
Immersion :- Darkness Seeks Light

Void - An Existence Born to Plunge Everything in to Total Nothingness This is the Story of a Child, Who Will Become the Personification of Evil Abomination. The Deviant Who no Entity was able to Foresee the Incarnation Off. Let the Chaos that Brought All Material into Existence Commence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet Earth - The Birth Place of Science This is How the Universe Perceives the Couldn't be more Ordinary Black Star-Among the Endless Stars Yes, Because of an Unknown Phenomenal that happened 7,000 years ago, the Mesmerizing Blue tint of Earth turned Pitch Black. But That aside, Now in the Present - An Utter Silence Decended in the Ever-Changing Universe, Making Everyone feel as if the Void itself Camouflaged Materialization of Theory. Unbeknownst to All Life forms, Something that shouldn't have Existed had been Birthed into Realization. Not even Knowing that the Coloress of Myriad Possibilities will soon Faded into Nill. Watch as 'IT' Make it's Accession in the Realm of Understanding.

Negative_Contrast · ファンタジー
57 Chs

6•58 ; Miracle Euphony +

Irish nodded bewilderedly.

(The miracle euphony is a secret class of nature. It falls under the life profession category and is also the most prominent among the life division classes. Despite it being an automatic classification, it was recognized as the most powerful support class in existence. Simply because, the users of this secret class were empowered by the will of nature.) Irish paused and continued.

(To obtain this secret class, one doesn't need access into material immersion.. Therefore, the advantage of this class is that, unlike automatic classification, one doesn't need to adhere to the set rules of material code. As long as the individual meets its 3 natural awakening conditions, even a mortal can attain this powerful nature profession within the framework of awakened classification regulations. Because of this, scholars throughout history have been quite divided on this particular topic, with some even proposing to categorize this secret class within awakened classifications. However, due to Miracle Euphony's passive restrictions and imposed limitations in line with automatic classifications, this subject was nullified by the Nexus system.)

Listening to her explanation, Void pondered, his gaze fixed on the disco stage, yet his attention was drawn to Irish's explanation. (So, even non-awakened mortals can awaken this class as long as they meet its natural conditions?)

(Certainly!) Irish confirmed.

He inquired, (Then what about age? Does it have any age restrictions for awakening?)

In response, Irish shook her head, (No, there aren't. As long as the individual in question achieves a sufficient level of proficiency in singing and can connect with nature to a certain degree, they can awaken this secret class at any given time, regardless of age.)

(Hehe. So, doesn't that mean one can awaken without the need for source formulation? If what you're saying is true, then it truly is an intriguing class. Irish, what are the three conditions? Can I also awaken this secret class of nature?) Void's lips curled, his mind racing with the possible hope of user awakening.

(Onii-chan...? You're not seriously considering entering the field of idol singing, are you?) Sora cutely gasped


Void cleared his throat and replied awkwardly, (My cute sister, you should know better than anyone about my situation. So, it wouldn't hurt to give this awakening route a try!)

Being reminded of the disastrous evaluation results defined by the primeval program almost three years ago, Sora's expression darkened. (But, onii-chan, didn't mama promise to find a way before you reach ten?)

(Yes, she did. However, Sora, you must have realized by now that it was just an empty promise to console me. Even Aunt doesn't seem to have any confidence after seeing those disastrous results,) Void indifferently countered.


(No buts. From now on, I will—) Void smirked. He began announcing his official entry into the field of idol singing to his two companions. Unfortunately, his hope was dashed by a certain rude knowledge machine before it could take shape.

(Hehehe. Sorry to burst your bubble, Mr. Siscon, but one of the 3 natural conditions of awakening miracle euphony is being a 'Girl,) Irish rudely interrupted his self-announcement. Even though she was confused about their argument, she couldn't just let her new friend raise his false hopes.

(Oh my? What a harsh way of putting it!) Sora incredulously commented, surprised by the sudden audacity of her friend.

(Hehe. Sister Irish, congratulations! It seems you're finally ready to let go of your reservations towards us,) Sora cheered, clapping her hands with Irish in acknowledgement.

Meanwhile, Void's expression darkened. (Please don't use me as a stepping stone for your unreservedness, miss rude princess,) he glaringly commented. His previous thoughts were right! She is no damsel princess... Her shyness and reservations up until now were nothing more than a facade of her true character... Damn it! He should have known... He should have believed in that saying of 'an apple doesn't fall far from the tree' he read in the novels of his blank visualization.

At his sorrowful comment, Sora mockingly smirked, while Irish awkwardly averted her eyes.

Fortunately, there is quite a spacious distance between the other auditing children and them. Otherwise...! 'Sigh' Why should I even bother? I should just be my good-hearted self and forgive them for once. Hmm. Hmmm. Anyhow~

(Miss Rude Princess, is what you said true? Is being a girl one of the 3 natural conditions of awakening miracle euphony?) Void asked dejectedly. Consequently, his brain was going through a different catalog of thoughts, thinking of a solution for this 'girl' problem... Soon, his dejected mood shifted into a mysterious smile, a solution taking form in his brain. As long as the other two conditions aren't as harsh as this 'girl' one, perhaps the awakening process of miracle euphony isn't impossible. Hehe.

For some reason, the more Void processed this thought, the more plausible it became. A fleeting thought that might potentially result in the future idol of mystery and miracles, unknown to him.

Nevertheless, for now, his bubble was destined to be busted again.

Irish adopted a mentor-like stance and responded, (Out of the 3 natural conditions, naturally, the first condition is being born as a girl, and a pure-natured one at that. The second condition is having a high nature affinity. And for your information, attaining nature affinity isn't easy. The nature sub-element is one of the rarest and most prominent in the sub-elemental category, and aptitude to this specific sub-element is something one must be born with, not something that can be acquired through any means... At least that's what my history tutor said.) Irish paused, gnashing her teeth at the recollection of her sadistic teacher.

From her frustrated expression, Void could tell that her supposed teacher is not good material. Well, not his business.

Aware of the presence of her twin friends, Irish calmed down and continued, (The 3rd and final condition was to have super high natural talent for singing. Your singing needs to touch the hearts of people listening to your music. For that, one needs to achieve constant proficiency in singing and understand the emotional structure of sentient beings. Their lyrics need to contain emotional intent behind every melody and resonate with nature itself. Anyhow, the awakening process of miracle euphony is quite complicated and shrouded in mysteries. Nonetheless, once a girl awakens this secret class, they will obtain unparalleled status among the ability users and could finally be referred to as 'Maestros' in a true sense,) Irish breathed a sigh and concluded.

(You mean like that girl?) Void pointed towards the digital stage. Subsequently, the girl singing among the disco lighting finished her performance, causing applause to resonate due to her excellent singing.

(Yes, the girl is not only showcasing her singing talent. She is capitalizing on the opportunity of performing in front aa crowd to further her proficiency. Moreover, Additionally, since the audience consists of children her age group in accordance with her mental capacity, she can better relate and comprehend more in-depth emotional structures aligning with her little audience. By doing so, she could improve her emotional intent on a similarity level, expanding her resonance and connection with nature. If my hunch is correct, this girl should be on the verge of awakening miracle euphony or might have already awakened it, hehe. Who knows?) At the end, Irish smiled mysteriously, clapping along with the other children.

(Sister Irish, are you acquainted with that girl?) Sora curiously asked.

(Like I said, who knows. Hehehe.) Irish's mysterious smile only intensified, her response cryptic..

In the meantime, Void, whose hopes and fanatical plan were crushed into oblivion, dejectedly sighed, his hollow eyes fixed on the disappearing back of the maestro girl. (The dialogue of that novel protagonist is right; the world is unfair,) he blankly muttered. Nevertheless, even in sorrow, his brain didn't stop processing the new information he gained, and for some reason, he felt like something didn't add up. If miracle euphony is just another route for awakening, then things really didn't add up. After all, it's common knowledge that there are diverse ancient awakening paths in existence.

And even if miracle euphony has an additional aspect of granting access to material immersion without the need for formulating a source, it still didn't deserve the unparalleled status Irish mentioned... Unless there's more to the miracle euphony and being a maestro... A deeper explanation that remains veiled under Taboos.

Observing Void's dejected expression, Sora felt an unknown ache in her heart, affecting her breath to hitch in an irregular pause. (Onii-Onii-chan... I believe you should have more faith in Mama... I'm certain she will find a solution to ~)

(Excuse me, Glaze Princess, I am Azul Cadzel. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.) 🌀