
immoral path (dropped)

¡¡¡Important!!!!! My first language is not English First world: Naruto Tag: Harem, Incest, Romance, Incest. BlackMail, Manipulator Chaotic protagonist, he will do anything to be stronger, and to get women, including rape, blackmail, and other methods. Generally, he is a scum of character. who only cares about himself and his women, perhaps the method of getting them is not the best, but even so, he will think of her, not all of them will receive that treatment at the beginning. He matures over time and understands their importance to him. If you don't like it, don't read. Traveling around the world of Naruto, to collect money and buy points from his system. No R-18 scenes.

Reykingtercero · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 7

Kagami, the Uchiha patriarch, would walk the streets of konoha with his hands behind his back, checking on his clansmen from time to time. He seemed like he was walking aimlessly, as if he wanted to clear his mind.

Contrary to his carefree appearance, Kagami had a clear goal in mind, to meet the woman who had adopted Izumo, however, he did not want to reveal his intentions in an obvious way. His plan was to make the meeting look like a coincidence, in case someone was watching him.

It wasn't a good idea to expose the private affairs of the Uchiha clan to the Hokage, despite being old friends, he didn't trust too much, more than anything he distrusted Danzo.

Kagami looked at the woman who was a few meters in front of him, he couldn't notice anything unusual, other than a slight sensation of genin level chakra, nothing out of the ordinary, even quite mediocre for the woman's age.

The question is, as a woman like Esdeath, an army general trained in the art of the sword capable of exterminating an entire tribe, seem so normal?

Simple, with a normality pill, this small tablet allowed her to camouflage her true identity and appear like an ordinary woman, without arousing suspicion in those around her.

Obviously, she was acquired from the system, the system sold a lot of stuff that fixed the troublesome plot holes the author can leave.

Izumo isn't going to ask for trouble until he can fend for himself, although if someone dared to interfere with his journey, he wouldn't hesitate to let go of Esdeath's leash, and let him show his sadism, with his strength, he shouldn't. be bullied.

Returning to Kagami, he slowly approached Esdeath, who was browsing the local shops, looking for new products. It was all very new to her, and he liked to poke around.

"What a nice baby, miss." Esdeath nodded her head and gave a grateful smile, and continued looking at the products that the different shops offered.

Although he could feel the strong aura emitted by the old man in front of her, he decided that it would be better to ignore it for now and try to figure out what her true goal was.

Kagami frowned slightly, he wasn't used to being treated so coldly, he is a patriarch after all, he still has pride. Even so, he wasn't aggressive, he knew she was a normal woman and she didn't know him, if he was a shinobi he would act a little tougher.

"Cough, cough, I can see it"

-What an annoying old man, can't you see that I'm spending time with my little Izumo

-I already said, stop being small, and be careful, that old man is from the Uchiha clan, those guys are troublesome.

Esdeath was silent, and walked away from her showing her reluctance, she did not want to lose her cheerful mood, less because of an unknown old man who smelled bad, he seemed not to have the habit of brushing his teeth.

Kagami, noticing that the woman wasn't taking it into account, gets even more annoyed, but endures. And he withdrew in silence, he had already achieved his objective, in the short exchange, he could see his movements, and they were not those of a trained person.

Her chakra flow was like that of a child, and she wasn't alert like a ninja, her posture was slack, and her speech arrogant, she was your typical spoiled rich girl.

She didn't deserve much attention anymore, if she's a woman like that, she shouldn't cause trouble, and she couldn't be a foreign spy either.

Esdeath looked at the old man out of the corner of his eye, seeing that he left without causing any problems, he didn't say anything and continued with his business. She could kill him relatively easily, but Izumo told him not to risk it.

She could stop time and kill him easily, the big problem is the Izanagi, if she was able to use it, and she resurrects after killing him, she would be exposed and it wasn't worth it.

Profit should always be prioritized. In addition, they had achieved her mission, to identify what the old man's objective was.

Anyone with common sense could tell that they were monitoring Izumo, that gave him a bad taste in his mouth, but he couldn't do anything, and he didn't think they would give him big problems.

The best thing was to leave the meeting aside, they just had to be more careful in the future, and see if someone monitors or follows them.

After an hour of shopping, they returned home exhausted. Izumo could barely stay awake, he couldn't bear the thought of taking a bath, it's an old custom that he never lost, big baths and beautiful women!

Too bad I'm just a baby, and I don't have a libido, that didn't take away from the softness of Esdeath's chest and its elasticity, I like to touch it, maybe milk will come out one day, what a weird fetish, no, wait, it's not fetish, since I am a baby, and it is my main food. Izumo thought, as he touched Esdeath's bare breasts.

The next day.

Esdeath took care of collecting the payment without any setbacks and they received the agreed money. During their conversation, they discussed new contracts that would ensure income for the next month. With everything in order, Esdeath said goodbye and left.

Izumo and Esdeath's life went on smoothly.

They enjoyed the tranquility, undisturbed by anyone, which allowed them to focus on their work and earn a steady profit.

Using the funds they acquired, they decided to invest in chakra-modified printers, which fueled the growth of their explosive seal business.

With each step they took, their empire grew stronger and expanded. Izumo was pleased to see how his efforts were beginning to bear fruit, and Esdeath gave him his unconditional support.

Together, they embarked on a path filled with opportunity and prosperity, ready to face any challenge that came their way in their quest for success and recognition.

Thus began his empire of explosive seals, albeit a far cry from Konan's 600 billion explosive seals.

3 year time jump. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

Izumo learned to walk and talk again. His humiliating past as a child was left behind, the only eyewitness was Esdeath, for that reason, he didn't want more people around him, he still wanted to keep his pride.

Life went from less to more, generating an income of 300 million system points.

The war is in full swing, and the sale of explosive stamps is booming. Added to this are food pills, common ninja weapons, such as kunai, swords, storage seal scrolls, among others.

But it was not only on the military side, he also invested in real estate, buying a large amount of land, houses, especially the place furthest from downtown Konoha, where several disasters would occur later.

One of those events would be the release of the nine-tailed fox.

The site that Izumo bought turned out to be the same place that the Uchiha clan would occupy in the near future, after the aforementioned accident.

Izumo thought that in the future he could sell them those properties at a very high price.

In the same way, he also decided to settle in the place, away from the bustle and accidents.

During this year, he bought several talismans to protect his hunting, from the eyes and ears of strangers, especially the third Hokage's pervert, he doesn't want someone spying on his women.

It doesn't matter if they turn around to look at her on the street, it's normal for them to admire beautiful women, but in the privacy of her home the issue is another, she won't let anyone see them.

Izumo didn't stop there, and also started a publishing house, selling erotic and romance books. In a ninja world filled with war and blood, a little fun is in order for stunted minds.

The novels were well received by the general public, generating large revenues.

However, Izumo understood that life is not just about earning money, but also about spending it, which is the most exciting part of earning money.

In order to improve her strength, Izumo needed to buy new skills from the shop.

Which were three, the ability to use cursed energy, the "Observation Haki" manual, and a good pair of eyes compatible with her abilities.

Although in the end, she bought only one eye, called "kamigami No Gigan", the eye used by the protagonist of Kekkai Sensen.

Together with the Sharingan, both would complement each other relatively easily, that's why I buy only one eye, the other will be the sharingan, and it was also very expensive to buy both.

Best of all, are the abilities that "Kamigami No Gigan" can give you.

First, he is capable of manipulating the sight of any living being in a limited radius of distance at his will, making them obey him, even seeing what controlled people see.

The problem is that it can be repelled if the enemy's strength is greater than mine, or if his spiritual strength is greater.

Second, it increases visual capabilities, like the Sharingan, allowing you to see fast movements that are normally impossible for the human eye to follow, even notice minor details with great clarity.

Third, he possesses the ability to deal severe mental damage to anyone in his field of vision, using means such as illusion, plus he can see through enemy illusions.

Among other abilities, in the end, if it's like the Sharingan, pretty similar.

The big difference is that these eyes cannot be removed by normal means and best of all, they are automatically repaired.

Izumo was satisfied with his new eye, however, like everything in life, it has its conditions and problems.

Due to the large amount of visual information that is constantly absorbed by the brain, it can take the owner of the eyes weeks to get used to using them after they are first implanted.

Izumo had to wear a bandage to avoid problems, and use them little by little, although he is already getting used to it.

Although he doesn't complain, wearing the blindfold helps to practice Observation Haki, two birds with one stone.

Also, prolonged use of eye abilities causes them to heat up to the point where they will begin to burn the user. If the eyes are damaged enough, they will crack, rendering their powers useless until they heal again. If they are damaged to the point where they cannot be repaired, they will explode and kill their user!

Again, something akin to the Mangekyō Sharingan, after using them too much you go blind.

His idea is to improve the perception capacity, avoiding possible fatal attacks, at the same time, improve the tracking capacity, and be able to know if someone is following him.

The second important point is the regeneration capacity.

That's why the use of cursed energy, although at first he wanted to buy Wolverine's regeneration ability, cursed energy is more useful, likewise, cursed energy is abundant in this world.

There is even a large mass of furball, full of this energy.

With that said, he now had to learn the reverse curse technique, an extremely valuable healing technique when fighting.

This technique consists of converting negative energy into positive energy, and thus healing. Negative energy is difficult to control, because it comes from negative emotions, such as sadness, hate, stress, etc.

In order to convert negative energy, the mathematical rule of signs is used, [- x - = +].

Negative energy times negative energy equals positive energy. Although in theory it seemed simple, in practice it required a deep mastery and control of oneself.

The conversion process was not without its dangers.

In the process the energy can explode, and cause damage to the sorcerer in charge of said technique, likewise, there was a risk of being dominated by negative energy and losing humanity.

Complexity aside, Izumo recognized the value of this technique on the battlefield. The ability to regenerate wounds and recover lost body parts would give him a significant advantage during engagements.

Not even the Creation Ninja Art of Rebirth, the one Tsunade created, can match the regeneration that the reverse curse technique can bring. Although he wouldn't hurt to learn it either, more regeneration can be helpful.

The idea is that even if he loses his mind during combat, he should be able to stay alive and grow another, even if he doesn't want to come to that.

In any case, he was able to buy the skill directly, however, it's cheaper to learn it step by step, and it's not that he lacked time, even spared it.