
If a dragon ball reader was in Skibidi toilet?

A random man died who used to love dragon ball and was instead isakai'd to Skibidi toilet, he doesn't knows Skibidi toilet plot well soooo... He screwed..... Or is he? starts in the episode where titan speaker man is inflected!

perrin_b · その他
2 Chs

Chapter: ???

(( total word count: 1,695))

(( total word count goal: 1,500+ ))

The bustling streets of Chinatown were alive with energy as Chin made his way home from another long day at work. As an avid fan of Dragon Ball, he often found solace in immersing himself in the epic battles and adventures of Goku and his friends after a tiring day. 

As Chin approached his apartment building, he felt a strange sensation wash over him, like a ripple in the fabric of reality itself. Confusion clouded his mind as he stumbled forward, grasping for something, anything to anchor himself to. And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the sensation subsided, leaving Chin standing in a place that was both familiar and utterly foreign.

He blinked in disbelief as he surveyed his surroundings. Gone were the familiar sights and sounds of Chinatown. In their place stood rows of gleaming white tiles and the faint scent of cleaning products. Chin found himself standing in what appeared to be a restroom, but unlike any he had ever seen before.

"What in the world..." Chin muttered, his voice echoing off the tiled walls.

As he tried to make sense of his surroundings, a holographic interface materialized before him, casting an ethereal glow in the dimly lit space. Chin stared at it in awe, his mind racing with questions.

"Welcome, Chin," a robotic voice intoned. "You have been chosen as a contestant in the ultimate quest for power. Your mission is to increase your power level and conquer the challenges that lie ahead."

Chin's heart skipped a beat as he listened to the disembodied voice. A quest for power? It sounded like something straight out of one of his favorite anime series, but this was no fantasy. This was reality, or at least some twisted version of it.

With a mixture of apprehension and excitement, Chin reached out to touch the holographic interface, eager to learn more about his new circumstances. As he navigated through the menus, a flood of information filled his mind. He learned about the system that would guide him on his journey, revealing his power level and presenting him with challenges to overcome.

It was a daunting prospect, to say the least. But Chin knew he couldn't afford to hesitate. If he wanted to survive in this strange new world, he would need to adapt quickly and embrace the opportunities that lay before him.

With newfound resolve, Chin set out to explore his surroundings, determined to uncover the secrets of this bizarre place and prove himself worthy of the power he sought. But as he ventured deeper into the labyrinthine corridors and shadowy chambers, he soon realized that he was not alone.

Strange and otherworldly creatures lurked in the shadows, their eyes gleaming with malice and hunger. With each step he took, Chin could sense the tension in the air, the palpable threat of danger lurking around every corner.

As Chin ventured deeper into the labyrinthine corridors of the mysterious place, he stumbled upon a room filled with rows of toilets, each with its lid closed. At first glance, they seemed like ordinary fixtures, but as Chin approached cautiously, he noticed something unsettling. The toilets had heads protruding from their bowls, their expressions twisted into grotesque griminess.

Power level: 40

His heart pounding in his chest, Chin's mind raced with disbelief. "Skibidi toilets?" he muttered, the memory of a peculiar YouTube video surfacing in his thoughts. He remembered watching it out of boredom not too long ago, never imagining he would encounter such bizarre creatures in real life.

Before he could fully process the surreal sight before him, the toilets sprang to life with a cacophony of gurgling and spluttering. With a malevolent gleam in their eyes, they lunged towards Chin, their porcelain bodies contorting unnaturally.

Panic gripped Chin as he realized he was facing an imminent threat unlike anything he had ever encountered. His hands trembled as he desperately tried to recall any shred of information that could help him survive this ordeal. But the truth was undeniable – he had never fought before in his life.

Just as Chin felt the icy fingers of fear tightening around his throat, a message appeared before him in the holographic interface. "Quest: Defeat the Five Skibidi Toilets."

With a surge of determination, Chin focused his attention on the toilets, searching for any sign of weakness. And then, it clicked. He remembered their one vulnerability – the flusher on top of each toilet.

Summoning every ounce of courage he possessed, Chin darted between the charging toilets, dodging their attacks barely with no precision at all. With a swift motion, he leaped onto the back of the nearest toilet and grabbed hold of its flusher.

With a resounding click, Chin activated the flusher and accidentally ripped it off, unleashing a torrent of water that engulfed the toilet in a dazzling display of death. One by one, he repeated the process and barely dodging all the remaining toilets attacks, 2 the heads of each of the remaining toilets. until the room fell silent once more.

As the echoes of battle faded, Chin felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins. The holographic interface lit up with notifications, announcing his victory and rewarding him with a significant power level boost and mastery over KI – a skill straight out of his favorite anime series. 

Then he decided to look at his status: 

Name: Chan Len

Power level: 50

KI energy storage: 10

Skills: Fly: -1 KI per minute

Available Quests: 1. learn were you are in the plot: rewards: +70 power level and +30 ki storage: common

2. Kill any 25 of any Skibidi toilets: reward: +30 power level, +10 KI storage, and basic KI blast: common

3. Kill any 5 huge Skibidi toilets: rewards: +75 power level, +25 KI storage and KI recovery: common

4. Locked


Chin looked at his status in surprise, Chin thought the challenges were rare in the system. But it looks like the system is being nice to him, by giving him more quests than Chin can chew. Chin thoughts were to do the quests immediately, but he resisted himself to do the quests. Instead Chin will test his abilities first before going into battle, Chin decides to test his level of power and his KI from his favorite anime.

 Chin test his power by punching a thick wall, which broke on impact. A massive hole was made in the middle of the fist that Chin made, the wall was going to fall down so Chin ran away from the collision of the bathroom. Chin speed was faster than expected so Chin fell down, barely dodging the collision of the bathroom.

After the bathroom was completely destroyed into basically nothingness of the collision - Chin got up and looked around his surroundings again. Chin just figured out that his level of power is the exact same of a certain Protagonist, named Goku. 

Chin definitely remembers Goku feats as a kid in the first world tournament, so Chin concludes that he has the same power of kid Goku. Chin knows he can't beat him in battle experience and pure skill but in experience, maybe. Chin quickly got his surroundings cleared afterwards, Chin made sure to see if he had any injuries before continuing out of the rubble of the non existing bathroom. 

As Chin emerged from the rubble of the destroyed bathroom, he took a moment to assess himself for any injuries. Surprisingly, he found himself unscathed, a testament to the durability granted by his new power level of 50. 

Chin can only imagine what level is beyond 50, what kind of destruction can it make and also what level is his durability? But then Chin remembers that he is testing out his new abilities, so he does the next thing on the list - his flying capability! Chin tries to fly by force at first but remembers that he needs meditation or focus to activate it at first, so Chin had to focus first and after a full minute - he was flying or more accurate hovering!

Chin was excited, because he always wanted to fly like his hero, - ! Chin then remembered that he was not exactly flying, he was hovering! Chin was upset that he wasn't flying like his hero, named Goku! Chin quickly tried again and tried again, then after the first hour.

Chin decided to just to give up, because after the first hour he could Hovering more than usual. Chin hoped that his system can make his KI flight can get a upgrade, before he lost his mind. Chin was thinking all this stuff when walking down a random street, after a bit of walking and thinking. 

Chin was attacked! By a group of Skibidi toilets or more accurate, Five normal Skibidi toilets, three rocket Skibidi toilets, and a large toilet.

Power level: 40

Power level: 65 - 70

Power level: 160

Chin was terrified that he was facing a group of Skibidi toilets, which were pretty strong in this verse. Chin got confident, that he has a 50 level of power. Which is nothing compared to the Skibidi toilets in front of him, Chin quickly got ready for battle against these toilets. But unknown to Chin, he will have the biggest beat down of his life.

Author page: 

I hope you enjoy and have a Skibidi time!