
Improvise, Adapt, Evolve (Multiverse) (Now on DxD)

So basically this is just a SI, a concept, not a very good one, and I’m probably not gonna continue it, maybe if i get support enough but i just have ideas and they aren’t very good for long novel because you end up op pretty fast and that’s not good for novels but if you like the wishes o have an idea of how to improve them comment, i will read it… Harem Alert, i will probably have a harem for the MC Ps English isn’t my main language

Adrianix1234 · アニメ·コミックス
65 Chs

Should i continue?

Hey, here's the author i don't know what to say, this was supposed to be only a concept, i would reach the sorting hat, it would be the end, but there's actually people that liked it enough to give me power stones… so should i continue writing it? or do i just let it die and hopefully one day someone with more experience adopted it…

By the way i write in iPhone so, sometimes i have words that are autocorrected if you spot grammar errors sorry but my main language is Spanish so pls help me commenting so i can correct them…