
In A Cultivation World With The Highest Talent

I have bad grammar.

Itachi101 · アニメ·コミックス
56 Chs

The Old Man

"What happened to them?" Krul asked with a raised eyebrow upon seeing the many dead people all over the place. she knew all of them, these old guys were all trying to form a contract with her, and they were somewhat nice to her.

"I killed them, let's get going," Sora said calmly, making Krul look at him in shock, She looked at the dead bodies all over the place, how could anyone just kill others like this, and act as if they did nothing,

"to save you, I needed to kill them. the guilt of my actions shall follow me everywhere, but what is important right now is to leave before their leader arrives." Sora said softly,

"you shouldn't kill anyone because of me, i-its not right." She said softly, Sora looked at her for a moment, this little girl was a bit too pure. Sora thought for a moment, he could only hear the little girl's loud thoughts, Sora guessed it had something to do with her bloodline or background,

Sora forced his sense of taste on her before he closed his eyes. with his sense of taste, he wanted to break down what she was made out of, she didn't believe that anyone was born this pure or something like that, something must have happened which caused her to be so pure.

'as expected, there is this strange element in her, she was not born this pure. something happened which caused her to be pure... sigh, was it fate that I ran into her? I wonder just how much of my fate is being controlled.' Sora thought as he looked at the whole.

"this world is not fair, being a sinner, I'm rejected by the world, but I have a wish, and that's to one day allow those like myself to walk this world without fear. for that, I shall walk within the darkness, have blood cover my hands, only for people like myself to walk free, at the end of the day, my sins will reach me, but I will face it all with a smile, knowing that my dream has become a reality," Sora said softly, stunning Krul who looked at Sora.

"that doesn't make it right, there is away another way to get one dream." She said unwilling to accept Sora's words. Sora looked at her with a warm smile,

"the path I walk is bloody, I'm an Azure. I will be the first of justice for all of the sinners, I, of course, would only kill if I have no choice. I don't want you to believe in this path I walk in, I know there is never a good reason to kill... we can't waste any more time, let's move." Sora said seriously as he shot off, the little girl nodded slightly and followed after Sora

outside the portal, Bob, Bobby, Bill, and Billy were waiting for Sora to return, it's not like Sora was gone for long, it hasn't been an hour yet.

"let's go back, we are willing tomorrow at run raise," Sora said calmly, the 4 nodded before their eyes landed on the little girl who arrived with Sora.

"hurry up, when the sounds of battle arrive from here, ignore it," Sora said with a frown, the 4 quickly nodded and headed towards the village, while they rushed off, Sora turned to look towards the east, where something was rushing over at the speed of sound.

"We should run, Hades leader is at the core formations realm." She said softly seeing Sora was planning on standing here to fight, Sora looked at the sky for some time, before he shook his head,

"he is to fight, plus this will be a life and death battle. how could I a clone fear death? follow the four, and have some trust in me. that is all I ask of the person who follows me. and because of you, I will try not to kill him." Sora said with a charming smile, Krul was moved hearing Sora's last part,

"you are not a bad person, S-so doesn't die." She said before she turned and ran after the other 4, she was a smart little girl, she knew that she was no match for a core formation realm.

In the body-tempering realm, a person cultivates the body, at levels 1 to 3, a person's Muscles art tempered. From level 4 to level 6, a person's Tendons are refined

at level 7, a person's bones are tempered, and at the same time the Qi Sea is formed, but the energy within the Qi sea would be a gas.

by the time one reaches level 10 body tempering realm, the person's energy would have been within a half water, half gas-like state.

In the Qi refinement realm, the Qi sea is refined and tempered, making the Sea Qi not only take the form of water but become pure. the further one goes through the Qi refinement realm, the denser, stronger, and pure one Qi shall become

by the time they reached level 10 Qi refiner, the Qi sea would be in a half solid have a liquid-like state, once a person makes that last push, they would step into the Core formations realm. at which stage, the Qi Sea darkens and turns into a Core.

Once a person has a Core, the quality changes, there were grades to the type of cores a person could have, the higher the grade, the brighter one future would be.

once a person reaches the core formations realm, they would be able to live up to 500 years, and that's without the need for anything to increase their lifespan. a person in the Core formations realm also has their own unique Qi, which people call Core Qi, the energy could have the same level of power, but it would overwhelm those with liquid-type Qi Sea.

Sora didn't even have a Qi Sea, his fighting someone at the core formations realm was a bite fullish, but Sora didn't fear a battle. the thought of fighting someone far stronger than himself was something that could help him improve to greater heights. the training was great and all, but there was a limited amount of XP he could gain from doing something like that, in battle he could gain more XP

Sora's hand covered his face, and slowly Sora began to transform, taking on the appearance of a pink hair woman, Sora's clothing also took on the appearance which yelled I'm a vampire. in all, Sora looked like a fully grown Krul,

Sora looked at his chest for a moment before thinking back to how small the little girl was, after some thought, his huge breast disappeared, turning flatter than paper. Sora nodded slightly seeing this, and after cracking his fingers, black wings grew to form his back.

"Now, what ability would she have? something to do with absorbing a person's lifeforce, I will make it up as I go..." Sora said lazily, and with a flap of his wings, he shot forward towards the incoming old man who had black crow-like wings on his back.

in a few minutes, the two stopped far from each other, both using their wings to keep themselves in the air. Sora had to flap his wings faster and with more power due to the fact he was heavy as hell, a truck would seem light compared to him.

"y-you broke out." the old man was in shock, for 50 years he waited for this girl to die, yet she was going stronger over the many years and broke free. he of course sensed when the chains were broken, he shot off the next moment to see what happened,

"no, I broke in," Sora said with a roll of her eyes, the old man's eyes widened hearing her tone, where was the pure little girl he knew? where was the sweet little girl that he tried turning into an undead, but her body rejected all of the undead Qi, forcing him to have her die in a unique way so he could turn her into a powerful undead?

Krul was unique, it's not that he the sect leader didn't try and turn her into an undead who would follow him. it was that she was too pure, she could always see the good within even him leaving him helpless. seeing as this little girl might break his Dao's heart, he was not scared or anything like that.

he instead came up with another way to turn her into the highest-grade undead, he wanted to flip the coin. darkness and light were two sides of the same coin. once she died, filled with her pure goodness, he would have her come to life filled with darkness.

he didn't want to kill her or something like that, he needed many things to do before she came back to life. him sealing her away and him betraying his people, that was just part of the plan, he had everything ready for the past few years, he was just waiting for her death, but who would have expected that she would break out?

he couldn't enter that space as he knew if he did the righteous cultivator would arrive, so he waited and waited, but to think something like this world happens. and her pureness had disappeared, his treasure had disappeared just like that,

"damn you," he yelled as he stepped forward, rushing towards Sora. Sora seeing this, flashed and shot toward him, the moment they made eye contact, he trapped the old man within an illusion, which caught the old man off guard

"Welcome to Tsukuyomi space, within here i'm god," Sora said as he appeared before the old man who was on a cross, the old man's face twisted slightly. what type of illusion was this? he felt as if he was really stabbed into a cross,

Sora stepped forward and stabbed a sword into the old man's stomach, but this normal stab was extremely painful, making the old man's eyes almost pop out. the old let out a soft cry of pain, as Sora pulled out the sword. as he breathed heavily, he realized that another Krul had appeared... no, another him on top of a cross was before him, he also had two Krul

'what type of illusion is this? he is controlling the sense of space, time, touch, sight, and so on... with this over powered illusion, days could have passed outside... no, he should have trouble putting someone as powerful as myself within, at a few seconds would have passed by the time I break free, and he would still be stuffing the side effect of this illusion.' he thought as he gathered his mental strength to break free of the illusion, while watched the two Sora stabbed their sword into his stomach

at the same time, the other him was also stabbed in the stomach by the two Sora, the pain seemed to have doubled, making the two scream in pain. the energy they gathered dispersed, leaving them back to ground zero as they took deep breathe from the pain

"you can try and break free, with your strength, you could easily break free, but do you think it would be that simple?" two new Sora appeared, and at the same time, the number of crosses doubled, the old man's body shook in horror. just now he felt the pain of the other guy if the pain would double each time...

"dream you, do you think a simple amount of pain is something huge before someone who lived for hundreds of years?" He yelled angrily as his mental strength gathered, but 4 Sora stabbed threw swords once more, the old man wanted to hold onto the energy, the pain had doubled, and this time Sora twisted the swords before pulling them out

"it seems like I could," Sora said calmly, the old man gritted his teeth, fighting through the pain and now giving himself time to take a breath, he gathered his mental energy once more, Sora's eyebrow raised seeing this, as the number doubled, they all stabbed their sword once more,


a crack appeared in the sky of the Tsukuyomi space, but it couldn't spread as the old man let out a more painful sky, unable to give that small push to break this space.

"I expected you to be stronger, again I bet you can easily endure physical pain, it's the fact this is mental pain you're suffering," Sora said while looking at the crack in the sky,

"damn you, after all of this, I will have you suffer a death worse than death. how dare you," He yelled angrily, he never heard of such a powerful illusion before, just a thought from him was not enough to break free, and that was because Sora took control of his senses. he needed mental energy to break free, but Sora would not make it So easy.

"don't worry, at most you can stay here for 1 day." Sora's number doubled once more, along with the number of crosses, the old man's face paled slightly seeing the many crosses surrounded by Sora at all sides.

"your mind is also so powerful, haha, it's a real pain controlling it, it took all of my attention, lucky I recover fast," Sora said as he stabbed forward, the old man screamed once more, but this time his mind was locked, he had only been here for 12 seconds now, he just needed to endure while trying to gather the strength to break free.

"86,400" the old man breathed heavily the illusion should have ended right now, right?

"corrections... 1 hour." the millions of Sora said with evil smiles, the old man's eyes shrank in horror, if all that was just one horror, he had to endure another 1,987,200 seconds, and the old man's body was shaking none stop, at some point Sora had stopped stabbing him at the same time along with the many other, so every moment he felt that unimaginable pain

meanwhile, Sora on the outside was bleeding from his eyes, nose, ears, and both, he breathed heavily and slightly while looking at the old man, like hell he would rush in and fight someone so much stronger than him. Sora was not stupid, he can see the future and knew the beating he would have suffered

'i have 2 seconds.' Sora thought as he raised his hands, entering Lightning Mode level 5, Sora gathered all of his power into a huge sun that grew from the finger acting like a second sun that brighten up the night sky. the forest below caught on fire, the heat too much for it,

"Praise the son bitch. secret art, Supreme Fire Scorching Explosion Solar Sun" Sora yelled as he pulled his finger backward, this Sun was created using [Fire Mastery], [Scorch Mastery] [Eplosonion Mastery] [Solar master]

while Sora brought the finger back, the huge sun which brighten the sky and was countless times larger than himself shrink and compared down into a small dot. Sora had veins pop all over his forehead, it was not so easy controlling so much compressed power

Sora's finger began turning back as it was swallowed by the flames, and the burnt feeling spread, following up Sora's arm at a high speed.

"taste what true art is," Sora yelled as he threw the small dot towards the old man, and instantly turned around, his wings flapped, and Sora shot forward, moving faster than the speed of sound,

the old man's eyes regained their light, just for him to weakly fall towards the ground, as he fell he saw a small orange dot shooting towards his opened mouth. he was too slow to react, as the light entered his mouth, the next moment a burning feeling woke him up, but he was a bit too late to react

"It's an explosion," Sora said cooly as he landed on the ground, while leaving the lightning mode, at the same time a huge explosion went off behind him, making things look as if it was an action movie or something.

Sora cooly rubbed his head, because of this explosion, the future was too bright for him to sense, but seeing past the explosion, he knew that the old man would use a treasure to survive this.

at where the explosion took black, the old man was laid on the ground, breathing heavily, all of the liquid within his body was almost evaporate, leaving him dried up, his eyes were melted, slowly getting up, a necklace which he held which acted when he was about to die and saved him, slowly turned to dust.

flipping his head over, a pill appeared in his palm which he eat. slowly his body began to recover, the burnt flesh began falling off. but the old man suddenly looked up at the sky and saw far away a sword was shooting towards him while covered in lightning which gave off the cry of a hundred birds.

the old man weakly stepped to the side, dodging where the sword was going to hit him, he didn't want to do too much, he almost died so he needed to take more pills to recover. looking up at the sky, he watched Krul who was shooting over at high speed.

but his eyes shrank slightly, the sword which passed by him suddenly transformed into Krul, which was unexpected to him. in his eyes that were a normal sword,

"It's called transformations," Sora said as he entered level 5 lightning mode, and sent everything into one foot, with a spin of his body, he kicked down towards the old man's chest. the old man quickly moved his hands blocking the kick while at the same time jumping backward.


the old man's arms shattered from the kick, he coughed up a mouth full of blood as he shot toward the sky. but at the same time, Sora melted not able to handle the heat of this place from the explosion.

the old man quickly took out a pill, but before he could eat, the Sora who was thrown the sword breathed in, the pill within his hands suddenly had its energy sucked out of it. the old man's face turned dark as he hatefully looked at Sora, he quickly grew the pill into his mouth before Sora could take any more energy, and once he did, he felt his arms quickly begin to recover.

"random secret art boiling style, Boiling world." Sora breathed out, releasing a huge amount of mist out into the world, the mist spread out, covering everything around them. the stuff which had already not been destroyed by the explosion moments ago slowly began to melt.

the ground melted, and the old man gathered Qi to block this, but his Qi also melted as if it was butter or something, making it so he couldn't form it.

"Overpowered Rasenshuriken," Sora yelled as he held out his palm, forming a spinning shuriken floating all around him, some were wind elements, some were fire elements, and so on, in total, they were all the elements Sora knew. all but time and space, but there was a total of 22 of them,

Sora lunched them all, and all shot forward as if they were shuriken, they entered the mist, shooting towards the old man he was forced to pull out another treasure to defend.

the old man's eyes shrank seeing the 22 Rasenshuriken flying towards him, he quickly pulled out a staff and stabbed it into the ground, once the staff was stabbed it was not the ground, it formed a dorm around him, and the outside world.


the Rasenshuriken slammed heavily onto the dorm, causing it to suffer the effect of the many Rasenshuriken, it began to rust, and metal, while others passed through by either vibrating through or by phasing through as they were a nature this dorm couldn't block.

"damn you." the old man yelled in rage as he pulled out all types of treasure, all blocking the Rasenshuriken, the old man was almost in tears at the moment, all he wanted was to kill someone and turn them into an undead, why most he suffer like this? what evil has he done?

"What..." the old man's eyes shrank as he felt all 22 Rasenshuriken suddenly hit him but did he not block them? at the last moment, he was able to gather Qi to lessen the attack, but he was already badly injured,

he flew out, shooting into the sky before the Rasenshuriken exploded swallowing him. the old man fell to the ground, and half a breath away, Sora came shooting forward, stopping at where the old man had fallen.

"big mistake old man, from beginning to end, you never left my illusion. you were in a small illusion all along, which only came to life at the perfect moment. I made you feel as if you pulled out your treasures, but when my clone kicked you, it removed the finger holding the ring," Sora said with a smile, the old man weakly looked at his finger and saw Sora was not lying, he was missing a finger, but he felt nothing.

Sora was controlling his senses, he just made it so it was not too big for him to notice, so at this moment, he never recovered his hands, he only felt as if they were recovered.

"you got me good," He said weakly as he breathed his last, before his body shattered, and disappeared, Sora smiled slightly seeing this. but just as he was about to walk away, his eyes widened as a sword stabbed into his stomach

"Snort, but that was all." a cold snort sounded behind Sora, Sora slowly turned to see the old man standing there looking at him with a hint of mocky within his eyes, he had switched places within a clone when the explosion went off, he, of course, would not stay in the opening after suffering such injures.

the old man destroyed Sora's heart, killing him on the spot. with a kick, the old man threw him to the ground. as he coldly looked at this woman, he turned to look at the damage this woman had caused, he slowly began to smile, with his woman he would have a bright future.

"It's amazing right?" the female voice sounded behind him, making the old man freeze, the old man slowly looked down and saw a sword had stabbed through his chest. he slowly turned to look at Krul who was holding a sword, while looking at him

"what? you don't really think destroying my heart is enough to make me die... right?" Sora asked mockingly as he pulled the sword out, the old man opened his mouth for a moment, how did he not sense her movement?

'i was still in her illusion.' the old man thought as he fell to the ground, breathing his last,