
immoral path (dropped)

¡¡¡Important!!!!! My first language is not English First world: Naruto Tag: Harem, Incest, Romance, Incest. BlackMail, Manipulator Chaotic protagonist, he will do anything to be stronger, and to get women, including rape, blackmail, and other methods. Generally, he is a scum of character. who only cares about himself and his women, perhaps the method of getting them is not the best, but even so, he will think of her, not all of them will receive that treatment at the beginning. He matures over time and understands their importance to him. If you don't like it, don't read. Traveling around the world of Naruto, to collect money and buy points from his system. No R-18 scenes.

Reykingtercero · アニメ·コミックス
27 Chs

Chapter 8

Outside of Izumo's life, the Second Ninja World War had claimed numerous lives, including that of Nawaki, Tsunade's younger brother. Although Izumo could have prevented his death, he considered it unprofitable to do so.

Izumo was a man driven by profit and was not swayed by feelings.

He is better a depressed Tsunade, he is easier to manipulate, so it will be easy to take away everything he has, especially his seductive figure. Izumo saw her from afar, and was entranced by her beauty and her big ass.

Tsunade has huge breasts, and everyone talks about it, though! Her ass is a work of art, designed to make all men horny.

Izumo is no exception to her, although it didn't mean that he wanted to stay with her or get married, she may be hot and beautiful, but she is a wasteful woman.

It is enough to enjoy it from time to time, it is not necessary to lose money by being infatuated by a woman.

Tsunade is still a Senju though, the net worth is very high, especially when it comes to forbidden techniques and powerful Jutsus.

Therefore, it is mandatory to approach her, and take everything from her, before the casino does, and Izumo already has plans for that, and it is not necessary to wait too long, at most one more year.

As far as age, the system sold Harry Potter potions, it wouldn't be a problem to go back to being an adult for a certain amount of time.

Inside the village, Mito Uzumaki was living the last days of him as Jinchūriki of the Nine Tails. Aware of his situation, he focused on teaching Kushina Uzumaki everything necessary so that the beast's seal would not weaken over time and she would become a competent hostess.

Kushina, however, was mired in sadness and in a bad mood at the news, which made her head go through the roof. Mito had to comfort her on several occasions, knowing that there wasn't much she could do in the face of the inevitability of death.

He lived more than enough, it's time to leave and return with a warm embrace from his lover, his work is finished.

As a last regret, he would have liked to see his Tsunade and Kushina get married, too bad he will never be able to see it. Except when Tsunade's lover would soon be dead.

Izumo was aware of the transfer of the Nine-Tailed Fox, he even thought of stealing the beast to sell it and obtain a great fortune. However, he realized the dangers of such an idea.

Controlling Kurama was a huge challenge, especially with the Hokage watching. If he failed to control it properly and others attacked him, it could trigger a catastrophe and put Esdeath's life at risk.

Returning to Izumo and Esdeath, both of them were resting inside their home, with some background music, until they felt someone approaching.

"Hmm, someone coming, that amount of chakra, it should be a Jōnin, an Anbu most likely. It should be sent by the 3rd Hokage, I wonder why he's looking for you?"

Esdeath touched her lip, and tilted her head, trying to remember some detail before answering.

"I don't know, I barely crossed two words with him"

Izumo clicked his tongue, and began to complain:

"Maybe it's because of the seals that cover the house, the old man can't peek and must be upset that he can't see you naked in the shower. Or maybe he's interested in the seals, the only ones who can create such a craft is the Uzumaki clan." Which are already extinct."

The destruction of the Uzumaki village took place just like the original story. The only survivors should be Nagato, Karin's mother, who shouldn't have been born yet, and Kushina.

Izumo had a plan to go to the country of the whirlpool, and save the Uzumaki clan.

His ability in Fūinjutsu, his great vitality and chakra, made them highly valued employees, Izumo saw them as printers to make stamps, a pity it was too late.

Without a competent information network, and only one trusted person, it was difficult to navigate the ninja world.

Leaving that aside, an Anbu was approaching the Izumo residence, using the body flicker technique, it was quite fast, he reached the house in seconds. When he was in front of the door, he knocked softly.

Izumo was surprised by the courtesy, from what he remembered from the anime, these guys would even come in through the window, it wouldn't be surprising if they appeared in the kitchen while you were making lunch.

"I'll see what they want"

Esdeath got up, and went to greet the uninvited guest.

"The Hokage requests his presence"

As always, the Anbu was concise with his words, they weren't too talkative.

-I think I should go, it doesn't hurt to meet the Hokage, and promote our products.

Izumo thought about it for a second, there was no reason not to go, but not to go either. Unless it's about money, that's how I would go. And he doesn't think Sarutobi would cause trouble, maybe Danzo would, even so, he was confident in Esdeath's strength and that he would be able to get out alive.

As a last resort, they may run and settle elsewhere.

-Accept to go, but say you don't have time. And you will go in a few more hours. I want to test Sarutobi's patience.

From what he remembers, old Sarutobi is very patient and cowardly, he doesn't like war, he will do anything to avoid it.

Esdeath covered her mouth hiding her smile from him. He likes to trample the pride of others, maybe it's something minor, but it makes him happy, it's been a long time since he did anything fun.

And who knows, maybe he can fight, his hands don't stop itching from the desire for blood and war.

"Give Your Name"

An Anbu is a nameless being, once donning the mask, he is completely anonymous to everyone except the Kage and the elders.

"The Hokage requests his presence"

Esdeath raised an eyebrow, and looked at him with contempt, she hates cowards, more than those who use masks to hide, it's a symbol of fear, according to her.

"Huh, how rude, you don't even introduce yourself. Didn't they teach you manners?"

"I wait for her to guide her"

You couldn't see the Anbu's face, but you could feel the annoyed tone in his voice, no one wants to be despised, less when he is a being under the command of the Hokage, which is a great honor for the Shinobi.

"You look like a machine..., well, I'll go. Give me a few hours, I have things to do."

Esdeath closed the door directly, she would have no manners with someone so rude, she didn't even ask if she had time to go.

Anbu was stunned, he didn't even react, I don't expect a civilian to go against the Hokage's call, not even the best ninjas dare to linger.

"Now what..." The Anbu wondered angrily, it was new, and he had no idea what to do, it was even his first mission, and he didn't want to cause trouble.

Less using force, the other party is a civilian, and a respected merchant, no matter how angry he is, he dared not harm her.

The world of Naruto highly respects hierarchical relationships, and those based on money.

Look at the Daimyō, he is an insignificant being who can be punched to death, he even borrows Kunoichi for his amusement and even so, the Kage respect them and render an account to him.

In the end, the Anbu had no choice but to go back and ask for directions.

Inwardly, Esdeath clucked, she would have liked him to use force, she could kill him with just cause.

"I would have liked to torture him, I want to see how tough the ninjas are."

"You're a lunatic..., I like it!" Izumo had no problem with a crazy woman, as long as he didn't cross certain limits, everything was fine, besides, Esdeath was her faithful companion, and he got used to her.

"Little Izumo, I'm bored, I could have some fun"

Izumo didn't want trouble, and she repeated it many times, but seeing Esdeath's pitiful face, she wanted to give in. That woman was born for war and torture. Locking her up in issues like business was killing her little by little.

"Sigh, if that makes you happy, do what you want, even if you kill an Anbu it shouldn't be a big deal. Sarutobi wouldn't dare provoke internal conflicts, not now, and with that, we'll get to see how downtrodden he can be." the old"

With the change of Jinchūriki at a cost, he wouldn't dare anything. And best of all, he gets to test drive a new weapon he bought from Esdeath.

He wants to see how useful otherworldly swords are in Naruto's world, maybe he can sell them for a good price.

In this case, the weapon being tested is a rapier, called the "Frozen Needle", a system-bought weapon, and it comes from the playable world, "Elden Ring".

World where powerful weapons and spells abound, and powerful beings, and above all, beautiful women.

The best thing about this weapon is that it combines with Esdeath's style, since it has the ability to accumulate freezing, after certain hits, it is capable of almost freezing the enemy.

Even causing internal damage by freezing organs, very difficult to treat.

"Thank you little Izumo, as a gift, I have this leash! Do you want to try it on?"

"No... and don't call me little"

Izumo covered his forehead, showing exhaustion. Esdeath had a large collection of straps, I always try to put them on, of course, which she never did.

He still doesn't know where he got such a fetish from.

Izumo POV

During these three years, I have collected information about the world, the most relevant is the time in which I was born.

I'm glad to know that Itachi's genocidal was not there, I don't hate him at all, I liked his character when I saw the anime, although I hated him at the beginning, I managed to understand the idea of him when his backstory was revealed .

Now, this is real life, and that genocide is my enemy, I'm still Uchiha, who knows if he's coming after me, that's what worried me the most.

Although I don't have the last name, I'm sure there would be records, records that the future patriarch, Fugaku, would receive, and cowardly and indecisive as he is, I wouldn't be surprised if he gave them to him without asking.

Fugaku is a male, so to speak, beta. I don't know how he manages to marry such a beauty, what a waste of good meat, nothing worse than feeding pigs with prime meat.

What kind of man! Let them kill his wife, even if he is your own son, you cannot allow it.

Says a man who let that happen, and he hurt me too much. To this day I blame myself for not being there to protect her, and having prevented that fateful day. The pain of his absence haunts me, constantly reminding me of my failure as a husband and as a man.

I repeat, Fugaku is a fag!, he must be..., or maybe I never love Mikoto, but I doubt it, in the manga and anime it is implied that they both loved each other.

It wasn't an arranged marriage as other fanfic mention, on the other hand, they are 6 years apart, I wonder when they met, when they were 5 and 11 or when they were 11 and 17.

If it was earth, that would be weird, cough, cough, Lolicon detected.

Leaving that aside. It still amazes me that he let her die, I doubt a man would let her son kill the woman of her life, I wonder at what point he stopped loving her and became a coward.

Forgetting the couple of idiots who let themselves be killed for their son, let's continue with the rest of the information.

I was born in the time of great Jōnin. Kakashi, Kurenai, Sarutobi Junior(Asuma), Shizune, the donut girl(Nohara Rin), Might Guy and the most important of all, Obito Uchiha, the greatest Simp in the history of Naruto.

On the other hand, not so important, the dango girl, Anko, was born, although she was recently.

I wonder if I should pick her up, she can be a good tool in the future, from what I remember she is an orphan, although she has parents currently, maybe they will die soon. Well, I'll see what I do, for now, let's see how old Sarutobi acts.