
Immortal Destroyer: Green Valley [Volume 5]

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What is Immortal Destroyer: Green Valley [Volume 5]

WebNovel で公開されている、Jilib480_Jilib480 の作者が書いた Immortal Destroyer: Green Valley [Volume 5] の小説を読んでください。Long time ago, Four Kingdoms continues to fight to seek for a higher power and dominance with each other. They even kill mercilessly inorder to survive the chaos being held in the co-kingdoms. Sky Fla...


Long time ago, Four Kingdoms continues to fight to seek for a higher power and dominance with each other. They even kill mercilessly inorder to survive the chaos being held in the co-kingdoms. Sky Flame Kingdom, Sky Ice Kingdom, Hollow Earth Kingdom and Wind Fury Kingdom, these kingdoms never ever back down to their feet and will never ever makes themselves look into the ground. It is said that the appearance of Dou City who brings peace to these lands in up to this days due to the Treaty of these four kingdoms. But how long could be a treaty will be effective or how could this piece of contract could longer sustain the upcoming wars would be plotted by each kingdoms to the other Kingdoms they held grudges? At the age of six, young Li Xiaolong realized the hardship of their lives caused by the bad and cruel treatment of the Sky Flame Kingdom that covered their clan which is the Li Clan. This is rumoured that their Li Clan in the past does make Sky Flame Kingdom enraged to them and until now it remains unsolved resulting to some devastating and misfortune of Li Clan in the hands of this kingdom. Li Clan considered to be a progressive clan in the past . Having some great achievement and foundation in those lands residing in those progressive clans but now they are being dumped in the barren lands in the Green Valley where they have to start to live again and continue with their own living. What used to be said to be in a prosperous life is now entrenched in the kingdom. Could they really survive in the hands of those high ranking officials of Sky Flame Kingdom if they are getting bolder and bolder each passing days and making some evil tricks up to their sleeves?! Besides that, they even recruit those martial artists who have a decent talent in their ceremony. There are double-faced people wants to get those martial artists of Li Clan but what is the benefits for them? There's none and peace will never go on like this between these two parties.

10 タグ

Billionaire's Secret Daughter

{Mature content} Slow burn: so be warned She is a billionaire's daughter in search of true love, despite all the heartbreaks she has been through... He is a tycoon's son looking for true love... when their paths cross will there be a great love story between these two? ********* "What do you think about Elias?" Esmeralda blinked dumbly at her father, her mind turning blank. Noticing his daughter's expression, the older man chuckled. "I had a conversation with Patrick yesterday." Hearing the name of her father's dear friend, Esmeralda's heart dropped. She didn't have a good feeling about where this conversation was going. "He had brought up a brilliant suggestion." Her father's eyes practically sparkled with excitement, a direct contrast to the building dread in Esmeralda's stomach. "My dear, how do you feel about marrying Elias?" Elias was Patrick's son, someone that Esmeralda had grown up with. However, that was all he was to her. Elias is just a friend and nothing more to her. "I don't like Elias that way, Dad." Esmeralda frowned. "You don't?'' Mr. Fernandez asked after hearing his daughter's reply. Esmeralda exhaled. "Dad, look, Elias and I are just friends. Nothing more." "But you two were so close growing up. It would be a good match, Esmeralda," her father said. Silently, Esmeralda tightly clenched her fists at her sides, trying her best to contain herself. Her father was always like this-- once he had made a decision, he wouldn't listen to any other suggestions, even if he was the one that had asked for those differing opinions in the first place. "But Dad--" "Who knows?" Mr. Fernandez cut in before Esmeralda could finish her sentence. "As the saying goes, no good relationship starts without a good friendship first. After your marriage, you might both develop feelings for each other." "Elias and I--" Ignoring her, he continued, "The boy might even welcome the arrangement. We always thought that he had a thing for you." With a wink, Mr. Fernandez stood up from his seat. "Try talking to him first so that we can get an idea of what he feels about this arrangement, alright? If he has feelings for you, it wouldn't be too bad an idea to get married," he said. Walking over, he gave his daughter's shoulder a light squeeze. All Esmeralda felt were the chains on her body tightening. She didn't want this marriage; she didn't need to be bound by it. However, nothing she was saying was getting through to her father. "I'm sure that after you see how much he loves you and how good he is, you will eventually learn to love him too." With those final words, Mr. Fenandez left the room, leaving his daughter to simmer in the aftershock of the news he had just dropped on her. Like it? Add it to your library your reviews and comments will be highly appreciated.

Zuzu_1 · 都市
106 Chs

Spirit of Truth and Lies

When you think of the difference between a truth and a lie you may find many, but its very own spirit is the same. What is a spirit? you may ask, it is a manifestation of anything. A spirit could be a human, an animal, an item, or rather something else. Something else may be fortune, luck, happiness, sadness, and so on. The spirits of truth and lies are not separate but they are the same spirit. Spirits do not have genders, but they could take the form of anything and everything yet nothing at all. This particular spirit loves to take the form of a book, one that tells fables or facts. This very spirit loves deception yet also loves making others see the truth, they are neither good nor bad. The spirit is often thought of as separate humans think that truth and lies have different spirits and apparently think they also always argue with one another. Humans are creatures that are destructive in spirits' eyes, mostly for the plant and animal spirits as when the ones they are spirits of die or cease to exist the spirit dies along with them. This is why a lot of spirits hate humans, but when there are many of what they are spirits of, they thrive and become stronger with these, this is also why humans are sometimes loved by a few of them such as luck, emotions, and of course this includes lies and truths. This very spirit will help you if they think you deserve it but will knock you down for that very same reason. Humans ask the spirit for help sometimes maybe to find answers, or rather something else. I'll tell you the tale of the time that one particular person, enthralled this spirit meet |E550R 404| { FILE NOT FOUND } |SYSTEM SEARCHING FILES...| |E550R 401| Loading.... |E550R 400| |SYSTEM EXE. REBOOTING| ........... |FILE FOUND| |FILE ACCESSED| ........... |HIGHER-UPS PREVENT ACCESS TO FILES| 1'LL T3LL Y0^ T#3 74|3..... |REBOOTING|

Ayi_SYA · 都市
2 Chs

My Potential Billionaire Mate

A story about the life of a young werewolf who shared her life openly with everyone she loved changes in the blink of an eye on her 17th birthday. The first time she ever attempted to prove her strength to her pack and her family, she failed miserably. Her very first kiss, one that every girl hopes to be special, happened by force, but she found herself wanting more. Upon overhearing a conversation, she wasn’t meant to hear, she retreated into a world of seclusion. Now she is 18 years old, and she finally gets the opportunity to prove herself once more. But this time, she actually had to fully run a sacred Lunar Ceremony known only by the ancient packs; along with the celebration of her 18th birthday. Once every 50 years, the Lunar Ceremony is held, and this year, The Blood Moon Pack gets its chance to prove themselves. During this time, the Moon Goddess presents herself to the children of the moon. One thing was for certain, within the ancient texts, only the Elder’s knew the Moon Goddess chooses a certain wolf to be her chosen one; until the next Lunar Ceremony. Upon hearing some crucial details about the meaning of a TRUE Lunar Ceremony, and who Alpha Lockwoode is to her, Alexi is forced to have Aquafinia take over in a time of need. Instead of meeting the other Alpha's, she tries to find a way to calm herself down. Soon she finds herself in the garden, but she isn't alone for long. Once Justin makes his appearance, Alexi is overwhelmed with emotions and tries not to break down in front of him, she soon realizes that he is an alpha as well. As they are in the harden, Justin tries yet again to forcibly kiss Alexi and every attempt she makes to retreat back to the house is blocked, and he begins to verbally attack her until another male steps in to help. As if overhearing the conversation a year ago wasn’t enough, Alpha Lockwoode managed to save her from Justin and now bestowed upon her a pet name. As if the two knew they were going to fight over her, Justin retreated for now. Alpha Lockwoode managed to get information about who the other male was to Alexi, and began to show her she could trust him. The details of her birthday and the Lunar Ceremony were being prepared. How will she manage to survive an entire week with two Alpha's pursuing her? Was she even capable of doing all this? One this was for sure though, she had complete faith in the Moon Goddess to guide her heart fully.

sinful_Desires · ファンタジー
10 Chs
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  • 世界観設定



General Audiencesmature rating