you looked like you had a lot on your mind."



After realizing that this guy just looked like a delinquent but possessed non of their qualities, Jun and the guy actually got to talking. The guy introduced himself as Kodaka Hasegawa, but since Jun was not big on the whole formal thing, he decided to just call him by his first name.

"So let me get this straight, you have no friends?" After listening to the guy complain for the past couple of minutes, this was one of the only things that he actually understood.

"None." He shook his head.

"And this is because of your hair colour right?"

Looking down, Kodaka sighed and touched the top of his head.

"So you and some other chick made a club to find friends correct?"

Kodaka nodded in confirmation.

"So you and your club members do things that friends would usually do as a type of training for when you actually do make friends?" Jun couldn't believe how sad this club actually sounded.

Kodaka nodded again.

"So you basically just play games, read manga, tell jokes and mess about?"

Once again Kodaka nodded.

"...How did this club get approved?"


Opening the door, Jun and Kodaka enter the Neighbors club room.

"Kukukukukukuku, I Leylis Vi Felicity Sumeragi will show you the true power of Darkness."

"Never!! God and Onii-chan will protect me!!"

"H-He's not your Onii-chan!!"


Standing in the door way, both Jun and Kodaka watched two little girls dressed as a nun and one in gothic lolita squabble and shout something about vampires, an Onii-chan, and poop.

"Hehehehehehehehehehehehe, one more flag and I'll unlock Kimiko's route." A creepy laughed echoed around the club room

In the corner of the room was an attractive blonde haired girl playing..... an eroge.

*Heavy breathing*

Sitting around the table was a brown haired girl with a pony tail, for some reason she was wearing a lab coat despite not being in the science room. She was reading a mecha manga and was breathing... really heavily.

'Does she have asthm-

"YES!!" She suddenly jumped up on the table, raising the manga above her head she shouted. "Go unit 453669, shove your raging hard cannon into unit 794126 and release your plasma blast all over its internal fusion reactor!!"


"Tea aniki?"

A cute girl dressed in a maid outfit came over and handed a cup of tea to Kodaka before bowing and standing in a corner.


'What the hell is up with these club members~'

The only person doing something normal was the black haired girl who was quietly reading her book... Before she started to talking to her invisible friend.

Kodaka Hasegawa (Haganai)

Sena Kashiwazaki (Haganai)

Yozora Mikazuki (Hagnai)

Yukimura Kusunoki (Hagnai)

Rika Shiguma (Hagnai)

Maria_Takayama (Hagnai)

Kobato Hasegawa (Hagnai)

Aradacreators' thoughts