
I Learnt Something New

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." Carl Bard


I look at each of my eight brothers, all standing in a line.  First Prince Alaric is the competent crown prince and dies one year after I leave.  Second Prince Murdoch is a real playboy who doesn't listen to father and the last Prince to die.  Third Prince Leod is hot-tempered and the fourth to die, with Fourth Prince Clement following as the fifth.  Fifth Prince Rai is the peacemaker and was the second last Prince to die.  Sixth Prince Brutus was the one to ascend.  That left seventh Prince Milan and eighth Prince Sandor, the second and third Princes to die.

Seeing all of my brothers still alive was nostalgic.  After father walked past them, I curtsey.  "Good morning, older brothers.  I hope you have all been well this past fortnight."  Only eighth brother, third brother and seventh brother glance at me.  The rest leave without a backward glance.

"Good morning, sister," eighth brother smiles, bowing to me.

"Eighth brother. How have you been?"  I curtsey once more.  In the palace, manners were everything.

"We're fine, sister. What we should be asking, is how are you?" seventh brother asks.

"I'm perfectly alright. Much better now."  My smile is very bright and cheerful, the complete opposite of how I was feeling.  Yes, I did love my three older brothers, but I wanted to start my plan and to do that, I needed to get into first brother Alaric's good books. "I wish to know how first brother is...I feel a need to know more about him and what he has to do as crown prince..."

"Why do you want to know that?" third brother asks in confusion.  His speech turned informal due to his shock.

"Because I will eventually be sent off in a political marriage.  I wish to know where I'll be sent off to, and first brother is the one who will know first."  I look up at them with innocent, begging eyes.

"How do you know that?" ninth brother asks.  He looks murderous.

"Fourth brother said so."

"Why would Clement say something like that?"  All four of my brothers were angry.  I couldn't help by smile wryly.

"He said that I need to act more like a princess because one day, I will become another Kingdom's Queen or another Prince's concubine."

"I will not let you become some Prince's concubine.  You are my precious little sister.  I will not let father use you like this," ninth brother states firmly.

"I don't want to be used..." I say sadly.  All those memories of Asmodeus came back in a rush.  "Big brothers, how do I stop this?"

"One of us will have to become King, or you, yourself, become Queen."

"Queen?  But that's never happened before!"  Yes!  This was going according to plan.

"It actually has, Adi."

"I was never taught.  What happened?"

"That's because it's a dark part of history no King wishes to remember.  No King wants to remember that all the Kingdoms were run by Queens at some point because the women rebelled.  No Kingdom wants another rebellion.  The worst part about it is we were taught that men are above women, yet women were once rulers of the Kingdoms.  If the Queens didn't just have sons and no daughters, the rule would have remained under the grasp of women."  My eyes widened at the thought.  A Kingdom run by women.  That would be paradise.

"That sounds like a woman's paradise," I sigh.  My tone turned informal too.

"Exactly, which is why you weren't taught about it.  It's so you don't have any thoughts of taking the throne."  My eyes harden slightly.

"Who was the Queen of Australia?"  I ask curiously.

"It was during the blackout period.  You do remember there was a blackout period for all of the Kingdoms, right?  It was during those blackout periods that the Queens were in power."

"Those blackout periods were a rather long time."

"Yes.  It's nearly 100 years, isn't it?  That's because the Queens were so vigilant, it was too hard for them to be assassinated, so they lived longer."

"Wow," I sigh. "I can't believe I learnt something so new and exciting.  It's all so much to take in."  I couldn't believe that women once ascended to the throne.  That means it could be done.  I just needed supporters.

"I know, right? Our moms are always trying to make us take the throne, but I don't want it.  I don't think many of us really do."

"Who wants the throne then?"  I was curious as to who wanted the throne apart from Brutus.

"I'd say...Brutus is the one who wants the throne the most...Then probably Clement and Alaric."

"But first brother is expected to take the throne since he's the firstborn..."

"Just because he's firstborn doesn't mean he is going to become King.  Father actually likes Brutus more than Alaric."

"Why does father like sixth brother?"

"Because Brutus has the drive to kill the rest of us."

"Then father would hate second brother for sure."

"That's right. Father is forever disappointed in his second son.  Murdoch's actually the hardest brother to kill."

"Why is that?"  I thought second brother was useless.  So how is it that second brother is the hardest to kill?  He's always so social and free!

"Because he's probably the most skilled out of all of us."

"He's...skilled...?"  All four of my brothers look at me in surprise.

"You didn't know?" Ninth brother asks.

"Know what?"

"Murdoch is more skilled than both Alaric and Brutus.  On top of that, he's smarter than Clement.  Father actually wanted to make him the crown prince, but Murdoch declined."

"So that's why second brother Murdoch acts like a playboy."  My brothers nod.  "So why doesn't he want the throne?"

"Because he hates the idea of being tied down by responsibilities," third brother sighs.

"He's always wanted to travel around the world," eighth brother adds.

"And he truly is a free spirit at heart," seventh brother chimes in.

"...Doesn't that make him the perfect person to help me gain the throne?"  My four brothers look at each other in surprise.  They hadn't actually thought of going to second brother for help.

"You're right," they say in unison.  I suddenly realise we were still standing outside, and it was getting pretty chilly. I shiver, rubbing my arms.

"Um...big brothers... I would like to go inside now.  It's getting pretty cold."  The only reason why we were even chatting outside was that the walls had ears.  Who knew if someone was trying to listen in to our conversation.  Outside was safest.

"Oh, right. Sorry, Adi.  We forgot you felt the cold more than us," seventh brother Mil with a rueful grin.  They quickly hustle me into the castle.

Although I said it was a castle, our home is actually just a huge white house.  It's 300 metres long and 300 metres wide, has a floor area of more than 250,000 square metres and contains 4,500 rooms, but most of them aren't actually being used.

My room is in the south, where I can see part of the nine hectares of native gardens.  It is absolutely breathtaking, and I wouldn't change the scenery.  Mother doesn't like my room because it's too exposed.  Assassins could easily hide behind trees or bushes, and I'd be killed before I knew it, but I genuinely don't mind.

My brothers and I head to eighth brother's room, which is to the east.  From his room, you can see more of the nine hectares of garden, along with some stone lion statues that seem to come from the Kingdom of Asia.

"Can you tell me more about second brother?  I want to get along with as many of our other brothers as I can...though I don't think I can get along with sixth brother...or fourth brother..."

"I don't think any of us can get along with Brutus or Clement.  They're just too cruel or cold for us.  It's like we're not even family to them. Only some business associates or enemies."  Seventh brother looks a little sad at the thought.  He was close to our sixth and fourth brothers when he was younger.

"I think killing Brutus would be the best," eighth brother sighs.  The other three nod in agreement.  I frown, feeling somewhat troubled.  I had that deep-seated hatred for sixth brother when I died, but seeing them all alive and well tugged at my heartstrings.  I couldn't help but remember when my mother and I were still living close to my brothers when my sixth brother and I were very close.

"I don't want to kill any of our brothers."  That was the problem now.

"We don't either, but Brutus is cruel.  If you take the throne, he won't stop trying to hurt you."

"He may be bigger and stronger than me, but he's not smarter than me."

"He's smarter than you think, Adi," seventh brother warns.  We reach eighth brother's room rather quickly.  This is the first time I'm entering one of my brother's rooms in a long time, and I'm feeling incredibly excited.  We all enter one at a time, third brother coming in last.

"It's spotless," I say with wide eyes as I glance around.

"Of course, it's spotless," eighth brother huffs.

"We do have maids, Adi," third brother reminds me.

"I know, but it's cleaner than my room, and I also have maids."  My brothers were about to say something when we hear someone clearing their throat.

Sorry for the late post. I was supposed to post this a few days ago, but I'm stuck in assignments and exam prep. I'll catch up on the days I've missed.

goldenchild725creators' thoughts